pub unsafe trait Std430: Copy + Zeroable + Pod {
    type Padded: Std430Convertible<Self>;

    const ALIGNMENT: usize;
    const PAD_AT_END: bool;
    fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8]Notable traits for &'_ [u8]impl Read for &'_ [u8]impl Write for &'_ mut [u8] { ... }
Expand description

Trait implemented for all std430 primitives. Generally should not be implemented outside this crate.

Associated Types

Padded type (Std430Padded specialization) The usual implementation is type Padded = Std430Padded<Self, {align_offset(size_of::(), ALIGNMENT)}>;

Associated Constants

The required alignment of the type. Must be a power of two.

This is distinct from the value returned by std::mem::align_of because AsStd430 structs do not use Rust’s alignment. This enables them to control and zero their padding bytes, making converting them to and from slices safe.

Whether this type requires a padding at the end (ie, is a struct or an array of primitives). See https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL/specs/gl/glspec45.core.pdf#page=159 (rule 4 and 9)

Provided methods

Casts the type to a byte array. Implementors should not override this method.


This is always safe due to the requirements of [bytemuck::Pod] being a prerequisite for this trait.

Implementations on Foreign Types
