Expand description

Wrappers around Rapier shapes to access their properties.


Read-only access to the properties of a ball.
Read-write access to the properties of a ball.
Read-only access to the properties of a capsule.
Read-write access to the properties of a capsule.
Read-only access to the properties of a compound shape.
Read-only access to the properties of a convex polygon.
Read-write access to the properties of a convex polygon.
Read-only access to the properties of a cuboid.
Read-write access to the properties of a cuboid.
Read-only access to the properties of a half-space.
Read-write access to the properties of a half-space.
Read-only access to the properties of a heightfield.
Read-write access to the properties of a heightfield.
Read-only access to the properties of a polyline.
Read-write access to the properties of a polyline.
Read-only access to the properties of a round shape.
Read-write access to the properties of a round shape.
Read-only access to the properties of a round shape.
Read-write access to the properties of a round shape.
Read-only access to the properties of a round shape.
Read-write access to the properties of a round shape.
Read-only access to the properties of a segment.
Read-write access to the properties of a segment.
Read-only access to the properties of a triangle mesh.
Read-write access to the properties of a triangle mesh.
Read-only access to the properties of a triangle.
Read-write access to the properties of a triangle.


Read-only access to the properties of a collider.

Type Definitions

Indicates if a cell of an heightfield is removed or not. Set this to false for a removed cell.