Expand description

A tilemap rendering plugin for bevy which is more ECS friendly by having an entity per tile.


  • A tile per entity
  • Fast rendering using a chunked approach.
  • Layers and sparse tile maps.
  • Animations
  • Isometric and Hexagonal tile maps

Upcoming Features

  • Support for isometric and hexagon rendering done
  • Built in animation support. done see animation example
  • Texture array support
  • Layers and add/remove tiles. (High Priority) done


let texture_handle = asset_server.load("tiles.png");
let material_handle = materials.add(ColorMaterial::texture(texture_handle));

// Create map entity and component:
let map_entity = commands.spawn().id();
let mut map = Map::new(0u16, map_entity);

// Creates a new layer builder with a layer entity.
let (mut layer_builder, _) = LayerBuilder::new(
    &mut commands,
        MapSize(2, 2),
        ChunkSize(8, 8),
        TileSize(16.0, 16.0),
        Vec2::new(96.0, 256.0),


// Builds the layer.
// Note: Once this is called you can no longer edit the layer until a hard sync in bevy.
let layer_entity = map_query.build_layer(&mut commands, layer_builder, material_handle);

// Required to keep track of layers for a map internally.
map.add_layer(&mut commands, 0u16, layer_entity);

// Spawn Map
// Required in order to use map_query to retrieve layers/tiles.


use bevy_ecs_tilemap::prelude::*; to import commonly used components, data structures, bundles, and plugins.


A component that stores information about a specific chunk in the tile map.

The position of a chunk within a map

The size of each chunk, in tiles

A component that is attached to a Tile entity that tells the GPU how to animate the tile. Currently all frames must be aligned in your tilemap.

A component which keeps information and a cache of tile/chunk entities for convenience.

Useful for creating and modifying a layer in the same system.

A bevy bundle which contains: Map, Transform, and GlobalTransform components.

Various settings used to define the tilemap.

The position of a tile, in chunk coordinates

A simple component used to keep track of layer entities.

MapQuery is a useful bevy system param that provides a standard API for interacting with tiles. It’s not required that you use this, but it does provide a convenience. Note: MapQuery doesn’t directly change tile components. This is meant as a feature as you may have your own tile data attached to each tile and a standard tile query wouldn’t pull that data in.

The size of the map, in chunks

The size of a texture in pixels

A component that represents the basic tile information.

Used to build a TextureAtlas that maintains the order of the textures added.

The standard tile bundle.

A component containing the tiles parent information.

The position of a tile, in map coordinates

The size of each tile, in pixels

Adds the default systems and pipelines used by bevy_ecs_tilemap.

The tilemap stage which runs before post update.


Different hex coordinate systems. You can find out more at this link: https://www.redblobgames.com/grids/hexagons/

Different iso coordinate systems.

General errors that are returned by bevy_ecs_tilemap.

The tilemap system labels

The type of tile to be rendered, currently we support: Square, Hex, and Isometric.


This trait is used to allow the layer builder to access specific information inside of the bundle.