Trait chalk_ir::interner::Interner[][src]

pub trait Interner: Debug + Copy + Eq + Hash + Sized {
Show 76 associated items type InternedType: Debug + Clone + Eq + Hash; type InternedLifetime: Debug + Clone + Eq + Hash; type InternedConst: Debug + Clone + Eq + Hash; type InternedConcreteConst: Debug + Clone + Eq + Hash; type InternedGenericArg: Debug + Clone + Eq + Hash; type InternedGoal: Debug + Clone + Eq + Hash; type InternedGoals: Debug + Clone + Eq + Hash; type InternedSubstitution: Debug + Clone + Eq + Hash; type InternedProgramClauses: Debug + Clone + Eq + Hash; type InternedProgramClause: Debug + Clone + Eq + Hash; type InternedQuantifiedWhereClauses: Debug + Clone + Eq + Hash; type InternedVariableKinds: Debug + Clone + Eq + Hash; type InternedCanonicalVarKinds: Debug + Clone + Eq + Hash; type InternedConstraints: Debug + Clone + Eq + Hash; type InternedVariances: Debug + Clone + Eq + Hash; type DefId: Debug + Copy + Eq + Hash; type InternedAdtId: Debug + Copy + Eq + Hash; type Identifier: Debug + Clone + Eq + Hash; type FnAbi: Debug + Copy + Eq + Hash; fn intern_ty(self, kind: TyKind<Self>) -> Self::InternedType;
fn ty_data<'a>(self, ty: &'a Self::InternedType) -> &'a TyData<Self>;
fn intern_lifetime(
        lifetime: LifetimeData<Self>
    ) -> Self::InternedLifetime;
fn lifetime_data<'a>(
        lifetime: &'a Self::InternedLifetime
    ) -> &'a LifetimeData<Self>;
fn intern_const(self, constant: ConstData<Self>) -> Self::InternedConst;
fn const_data<'a>(
        constant: &'a Self::InternedConst
    ) -> &'a ConstData<Self>;
fn const_eq(
        ty: &Self::InternedType,
        c1: &Self::InternedConcreteConst,
        c2: &Self::InternedConcreteConst
    ) -> bool;
fn intern_generic_arg(
        data: GenericArgData<Self>
    ) -> Self::InternedGenericArg;
fn generic_arg_data<'a>(
        lifetime: &'a Self::InternedGenericArg
    ) -> &'a GenericArgData<Self>;
fn intern_goal(self, data: GoalData<Self>) -> Self::InternedGoal;
fn goal_data<'a>(self, goal: &'a Self::InternedGoal) -> &'a GoalData<Self>;
fn intern_goals<E>(
        data: impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<Goal<Self>, E>>
    ) -> Result<Self::InternedGoals, E>;
fn goals_data<'a>(self, goals: &'a Self::InternedGoals) -> &'a [Goal<Self>];
fn intern_substitution<E>(
        data: impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<GenericArg<Self>, E>>
    ) -> Result<Self::InternedSubstitution, E>;
fn substitution_data<'a>(
        substitution: &'a Self::InternedSubstitution
    ) -> &'a [GenericArg<Self>];
fn intern_program_clause(
        data: ProgramClauseData<Self>
    ) -> Self::InternedProgramClause;
fn program_clause_data<'a>(
        clause: &'a Self::InternedProgramClause
    ) -> &'a ProgramClauseData<Self>;
fn intern_program_clauses<E>(
        data: impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<ProgramClause<Self>, E>>
    ) -> Result<Self::InternedProgramClauses, E>;
fn program_clauses_data<'a>(
        clauses: &'a Self::InternedProgramClauses
    ) -> &'a [ProgramClause<Self>];
fn intern_quantified_where_clauses<E>(
        data: impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<QuantifiedWhereClause<Self>, E>>
    ) -> Result<Self::InternedQuantifiedWhereClauses, E>;
fn quantified_where_clauses_data<'a>(
        clauses: &'a Self::InternedQuantifiedWhereClauses
    ) -> &'a [QuantifiedWhereClause<Self>];
fn intern_generic_arg_kinds<E>(
        data: impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<VariableKind<Self>, E>>
    ) -> Result<Self::InternedVariableKinds, E>;
fn variable_kinds_data<'a>(
        variable_kinds: &'a Self::InternedVariableKinds
    ) -> &'a [VariableKind<Self>];
fn intern_canonical_var_kinds<E>(
