Crate bevy_spritesheet_animation

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This crate is a Bevy plugin for animating sprites that are backed by spritesheets.


§Quick start

  1. Add the SpritesheetAnimationPlugin to your app
  2. Use the AnimationLibrary resource to create new clips and animations
  3. Add a SpritesheetAnimation component to your entity
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_spritesheet_animation::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    let app = App::new()
        // Add the plugin to enable animations.
        // This makes the AnimationLibrary resource available to your systems.
        .add_systems(Startup, setup);

    // ...

fn setup(
    mut commands: Commands,
    mut library: ResMut<AnimationLibrary>,
    mut atlas_layouts: ResMut<Assets<TextureAtlasLayout>>,
    assets: Res<AssetServer>,
) {
    // Create a clip that references some frames from a spritesheet

    let spritesheet = Spritesheet::new(8, 8);

    let clip = Clip::from_frames(spritesheet.row(3));

    let clip_id = library.register_clip(clip);

    // Create an animation that uses the clip

    let animation = Animation::from_clip(clip_id);

    let animation_id = library.register_animation(animation);

    // This is a simple animation made of a single clip but we can create more sophisticated
    // animations with multiple clips, each one having different parameters.
    // See the `composition` example for more details.

    // Spawn an animated sprite using Bevy's built-in SpriteBundle

    let texture = assets.load("character.png");

    let layout = atlas_layouts.add(spritesheet.atlas_layout(96, 96));

        SpriteBundle {
        TextureAtlas {
        // Add a SpritesheetAnimation component that references our animation

