[][src]Trait chirpstack_api::ns::network_server_service_server::NetworkServerService

pub trait NetworkServerService: Send + Sync + 'static {
    type StreamFrameLogsForGatewayStream: Stream<Item = Result<StreamFrameLogsForGatewayResponse, Status>> + Send + Sync + 'static;
    type StreamFrameLogsForDeviceStream: Stream<Item = Result<StreamFrameLogsForDeviceResponse, Status>> + Send + Sync + 'static;
#[must_use]    fn create_service_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<CreateServiceProfileRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<CreateServiceProfileResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn get_service_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<GetServiceProfileRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetServiceProfileResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn update_service_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<UpdateServiceProfileRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn delete_service_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<DeleteServiceProfileRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn create_routing_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<CreateRoutingProfileRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<CreateRoutingProfileResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn get_routing_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<GetRoutingProfileRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetRoutingProfileResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn update_routing_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<UpdateRoutingProfileRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn delete_routing_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<DeleteRoutingProfileRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn create_device_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<CreateDeviceProfileRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<CreateDeviceProfileResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn get_device_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<GetDeviceProfileRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetDeviceProfileResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn update_device_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<UpdateDeviceProfileRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn delete_device_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<DeleteDeviceProfileRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn create_device<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<CreateDeviceRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn get_device<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<GetDeviceRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetDeviceResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn update_device<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<UpdateDeviceRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn delete_device<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<DeleteDeviceRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn activate_device<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<ActivateDeviceRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn deactivate_device<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<DeactivateDeviceRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn get_device_activation<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<GetDeviceActivationRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetDeviceActivationResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn create_device_queue_item<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<CreateDeviceQueueItemRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn flush_device_queue_for_dev_eui<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<FlushDeviceQueueForDevEuiRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn get_device_queue_items_for_dev_eui<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<GetDeviceQueueItemsForDevEuiRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetDeviceQueueItemsForDevEuiResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn get_next_downlink_f_cnt_for_dev_eui<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<GetNextDownlinkFCntForDevEuiRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetNextDownlinkFCntForDevEuiResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn get_random_dev_addr<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<()>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetRandomDevAddrResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn create_mac_command_queue_item<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<CreateMacCommandQueueItemRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn send_proprietary_payload<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<SendProprietaryPayloadRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn create_gateway<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<CreateGatewayRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn get_gateway<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<GetGatewayRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetGatewayResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn update_gateway<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<UpdateGatewayRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn delete_gateway<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<DeleteGatewayRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn generate_gateway_client_certificate<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<GenerateGatewayClientCertificateRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GenerateGatewayClientCertificateResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn create_gateway_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<CreateGatewayProfileRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<CreateGatewayProfileResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn get_gateway_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<GetGatewayProfileRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetGatewayProfileResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn update_gateway_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<UpdateGatewayProfileRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn delete_gateway_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<DeleteGatewayProfileRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn get_gateway_stats<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<GetGatewayStatsRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetGatewayStatsResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn stream_frame_logs_for_gateway<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<StreamFrameLogsForGatewayRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<Self::StreamFrameLogsForGatewayStream>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn stream_frame_logs_for_device<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<StreamFrameLogsForDeviceRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<Self::StreamFrameLogsForDeviceStream>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn create_multicast_group<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<CreateMulticastGroupRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<CreateMulticastGroupResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn get_multicast_group<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<GetMulticastGroupRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetMulticastGroupResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn update_multicast_group<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<UpdateMulticastGroupRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn delete_multicast_group<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<DeleteMulticastGroupRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn add_device_to_multicast_group<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<AddDeviceToMulticastGroupRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn remove_device_from_multicast_group<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<RemoveDeviceFromMulticastGroupRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn enqueue_multicast_queue_item<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<EnqueueMulticastQueueItemRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn flush_multicast_queue_for_multicast_group<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<FlushMulticastQueueForMulticastGroupRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn get_multicast_queue_items_for_multicast_group<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<GetMulticastQueueItemsForMulticastGroupRequest>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetMulticastQueueItemsForMulticastGroupResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
#[must_use] fn get_version<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 self,
        request: Request<()>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetVersionResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
; }

Generated trait containing gRPC methods that should be implemented for use with NetworkServerServiceServer.

