Crate bevy_blender

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bevy_blender is a Bevy library that allows you to use assets created in Blender directly from the .blend file.


  1. Add bevy_blender to your Cargo.toml dependencies.
  2. Add bevy_blender::BlenderPlugin plugin to the bevy App
  3. Load Blender assets (see examples)

§Supported Assets

  • Meshes (using AssetServer)
  • Basic. not node-based, materials (using AssetServer)
  • Objects (using BlenderObjectBundle)

If the asset name in Blender starts with an underscore, it will not be loaded. You can use this to have extra assets in the .blend file that you do not want loaded to the AssetServer.

fn main() {
        // ...

fn setup(commands: &mut Commands, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>) {
    // Spawn the Suzanne Blender object with children and its Blender transform
    spawn_blender_object(&mut commands, &asset_server, "demo.blend", "Suzanne", true, None);
       .expect("Error spawning Blender object");

    // Spawn the Suzanne mesh with the Red material
    commands.spawn_bundle(PbrBundle {
            mesh: asset_server.load(blender_mesh!("demo.blend", "Suzanne")),
            material: asset_server.load(blender_material!("demo.blend", "Red")),
        // ...

A suite of examples can be found in examples/. Currently, there are three examples, one that shows how to import just a mesh, one that shows how to import just a material, and one that shows how to import whole objects. Simply run cargo run --example=object (or example=mesh, or example=material) to execute it. This will open a .blend file located at assets/demo.blend.


  • Takes a .blend file location and a material name and generates an appropriate asset_loader string. For example, blender_material!(“demo.blend”, “Material”) turns to “demo.blend#MAMaterial”.
  • Takes a .blend file location and a mesh name and generates an appropriate asset_loader string. For example, blender_mesh!(“demo.blend”, “Suzanne”) turns to “demo.blend#MESuzanne”.


  • A component bundle for Blender Object entities modeled after bevy_pbr::MaterialMeshBundle
  • Plugin for Bevy that allows for interaction with .blend files



  • Takes a blend::Blend struct and returns the correct version tuple
  • Takes a right handed, z up transformation matrix (Blender) and returns a right handed, y up (Bevy) version of it
  • Creates a BlenderObjectBundle for the object “root_object_name” and spaws it. This object will maintain its Blender transform and will have its material applied (if it is not nodes-based). If “spawn_children” is true, then all of the object’s children will also be created as BlenderObjectBundles and spawed as children of the root object. If parent_transform is Some(t), then t will be used as it’s transform. If parent_transform is None, then the object’s Blender transform will be used (and converted to the Bevy coordinate system).