Trait capnp::message::Allocator

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pub unsafe trait Allocator {
    // Required methods
    fn allocate_segment(&mut self, minimum_size: u32) -> (*mut u8, u32);
    unsafe fn deallocate_segment(
        &mut self,
        ptr: *mut u8,
        word_size: u32,
        words_used: u32
Expand description

An object that allocates memory for a Cap’n Proto message as it is being built. Users of capnproto-rust who wish to provide memory in non-standard ways should implement this trait. Objects implementing this trait are intended to be wrapped by capnp::private::BuilderArena, which handles calling the methods at the appropriate times, including calling deallocate_segment() on drop.


Implementions must ensure all of the following:

  1. The memory returned by allocate_segment is initialized to all zeroes.
  2. The memory returned by allocate_segment is valid until deallocate_segment() is called on it.
  3. The allocated memory does not overlap with other allocated memory.
  4. The allocated memory is 8-byte aligned (or the “unaligned” feature is enabled for the capnp crate).

Required Methods§


fn allocate_segment(&mut self, minimum_size: u32) -> (*mut u8, u32)

Allocates zeroed memory for a new segment, returning a pointer to the start of the segment and a u32 indicating the length of the segment in words. The allocated segment must be at least minimum_size words long (minimum_size * 8 bytes long). Allocator implementations commonly allocate much more than the minimum, to reduce the total number of segments needed. A reasonable strategy is to allocate the maximum of minimum_size and twice the size of the previous segment.


unsafe fn deallocate_segment( &mut self, ptr: *mut u8, word_size: u32, words_used: u32 )

Indicates that a segment, previously allocated via allocate_segment(), is no longer in use. word_size is the length of the segment in words, as returned from allocate_segment(). words_used is always less than or equal to word_size, and indicates how many words (contiguous from the start of the segment) were possibly written with non-zero values.


Callers must only call this method on a pointer that has previously been been returned from allocate_segment(), and only once on each such segment. word_size must equal the word size returned from allocate_segment(), and words_used must be at most word_size.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<'a, A> Allocator for &'a mut A
where A: Allocator,


fn allocate_segment(&mut self, minimum_size: u32) -> (*mut u8, u32)


unsafe fn deallocate_segment( &mut self, ptr: *mut u8, word_size: u32, words_used: u32 )
