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Bevy Component Mirrors

Bevy tracking Latest version MIT/Apache 2.0 Documentation

A third party crate to mirror Component values.

By default, it also provides a set of bevy Components mirroring the values of bevy_rapier Components. (Currently only bevy_rapier3d, PRs welcome!) Since some of bevy_rapier Components do not implement Reflect, they may be harder to work with. This crate is especially useful with bevy-inspector-egui, it will allow you to edit rapier values at run time, so you don’t have to restart your game repetitively to find the right physics parameters.


  1. Add this crate as a dependency to your Cargo.toml.
bevy_mod_component_mirror = "<current version>"
  1. Add RapierMirrorsPlugins to your app
use bevy_mod_component_mirror::RapierMirrorsPlugins;

  // Notice  v the plural

That’s it! Now every Entity with the following rapier (3d) components will automatically have an equivalent XyzMirror component that automatically syncs its value with it.

  • ImpulseJoint
  • Collider (some collider shape are not implemented yet!)
  • ColliderMassProperties
  • AdditionalMassProperties

Implement your own mirrors

If you wish to mirror other components, you need to do the following:

  • Create a Component (eg: ForeignMirror)
  • Implement the Mirror trait for that component.
  • Implement From<&'a Foreign> for ForeignMirror
  • Add MirrorPlugin::<Foreign, ForeignMirror>::new() to your app
use bevy_mod_component_mirror::{Mirror, MirrorPlugin};
use bevy::prelude::*;

use foreign_crate::Foreign;

// Component: required because you want it to be a component
// Reflect: this let `MirrorPlugin` register the `Mirror` type itself
#[derive(Component, Reflect)]
pub struct ForeignMirror {
  inner: f32,

// Foreign → ForeignMirror
impl<'a> From<&'a Foreign> for ForeignMirror {
  fn from(value: &'a Foreign) -> Self {
    ForeignMirror {
      inner: value.length(),
// ForeignMirror → Foreign
impl Mirror<Foreign> for ForeignMirror {
  fn apply(&self, value: &mut Foreign) {

fn main() {
  let mut app = App::new();
  app.add_plugin(MirrorPlugin::<Foreign, ForeignMirror>::new());


If you don’t need the definitions for the rapier components but still wish to use the mirror plugin, you can disable the rapier components with:

bevy_mod_component_mirror = { version = "<fill in>", default-features = false }

Version matrix

bevybevy_rapier3dbevy_mod_component_mirror<current version>


Copyright © 2022 Nicola Papale

This software is licensed under either MIT or Apache 2.0 at your leisure. See licenses directory for details.


pub use rapier_mirrors::RapierMirrorsPlugins;


Rapier mirror definitions.


Update each frame [Component] U with the value of T and vis-versa.


Systems added by the MirrorPlugin.


Mirror T If you wish to mirror other components, you need to do the following: