Crate bvh

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A crate which exports rays, axis-aligned bounding boxes, and binary bounding volume hierarchies.


This crate can be used for applications which contain intersection computations of rays with primitives. For this purpose a binary tree Bvh (Bounding Volume Hierarchy) is of great use if the scene which the ray traverses contains a huge number of primitives. With a Bvh the intersection test complexity is reduced from O(n) to O(log2(n)) at the cost of building the Bvh once in advance. This technique is especially useful in ray/path tracers. For use in a shader this module also exports a flattening procedure, which allows for iterative traversal of the Bvh.


If you are concerned about performance and do not mind using nightly, it is recommended to use the simd feature as it introduces explicitly written simd to optimize certain areas of the BVH.


use bvh::aabb::{Aabb, Bounded};
use bvh::bounding_hierarchy::{BHShape, BoundingHierarchy};
use bvh::bvh::Bvh;
use nalgebra::{Point3, Vector3};
use bvh::ray::Ray;

let origin = Point3::new(0.0,0.0,0.0);
let direction = Vector3::new(1.0,0.0,0.0);
let ray = Ray::new(origin, direction);

struct Sphere {
    position: Point3<f32>,
    radius: f32,
    node_index: usize,

impl Bounded<f32,3> for Sphere {
    fn aabb(&self) -> Aabb<f32,3> {
        let half_size = Vector3::new(self.radius, self.radius, self.radius);
        let min = self.position - half_size;
        let max = self.position + half_size;
        Aabb::with_bounds(min, max)

impl BHShape<f32,3> for Sphere {
    fn set_bh_node_index(&mut self, index: usize) {
        self.node_index = index;

    fn bh_node_index(&self) -> usize {

let mut spheres = Vec::new();
for i in 0..1000u32 {
    let position = Point3::new(i as f32, i as f32, i as f32);
    let radius = (i % 10) as f32 + 1.0;
    spheres.push(Sphere {
        position: position,
        radius: radius,
        node_index: 0,

let bvh = Bvh::build_par(&mut spheres);
let hit_sphere_aabbs = bvh.traverse(&ray, &spheres);


  • serde (default disabled) - adds Serialize and Deserialize implementations for some types
  • simd (default disabled) - adds explicitly written SIMD instructions for certain architectures (requires nightly)
