pub trait Decodable: Sized {
    fn consensus_decode_from_finite_reader<R: Read + ?Sized>(
        reader: &mut R
    ) -> Result<Self, Error> { ... } fn consensus_decode<R: Read + ?Sized>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Self, Error> { ... } }
Expand description

Data which can be encoded in a consensus-consistent way

Provided Methods

Decode Self from a size-limited reader.

Like consensus_decode but relies on the reader being limited in the amount of data it returns, e.g. by being wrapped in std::io::Take.

Failling to obide to this requirement might lead to memory exhaustion caused by malicious inputs.

Users should default to consensus_decode, but when data to be decoded is already in a byte vector of a limited size, calling this function directly might be marginally faster (due to avoiding extra checks).

Rules for trait implementations
  • Simple types that that have a fixed size (own and member fields), don’t have to overwrite this method, or be concern with it.
  • Types that deserialize using externally provided length should implement it:
    • Make consensus_decode forward to consensus_decode_bytes_from_finite_reader with the reader wrapped by Take. Failure to do so, without other forms of memory exhaustion protection might lead to resource exhaustion vulnerability.
    • Put a max cap on things like Vec::with_capacity to avoid oversized allocations, and rely on the reader running out of data, and collections reallocating on a legitimately oversized input data, instead of trying to enforce arbitrary length limits.
  • Types that contain other types that implement custom consensus_decode_from_finite_reader, should also implement it applying same rules, and in addition make sure to call consensus_decode_from_finite_reader on all members, to avoid creating redundant Take wrappers. Failure to do so might result only in a tiny performance hit.

Decode an object with a well-defined format.

This is the method that should be implemented for a typical, fixed sized type implementing this trait. Default implementation is wrapping the reader in crate::io::Take to limit the input size to MAX_VEC_SIZE, and forwards the call to Self::consensus_decode_from_finite_reader, which is convenient for types that override Self::consensus_decode_from_finite_reader instead.

Implementations on Foreign Types
