clipboard-ext 0.2.0

A clipboard library providing useful extensions for rust-clipboard. failed to build clipboard-ext-0.2.0
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A clipboard library providing useful extensions for the rust-clipboard library.

I had a growing annoyance with rust-clipboard, because the clipboard is cleared on the Linux/X11 platform when your application exists as per X11 design. The crate maintainer didn't want to implement workarounds (for valid reasons). This clipboard-ext crate provides additional clipboard contexts that solve this, along with a few other additions.

Here are some of these additions:


Get and set clipboard contents. Keeps contents in X11 clipboard after exit by forking the process. Falls back to standard clipboard provider on non X11 platforms. See x11_fork module for details.

use clipboard_ext::prelude::*;
use clipboard_ext::x11_fork::ClipboardContext;

fn main() {
    let mut ctx = ClipboardContext::new().unwrap();
    println!("{:?}", ctx.get_contents());
    ctx.set_contents("some string".into()).unwrap();

Get and set clipboard contents. Keeps contents in X11 clipboard after exit by invoking xclip/xsel. Falls back to standard clipboard provider on non X11 platforms. See x11_bin module for details.

use clipboard_ext::prelude::*;
use clipboard_ext::x11_bin::ClipboardContext;

fn main() {
    let mut ctx = ClipboardContext::new().unwrap();
    println!("{:?}", ctx.get_contents());
    ctx.set_contents("some string".into()).unwrap();


  • Rust 1.40 or above
  • Same requirements as rust-clipboard
  • Requirements noted in specific clipboard context modules

Special thanks

  • to aweinstock314 for building rust-clipboard
  • to everyone involved in all crate dependencies used


This project is dual-licensed under the MIT and Apache2 license.