Trait chbs::component::traits::WordProvider[][src]

pub trait WordProvider: HasEntropy + Debug + Iterator<Item = String> + Clone {
    fn word(&mut self) -> String;

Something that provides random words.

A word provider is used to provide any number of words for passphrase generation. Whether random words are genrated, or whether they are sampled from a known wordlist is undefined and decided by the implementor. Providers must be infinite and should never deplete. It is possible that the same word may be obtained more than once.

When generating a passphrase a set of words is obtained from a word provider by subsequent calls to word.

This trait is not used as component kind on Scheme, it may however be useful to implement on types that support this functionallity. In addition to that, the WordSetProvider should be easy to implement on types that implement this trait.

Required Methods

Obtain a random word.

This method should obtain and return a random word from the provider. The randomization must be cryptographically secure as it's used for generating passphrases.
