[][src]Trait chalk_solve::RustIrDatabase

pub trait RustIrDatabase<I: Interner>: Debug {
    pub fn custom_clauses(&self) -> Vec<ProgramClause<I>>;
pub fn associated_ty_data(
        ty: AssocTypeId<I>
    ) -> Arc<AssociatedTyDatum<I>>;
pub fn trait_datum(&self, trait_id: TraitId<I>) -> Arc<TraitDatum<I>>;
pub fn adt_datum(&self, adt_id: AdtId<I>) -> Arc<AdtDatum<I>>;
pub fn generator_datum(
        generator_id: GeneratorId<I>
    ) -> Arc<GeneratorDatum<I>>;
pub fn generator_witness_datum(
        generator_id: GeneratorId<I>
    ) -> Arc<GeneratorWitnessDatum<I>>;
pub fn adt_repr(&self, id: AdtId<I>) -> Arc<AdtRepr<I>>;
pub fn fn_def_datum(&self, fn_def_id: FnDefId<I>) -> Arc<FnDefDatum<I>>;
pub fn impl_datum(&self, impl_id: ImplId<I>) -> Arc<ImplDatum<I>>;
pub fn associated_ty_value(
        id: AssociatedTyValueId<I>
    ) -> Arc<AssociatedTyValue<I>>;
pub fn opaque_ty_data(&self, id: OpaqueTyId<I>) -> Arc<OpaqueTyDatum<I>>;
pub fn hidden_opaque_type(&self, id: OpaqueTyId<I>) -> Ty<I>;
pub fn impls_for_trait(
        trait_id: TraitId<I>,
        parameters: &[GenericArg<I>],
        binders: &CanonicalVarKinds<I>
    ) -> Vec<ImplId<I>>;
pub fn local_impls_to_coherence_check(
        trait_id: TraitId<I>
    ) -> Vec<ImplId<I>>;
pub fn impl_provided_for(
        auto_trait_id: TraitId<I>,
        ty: &TyKind<I>
    ) -> bool;
pub fn well_known_trait_id(
        well_known_trait: WellKnownTrait
    ) -> Option<TraitId<I>>;
pub fn program_clauses_for_env(
        environment: &Environment<I>
    ) -> ProgramClauses<I>;
pub fn interner(&self) -> &I;
pub fn is_object_safe(&self, trait_id: TraitId<I>) -> bool;
pub fn closure_kind(
        closure_id: ClosureId<I>,
        substs: &Substitution<I>
    ) -> ClosureKind;
pub fn closure_inputs_and_output(
        closure_id: ClosureId<I>,
        substs: &Substitution<I>
    ) -> Binders<FnDefInputsAndOutputDatum<I>>;
pub fn closure_upvars(
        closure_id: ClosureId<I>,
        substs: &Substitution<I>
    ) -> Binders<Ty<I>>;
pub fn closure_fn_substitution(
        closure_id: ClosureId<I>,
        substs: &Substitution<I>
    ) -> Substitution<I>;
pub fn unification_database(&self) -> &dyn UnificationDatabase<I>;
pub fn discriminant_type(&self, ty: Ty<I>) -> Ty<I>; pub fn trait_name(&self, trait_id: TraitId<I>) -> String { ... }
pub fn adt_name(&self, adt_id: AdtId<I>) -> String { ... }
pub fn assoc_type_name(&self, assoc_ty_id: AssocTypeId<I>) -> String { ... }
pub fn opaque_type_name(&self, opaque_ty_id: OpaqueTyId<I>) -> String { ... }
pub fn fn_def_name(&self, fn_def_id: FnDefId<I>) -> String { ... } }

Trait representing access to a database of rust types.

*_name methods

This trait has a number of *_name methods with default implementations. These are used in the implementation for LoggingRustIrDatabase, so that when printing .chalk files equivalent to the data used, we can use real names.

The default implementations simply fall back to calling Interner debug methods, and printing "UnknownN" (where N is the demultiplexing integer) if those methods return None.

The display::sanitize_debug_name utility is used in the default implementations, and might be useful when providing custom implementations.

Required methods

pub fn custom_clauses(&self) -> Vec<ProgramClause<I>>[src]

Returns any "custom program clauses" that do not derive from Rust IR. Used only in testing the underlying solver.

pub fn associated_ty_data(
    ty: AssocTypeId<I>
) -> Arc<AssociatedTyDatum<I>>

Returns the datum for the associated type with the given id.

pub fn trait_datum(&self, trait_id: TraitId<I>) -> Arc<TraitDatum<I>>[src]

Returns the datum for the definition with the given id.

pub fn adt_datum(&self, adt_id: AdtId<I>) -> Arc<AdtDatum<I>>[src]

Returns the datum for the ADT with the given id.

pub fn generator_datum(
    generator_id: GeneratorId<I>
) -> Arc<GeneratorDatum<I>>

Returns the generator datum for the generator with the given id.

pub fn generator_witness_datum(
    generator_id: GeneratorId<I>
) -> Arc<GeneratorWitnessDatum<I>>

Returns the generator witness datum for the generator with the given id.

pub fn adt_repr(&self, id: AdtId<I>) -> Arc<AdtRepr<I>>[src]

Returns the representation for the ADT definition with the given id.

pub fn fn_def_datum(&self, fn_def_id: FnDefId<I>) -> Arc<FnDefDatum<I>>[src]

Returns the datum for the fn definition with the given id.