        data: impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<CanonicalVarKind<Self>, E>>
    ) -> Result<Self::InternedCanonicalVarKinds, E>;
fn canonical_var_kinds_data<'a>(
        canonical_var_kinds: &'a Self::InternedCanonicalVarKinds
    ) -> &'a [CanonicalVarKind<Self>];
fn intern_constraints<E>(
        data: impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<InEnvironment<Constraint<Self>>, E>>
    ) -> Result<Self::InternedConstraints, E>;
fn constraints_data<'a>(
        constraints: &'a Self::InternedConstraints
    ) -> &'a [InEnvironment<Constraint<Self>>];
fn intern_variances<E>(
        data: impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<Variance, E>>
    ) -> Result<Self::InternedVariances, E>;
fn variances_data<'a>(
        variances: &'a Self::InternedVariances
    ) -> &'a [Variance]; fn debug_adt_id(
        adt_id: AdtId<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_trait_id(
        trait_id: TraitId<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_assoc_type_id(
        type_id: AssocTypeId<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_opaque_ty_id(
        opaque_ty_id: OpaqueTyId<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_fn_def_id(
        fn_def_id: FnDefId<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_closure_id(
        fn_def_id: ClosureId<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_foreign_def_id(
        foreign_def_id: ForeignDefId<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_generator_id(
        generator_id: GeneratorId<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_alias(
        alias: &AliasTy<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_projection_ty(
        projection_ty: &ProjectionTy<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_opaque_ty(
        opaque_ty: &OpaqueTy<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_ty(ty: &Ty<Self>, fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_lifetime(
        lifetime: &Lifetime<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_const(
        constant: &Const<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_generic_arg(
        generic_arg: &GenericArg<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_variable_kinds(
        variable_kinds: &VariableKinds<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_variable_kinds_with_angles(
        variable_kinds: &VariableKinds<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_canonical_var_kinds(
        canonical_var_kinds: &CanonicalVarKinds<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_goal(goal: &Goal<Self>, fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_goals(
        goals: &Goals<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_program_clause_implication(
        pci: &ProgramClauseImplication<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_program_clause(
        clause: &ProgramClause<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_program_clauses(
        clauses: &ProgramClauses<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_substitution(
        substitution: &Substitution<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_separator_trait_ref(
        separator_trait_ref: &SeparatorTraitRef<'_, Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_quantified_where_clauses(
        clauses: &QuantifiedWhereClauses<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_constraints(
        clauses: &Constraints<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
fn debug_variances(
        variances: &Variances<Self>,
        fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>
    ) -> Option<Result> { ... }
Expand description