Associated Types

type StreamFrameLogsForGatewayStream: Stream<Item = Result<StreamFrameLogsForGatewayResponse, Status>> + Send + Sync + 'static

Server streaming response type for the StreamFrameLogsForGateway method.

type StreamFrameLogsForDeviceStream: Stream<Item = Result<StreamFrameLogsForDeviceResponse, Status>> + Send + Sync + 'static

Server streaming response type for the StreamFrameLogsForDevice method.

Loading content...

Required methods

#[must_use]fn create_service_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<CreateServiceProfileRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<CreateServiceProfileResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

CreateServiceProfile creates the given service-profile.

#[must_use]fn get_service_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<GetServiceProfileRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetServiceProfileResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

GetServiceProfile returns the service-profile matching the given id.

#[must_use]fn update_service_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<UpdateServiceProfileRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

UpdateServiceProfile updates the given service-profile.

#[must_use]fn delete_service_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<DeleteServiceProfileRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

DeleteServiceProfile deletes the service-profile matching the given id.

#[must_use]fn create_routing_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<CreateRoutingProfileRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<CreateRoutingProfileResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

CreateRoutingProfile creates the given routing-profile.

#[must_use]fn get_routing_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<GetRoutingProfileRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetRoutingProfileResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

GetRoutingProfile returns the routing-profile matching the given id.

#[must_use]fn update_routing_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<UpdateRoutingProfileRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

UpdateRoutingProfile updates the given routing-profile.

#[must_use]fn delete_routing_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<DeleteRoutingProfileRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

DeleteRoutingProfile deletes the routing-profile matching the given id.

#[must_use]fn create_device_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<CreateDeviceProfileRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<CreateDeviceProfileResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

CreateDeviceProfile creates the given device-profile.

#[must_use]fn get_device_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<GetDeviceProfileRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetDeviceProfileResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

GetDeviceProfile returns the device-profile matching the given id.

#[must_use]fn update_device_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<UpdateDeviceProfileRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

UpdateDeviceProfile updates the given device-profile.

#[must_use]fn delete_device_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<DeleteDeviceProfileRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

DeleteDeviceProfile deletes the device-profile matching the given id.

#[must_use]fn create_device<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<CreateDeviceRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

CreateDevice creates the given device.

#[must_use]fn get_device<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<GetDeviceRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetDeviceResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

GetDevice returns the device matching the given DevEUI.

#[must_use]fn update_device<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<UpdateDeviceRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

UpdateDevice updates the given device.

#[must_use]fn delete_device<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<DeleteDeviceRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

DeleteDevice deletes the device matching the given DevEUI.

#[must_use]fn activate_device<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<ActivateDeviceRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

ActivateDevice activates a device (ABP).

#[must_use]fn deactivate_device<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<DeactivateDeviceRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

DeactivateDevice de-activates a device.

#[must_use]fn get_device_activation<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<GetDeviceActivationRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetDeviceActivationResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

GetDeviceActivation returns the device activation details.

#[must_use]fn create_device_queue_item<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<CreateDeviceQueueItemRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

CreateDeviceQueueItem creates the given device-queue item.

#[must_use]fn flush_device_queue_for_dev_eui<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<FlushDeviceQueueForDevEuiRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

FlushDeviceQueueForDevEUI flushes the device-queue for the given DevEUI.

#[must_use]fn get_device_queue_items_for_dev_eui<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<GetDeviceQueueItemsForDevEuiRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetDeviceQueueItemsForDevEuiResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

GetDeviceQueueItemsForDevEUI returns all device-queue items for the given DevEUI.

GetNextDownlinkFCntForDevEUI returns the next FCnt that must be used. This also takes device-queue items for the given DevEUI into consideration.

#[must_use]fn get_random_dev_addr<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<()>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetRandomDevAddrResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

GetRandomDevAddr returns a random DevAddr taking the NwkID prefix into account.

#[must_use]fn create_mac_command_queue_item<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<CreateMacCommandQueueItemRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

CreateMACCommandQueueItem adds the downlink mac-command to the queue.

#[must_use]fn send_proprietary_payload<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<SendProprietaryPayloadRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

SendProprietaryPayload send a payload using the 'Proprietary' LoRaWAN message-type.

