Crate cht[][src]

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Lockfree hash tables.

The hash tables in this crate are, at their core, open addressing hash tables implemented using open addressing and boxed buckets. The core of these hash tables are bucket arrays, which consist of a vector of atomic pointers to buckets, an atomic pointer to the next bucket array, and an epoch number. In the context of this crate, an atomic pointer is a nullable pointer that is accessed and manipulated using atomic memory operations. Each bucket consists of a key and a possibly-uninitialized value.

The key insight into making the hash table resizeable is to incrementally copy buckets from the old bucket array to the new bucket array. As buckets are copied between bucket arrays, their pointers in the old bucket array are CAS’d with a null pointer that has a sentinel bit set. If the CAS fails, that thread must read the bucket pointer again and retry copying it into the new bucket array. If at any time a thread reads a bucket pointer with the sentinel bit set, that thread knows that a new (larger) bucket array has been allocated. That thread will then immediately attempt to copy all buckets to the new bucket array. It is possible to implement an algorithm in which a subset of buckets are relocated per-thread; such an algorithm has not been implemented for the sake of simplicity.

Bucket pointers that have been copied from an old bucket array into a new bucket array are marked with a borrowed bit. If a thread copies a bucket from an old bucket array into a new bucket array, fails to CAS the bucket pointer in the old bucket array, it attempts to CAS the bucket pointer in the new bucket array that it previously inserted to. If the bucket pointer in the new bucket array does not have the borrowed tag bit set, that thread knows that the value in the new bucket array was modified more recently than the value in the old bucket array. To avoid discarding updates to the new bucket array, a thread will never replace a bucket pointer that has the borrowed tag bit set with one that does not. To see why this is necessary, consider the case where a bucket pointer is copied into the new array, removed from the new array by a second thread, then copied into the new array again by a third thread.

Mutating operations are, at their core, an atomic compare-and-swap (CAS) on a bucket pointer. Insertions CAS null pointers and bucket pointers with matching keys, modifications CAS bucket pointers with matching keys, and removals CAS non-tombstone bucket pointers. Tombstone bucket pointers are bucket pointers with a tombstone bit set as part of a removal; this indicates that the bucket’s value has been moved from and will be destroyed if it has not beel already.

As previously mentioned, removing an entry from the hash table results in that bucket pointer having a tombstone bit set. Insertions cannot displace a tombstone bucket unless their key compares equal, so once an entry is inserted into the hash table, the specific index it is assigned to will only ever hold entries whose keys compare equal. Without this restriction, resizing operations could result in the old and new bucket arrays being temporarily inconsistent. Consider the case where one thread, as part of a resizing operation, copies a bucket into a new bucket array while another thread removes and replaces that bucket from the old bucket array. If the new bucket has a non-matching key, what happens to the bucket that was just copied into the new bucket array?

Tombstone bucket pointers are typically not copied into new bucket arrays. The exception is the case where a bucket pointer was copied to the new bucket array, then CAS on the old bucket array fails because that bucket has been replaced with a tombstone. In this case, the tombstone bucket pointer will be copied over to reflect the update without displacing a key from its bucket.

This hash table algorithm was inspired by a blog post by Jeff Phreshing that describes the implementation of the Linear hash table in Junction, a C++ library of concurrent data structrures. Additional inspiration was drawn from the lockfree hash table described by Cliff Click in a tech talk given at Google in 2007.


pub use map::HashMap;


A lockfree hash map implemented with bucket pointer arrays, open addressing, and linear probing.