A “interner” encapsulates the concrete representation of certain “core types” from chalk-ir. All the types in chalk-ir are parameterized by a I: Interner, and so (e.g.) if they want to store a type, they don’t store a Ty<I> instance directly, but rather prefer a Ty<I>. You can think of I::Type as the interned representation (and, indeed, it may well be an interned pointer, e.g. in rustc).

Type families allow chalk to be embedded in different contexts where the concrete representation of core types varies. They also allow us to write generic code that reasons about multiple distinct sets of types by using distinct generic type parameters (e.g., SourceI and TargetI) – even if those type parameters wind up being mapped to the same underlying type families in the end.

Associated Types

“Interned” representation of types. In normal user code, Self::InternedType is not referenced. Instead, we refer to Ty<Self>, which wraps this type.

An InternedType must be something that can be created from a TyKind (by the intern_ty method) and then later converted back (by the ty_data method). The interned form must also introduce indirection, either via a Box, &, or other pointer type.

“Interned” representation of lifetimes. In normal user code, Self::InternedLifetime is not referenced. Instead, we refer to Lifetime<Self>, which wraps this type.

An InternedLifetime must be something that can be created from a LifetimeData (by the intern_lifetime method) and then later converted back (by the lifetime_data method).

“Interned” representation of const expressions. In normal user code, Self::InternedConst is not referenced. Instead, we refer to Const<Self>, which wraps this type.

An InternedConst must be something that can be created from a ConstData (by the intern_const method) and then later converted back (by the const_data method).

“Interned” representation of an evaluated const value. Self::InternedConcreteConst is not referenced. Instead, we refer to ConcreteConst<Self>, which wraps this type.

InternedConcreteConst instances are not created by chalk, it can only make a query asking about equality of two evaluated consts.

“Interned” representation of a “generic parameter”, which can be either a type or a lifetime. In normal user code, Self::InternedGenericArg is not referenced. Instead, we refer to GenericArg<Self>, which wraps this type.

An InternedType is created by intern_generic_arg and can be converted back to its underlying data via generic_arg_data.

“Interned” representation of a “goal”. In normal user code, Self::InternedGoal is not referenced. Instead, we refer to Goal<Self>, which wraps this type.

An InternedGoal is created by intern_goal and can be converted back to its underlying data via goal_data.

“Interned” representation of a list of goals. In normal user code, Self::InternedGoals is not referenced. Instead, we refer to Goals<Self>, which wraps this type.

An InternedGoals is created by intern_goals and can be converted back to its underlying data via goals_data.

“Interned” representation of a “substitution”. In normal user code, Self::InternedSubstitution is not referenced. Instead, we refer to Substitution<Self>, which wraps this type.

An InternedSubstitution is created by intern_substitution and can be converted back to its underlying data via substitution_data.

“Interned” representation of a list of program clauses. In normal user code, Self::InternedProgramClauses is not referenced. Instead, we refer to ProgramClauses<Self>, which wraps this type.

An InternedProgramClauses is created by intern_program_clauses and can be converted back to its underlying data via program_clauses_data.

“Interned” representation of a “program clause”. In normal user code, Self::InternedProgramClause is not referenced. Instead, we refer to ProgramClause<Self>, which wraps this type.

An InternedProgramClause is created by intern_program_clause and can be converted back to its underlying data via program_clause_data.

“Interned” representation of a list of quantified where clauses. In normal user code, Self::InternedQuantifiedWhereClauses is not referenced. Instead, we refer to QuantifiedWhereClauses<Self>, which wraps this type.

An InternedQuantifiedWhereClauses is created by intern_quantified_where_clauses and can be converted back to its underlying data via quantified_where_clauses_data.

“Interned” representation of a list of variable kinds. In normal user code, Self::InternedVariableKinds is not referenced. Instead, we refer to VariableKinds<Self>, which wraps this type.

An InternedVariableKinds is created by intern_generic_arg_kinds and can be converted back to its underlying data via variable_kinds_data.

“Interned” representation of a list of variable kinds with universe index. In normal user code, Self::InternedCanonicalVarKinds is not referenced. Instead, we refer to CanonicalVarKinds<Self>, which wraps this type.

An InternedCanonicalVarKinds is created by intern_canonical_var_kinds and can be converted back to its underlying data via canonical_var_kinds_data.

“Interned” representation of a list of region constraints. In normal user code, Self::InternedConstraints is not referenced. Instead, we refer to Constraints<Self>, which wraps this type.

An InternedConstraints is created by intern_constraints and can be converted back to its underlying data via constraints_data.

“Interned” representation of a list of chalk_ir::Variance. In normal user code, Self::InternedVariances is not referenced. Instead, we refer to Variances<Self>, which wraps this type.

An InternedVariances is created by intern_variances and can be converted back to its underlying data via variances_data.

The core “id” type used for trait-ids and the like.

The ID type for ADTs

Representation of identifiers.