pub fn impl_datum(&self, impl_id: ImplId<I>) -> Arc<ImplDatum<I>>[src]

Returns the datum for the impl with the given id.

pub fn associated_ty_value(
    id: AssociatedTyValueId<I>
) -> Arc<AssociatedTyValue<I>>

Returns the AssociatedTyValue with the given id.

pub fn opaque_ty_data(&self, id: OpaqueTyId<I>) -> Arc<OpaqueTyDatum<I>>[src]

Returns the OpaqueTyDatum with the given id.

pub fn hidden_opaque_type(&self, id: OpaqueTyId<I>) -> Ty<I>[src]

Returns the "hidden type" corresponding with the opaque type.

pub fn impls_for_trait(
    trait_id: TraitId<I>,
    parameters: &[GenericArg<I>],
    binders: &CanonicalVarKinds<I>
) -> Vec<ImplId<I>>

Returns a list of potentially relevant impls for a given trait-id; we also supply the type parameters that we are trying to match (if known: these parameters may contain inference variables, for example). The implementor is permitted to return any superset of the applicable impls; chalk will narrow down the list to only those that truly apply. The parameters are provided as a "hint" to help the implementor do less work, but can be completely ignored if desired.

The binders are for the parameters; if the recursive solver is used, the parameters can contain bound variables referring to these binders.

pub fn local_impls_to_coherence_check(
    trait_id: TraitId<I>
) -> Vec<ImplId<I>>

Returns the impls that require coherence checking. This is not the full set of impls that exist:

  • It can exclude impls not defined in the current crate.
  • It can exclude "built-in" impls, like those for closures; only the impls actually written by users need to be checked.

pub fn impl_provided_for(
    auto_trait_id: TraitId<I>,
    ty: &TyKind<I>
) -> bool

Returns true if there is an explicit impl of the auto trait auto_trait_id for the type ty. This is part of the auto trait handling -- if there is no explicit impl given by the user for ty, then we provide default impls (otherwise, we rely on the impls the user gave).

pub fn well_known_trait_id(
    well_known_trait: WellKnownTrait
) -> Option<TraitId<I>>

Returns id of a trait lang item, if found

pub fn program_clauses_for_env(
    environment: &Environment<I>
) -> ProgramClauses<I>

Calculates program clauses from an env. This is intended to call the program_clauses_for_env function and then possibly cache the clauses.

pub fn interner(&self) -> &I[src]

pub fn is_object_safe(&self, trait_id: TraitId<I>) -> bool[src]

Check if a trait is object safe

pub fn closure_kind(
    closure_id: ClosureId<I>,
    substs: &Substitution<I>
) -> ClosureKind

Gets the ClosureKind for a given closure and substitution.

pub fn closure_inputs_and_output(
    closure_id: ClosureId<I>,
    substs: &Substitution<I>
) -> Binders<FnDefInputsAndOutputDatum<I>>

Gets the inputs and output for a given closure id and substitution. We pass both the ClosureId and it's Substituion to give implementors the freedom to store associated data in the substitution (like rustc) or separately (like chalk-integration).

pub fn closure_upvars(
    closure_id: ClosureId<I>,
    substs: &Substitution<I>
) -> Binders<Ty<I>>

Gets the upvars as a Ty for a given closure id and substitution. There are no restrictions on the type of upvars.

pub fn closure_fn_substitution(
    closure_id: ClosureId<I>,
    substs: &Substitution<I>
) -> Substitution<I>

Gets the substitution for the closure when used as a function. For example, for the following (not-quite-)rust code:

let foo = |a: &mut u32| { a += 1; };
let c: &'a u32 = &0;

This would return a Substitution of [&'a]. This could either be substituted into the inputs and output, or into the upvars.

pub fn unification_database(&self) -> &dyn UnificationDatabase<I>[src]

pub fn discriminant_type(&self, ty: Ty<I>) -> Ty<I>[src]

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Provided methods

pub fn trait_name(&self, trait_id: TraitId<I>) -> String[src]

Retrieves a trait's original name. No uniqueness guarantees, but must a valid Rust identifier.

pub fn adt_name(&self, adt_id: AdtId<I>) -> String[src]

Retrieves a struct's original name. No uniqueness guarantees, but must a valid Rust identifier.

pub fn assoc_type_name(&self, assoc_ty_id: AssocTypeId<I>) -> String[src]

Retrieves the name of an associated type. No uniqueness guarantees, but must a valid Rust identifier.

pub fn opaque_type_name(&self, opaque_ty_id: OpaqueTyId<I>) -> String[src]

Retrieves the name of an opaque type. No uniqueness guarantees, but must a valid Rust identifier.

pub fn fn_def_name(&self, fn_def_id: FnDefId<I>) -> String[src]

Retrieves the name of a function definition. No uniqueness guarantees, but must a valid Rust identifier.

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impl<I, DB, P> RustIrDatabase<I> for LoggingRustIrDatabase<I, DB, P> where
    DB: RustIrDatabase<I>,
    P: Borrow<DB> + Debug,
    I: Interner

impl<I, W, DB, P> RustIrDatabase<I> for WriteOnDropRustIrDatabase<I, W, DB, P> where
    I: Interner,
    W: Write,
    DB: RustIrDatabase<I>,
    P: Borrow<DB> + Debug

pub fn generator_witness_datum(
    generator_id: GeneratorId<I>
) -> Arc<GeneratorWitnessDatum<I>>

Returns the generator witness datum for the generator with the given id.

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