Crate bigtools

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Bigtools provides a high-level, performant API for reading and writing bigWig and bigBed files.

The original file format specification for bigWig and bigBed files is defined in this paper:


The entrypoint to reading bigWigs and bigBeds is BigWigRead::open and BigBedRead::open, respectively. These take any type that implements both Read and Seek. There are also BigWigRead::open_file and BigBedRead::open_file, which take a &str and will open a File.

Once a BigWigRead or BigBedRead have been constructed, they can be read in a number of ways. First, the info (in the form of BBIFileInfo) is available in info fields. However, to access the main data, the most common method to call is BigWigRead::get_interval or BigBedRead::get_interval, which returns an Iterator of Values or BedEntrys overlapping the provided region, respectively.


Writing new bigWigs and bigBeds is a tad more difficult. To begin, a BigWigWrite or BigBedWrite can be created using BigWigWrite::create_file or BigBedWrite::create_file.

Generally, bigWig and bigBed writing is done per chromosome, with compression and io being done on an async Runtime.

The source for data to be written to bigWigs and bigBeds come from the ChromData trait. It’s effectively like a powerful Iterator of ChromData::Output values, which itself is like peekable Iterator of values (either Values or BedEntrys for bigWigs or bigBeds respectively) over a chromosome. The ChromData::advance method takes a function that the current chromosome and returns a Future that will asynchronously process chromosomal data. This data can be returned immediately from the advance method, or can be stored (with the correct implementation) to queue multiple chromosomes simulatenously. The BedParserStreamingIterator and BedParserParallelStreamingIterator types provide serial processing of a bed-like value stream (either from a file or an iterator) or concurrent processing from a file. Generally, these underlying details aren’t necessary unless implementing a new data source.

Given some implementation of ChromData (like BedParserStreamingIterator), a bigWig can be created using BigWigWrite::write or a bigBed with BigBedWrite::write. Both take a map of chromosome sizes, the aforementioned data, and a Runtime to spawn processing on.


  • Contains utilities useful for reading and writing bed files and bed-like data.
  • The types here (BedParserStreamingIterator and BedParserParallelStreamingIterator) ultimately wrap around the a BedParser to interface with bigWig and bigBed writing.