Representation of function ABI (e.g. calling convention).

Required methods

Create an “interned” type from ty. This is not normally invoked directly; instead, you invoke TyKind::intern (which will ultimately call this method).

Lookup the TyKind from an interned type.

Create an “interned” lifetime from lifetime. This is not normally invoked directly; instead, you invoke LifetimeData::intern (which will ultimately call this method).

Lookup the LifetimeData that was interned to create a InternedLifetime.

Create an “interned” const from const. This is not normally invoked directly; instead, you invoke ConstData::intern (which will ultimately call this method).

Lookup the ConstData that was interned to create a InternedConst.

Determine whether two concrete const values are equal.

Create an “interned” parameter from data. This is not normally invoked directly; instead, you invoke GenericArgData::intern (which will ultimately call this method).

Lookup the LifetimeData that was interned to create a InternedLifetime.

Create an “interned” goal from data. This is not normally invoked directly; instead, you invoke GoalData::intern (which will ultimately call this method).

Lookup the GoalData that was interned to create a InternedGoal.

Create an “interned” goals from data. This is not normally invoked directly; instead, you invoke GoalsData::intern (which will ultimately call this method).

Lookup the GoalsData that was interned to create a InternedGoals.

Create an “interned” substitution from data. This is not normally invoked directly; instead, you invoke SubstitutionData::intern (which will ultimately call this method).

Lookup the SubstitutionData that was interned to create a InternedSubstitution.

Create an “interned” program clause from data. This is not normally invoked directly; instead, you invoke ProgramClauseData::intern (which will ultimately call this method).

Lookup the ProgramClauseData that was interned to create a ProgramClause.

Create an “interned” program clauses from data. This is not normally invoked directly; instead, you invoke ProgramClauses::from_iter (which will ultimately call this method).

Lookup the ProgramClauseData that was interned to create a ProgramClause.

Create an “interned” quantified where clauses from data. This is not normally invoked directly; instead, you invoke QuantifiedWhereClauses::from_iter (which will ultimately call this method).

Lookup the slice of QuantifiedWhereClause that was interned to create a QuantifiedWhereClauses.

Create an “interned” parameter kinds from data. This is not normally invoked directly; instead, you invoke VariableKinds::from_iter (which will ultimately call this method).

Lookup the slice of VariableKinds that was interned to create a VariableKinds.

Create “interned” variable kinds with universe index from data. This is not normally invoked directly; instead, you invoke CanonicalVarKinds::from_iter (which will ultimately call this method).

Lookup the slice of CanonicalVariableKind that was interned to create a CanonicalVariableKinds.

Create “interned” constraints from data. This is not normally invoked dirctly; instead, you invoke Constraints::from_iter (which will ultimately call this method).

Lookup the slice of Constraint that was interned to create a Constraints.

Create “interned” variances from data. This is not normally invoked directly; instead, you invoke Variances::from (which will ultimately call this method).

Lookup the slice of Variance that was interned to create a Variances.

Provided methods

Prints the debug representation of a type-kind-id. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of a type-kind-id. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output (e.g., if no info about current program is available from TLS).

Prints the debug representation of a type-kind-id. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of an opaque type. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of a function-def-id. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of a closure id. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of a foreign-def-id. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of an alias. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of an alias. To get good results, this requires inspecting TLS, and is difficult to code without reference to a specific interner (and hence fully known types).

Returns None to fallback to the default debug output (e.g., if no info about current program is available from TLS).

Prints the debug representation of a ProjectionTy. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of an OpaqueTy. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of a type. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of a lifetime. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of a const. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of an parameter. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of a parameter kinds list. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of a parameter kinds list, with angle brackets. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of an parameter kinds list with universe index. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of an goal. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of a list of goals. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of a ProgramClauseImplication. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of a ProgramClause. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of a ProgramClauses. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of a Substitution. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of a SeparatorTraitRef. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of a QuantifiedWhereClauses. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of a Constraints. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.

Prints the debug representation of a Variances. Returns None to fallback to the default debug output.