#[must_use]fn create_gateway<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<CreateGatewayRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

CreateGateway creates the given gateway.

#[must_use]fn get_gateway<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<GetGatewayRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetGatewayResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

GetGateway returns data for a particular gateway.

#[must_use]fn update_gateway<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<UpdateGatewayRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

UpdateGateway updates an existing gateway.

#[must_use]fn delete_gateway<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<DeleteGatewayRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

DeleteGateway deletes a gateway.

#[must_use]fn generate_gateway_client_certificate<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<GenerateGatewayClientCertificateRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GenerateGatewayClientCertificateResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

GenerateGatewayClientCertificate returns TLS certificate gateway authentication / authorization. This endpoint can ony be used when ChirpStack Network Server is configured with a gateway CA certificate and key, which is used for signing the TLS certificate. The returned TLS certificate will have the Gateway ID as Common Name.

#[must_use]fn create_gateway_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<CreateGatewayProfileRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<CreateGatewayProfileResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

CreateGatewayProfile creates the given gateway-profile.

#[must_use]fn get_gateway_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<GetGatewayProfileRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetGatewayProfileResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

GetGatewayProfile returns the gateway-profile given an id.

#[must_use]fn update_gateway_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<UpdateGatewayProfileRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

UpdateGatewayProfile updates the given gateway-profile.

#[must_use]fn delete_gateway_profile<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<DeleteGatewayProfileRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

DeleteGatewayProfile deletes the gateway-profile matching a given id.

#[must_use]fn get_gateway_stats<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<GetGatewayStatsRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetGatewayStatsResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

GetGatewayStats returns stats of an existing gateway. Deprecated (stats are forwarded to Application Server API).

#[must_use]fn stream_frame_logs_for_gateway<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<StreamFrameLogsForGatewayRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<Self::StreamFrameLogsForGatewayStream>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

StreamFrameLogsForGateway returns a stream of frames seen by the given gateway.

#[must_use]fn stream_frame_logs_for_device<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<StreamFrameLogsForDeviceRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<Self::StreamFrameLogsForDeviceStream>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

StreamFrameLogsForDevice returns a stream of frames seen by the given device.

#[must_use]fn create_multicast_group<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<CreateMulticastGroupRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<CreateMulticastGroupResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

CreateMulticastGroup creates the given multicast-group.

#[must_use]fn get_multicast_group<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<GetMulticastGroupRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetMulticastGroupResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

GetMulticastGroup returns the multicast-group given an id.

#[must_use]fn update_multicast_group<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<UpdateMulticastGroupRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

UpdateMulticastGroup updates the given multicast-group.

#[must_use]fn delete_multicast_group<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<DeleteMulticastGroupRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

DeleteMulticastGroup deletes a multicast-group given an id.

#[must_use]fn add_device_to_multicast_group<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<AddDeviceToMulticastGroupRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

AddDeviceToMulticastGroup adds the given device to the given multicast-group.

#[must_use]fn remove_device_from_multicast_group<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<RemoveDeviceFromMulticastGroupRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

RemoveDeviceFromMulticastGroup removes the given device from the given multicast-group.

#[must_use]fn enqueue_multicast_queue_item<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<EnqueueMulticastQueueItemRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

EnqueueMulticastQueueItem enqueues the given multicast queue-item and increments the frame-counter after enqueueing.

#[must_use]fn flush_multicast_queue_for_multicast_group<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<FlushMulticastQueueForMulticastGroupRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<()>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

FlushMulticastQueueForMulticastGroup flushes the multicast device-queue given a multicast-group id.

#[must_use]fn get_multicast_queue_items_for_multicast_group<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<GetMulticastQueueItemsForMulticastGroupRequest>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetMulticastQueueItemsForMulticastGroupResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

GetMulticastQueueItemsForMulticastGroup returns the queue-items given a multicast-group id.

#[must_use]fn get_version<'life0, 'async_trait>(
    &'life0 self,
    request: Request<()>
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Response<GetVersionResponse>, Status>> + Send + 'async_trait>> where
    'life0: 'async_trait,
    Self: 'async_trait, 

GetVersion returns the ChirpStack Network Server version.

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