pub trait GetTypeRegistration {
    // Required method
    fn get_type_registration() -> TypeRegistration;
Expand description

A trait which allows a type to generate its TypeRegistration for registration into the TypeRegistry.

This trait is automatically implemented for items using #[derive(Reflect)]. The macro also allows TypeData to be more easily registered.

See the crate-level documentation for more information on type registration.

Required Methods§

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl GetTypeRegistration for SmolStr


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 27]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl GetTypeRegistration for i8


impl GetTypeRegistration for u32


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 4]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl GetTypeRegistration for OsString


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 13]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 26]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 28]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 22]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl GetTypeRegistration for u16


impl GetTypeRegistration for isize


impl GetTypeRegistration for u8


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 21]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<A, B, C, D, E, F> GetTypeRegistration for (A, B, C, D, E, F)where A: Reflect + TypePath, B: Reflect + TypePath, C: Reflect + TypePath, D: Reflect + TypePath, E: Reflect + TypePath, F: Reflect + TypePath,


impl GetTypeRegistration for i32


impl<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I> GetTypeRegistration for (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I)where A: Reflect + TypePath, B: Reflect + TypePath, C: Reflect + TypePath, D: Reflect + TypePath, E: Reflect + TypePath, F: Reflect + TypePath, G: Reflect + TypePath, H: Reflect + TypePath, I: Reflect + TypePath,


impl GetTypeRegistration for i64


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 18]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 17]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 20]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl GetTypeRegistration for NonZeroU64


impl GetTypeRegistration for bool


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for SmallVec<T>where T: Array + TypePath + Send + Sync, <T as Array>::Item: FromReflect,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 19]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl GetTypeRegistration for NonZeroU128


impl GetTypeRegistration for Cow<'static, str>


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 6]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for RangeTo<T>where T: Clone + Send + Sync + TypePath,


impl GetTypeRegistration for i16


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 15]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for RangeToInclusive<T>where T: Clone + Send + Sync + TypePath,


impl GetTypeRegistration for ()


impl<A, B, C> GetTypeRegistration for (A, B, C)where A: Reflect + TypePath, B: Reflect + TypePath, C: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 29]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl GetTypeRegistration for u64


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 14]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 0]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl GetTypeRegistration for f64


impl<K, V, S> GetTypeRegistration for HashMap<K, V, S>where K: FromReflect + TypePath + Eq + Hash, V: FromReflect + TypePath, S: TypePath + BuildHasher + Send + Sync,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for RangeFrom<T>where T: Clone + Send + Sync + TypePath,


impl GetTypeRegistration for usize


impl GetTypeRegistration for NonZeroI8


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 1]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 11]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl GetTypeRegistration for PathBuf


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 12]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for VecDeque<T, Global>where T: FromReflect + TypePath,


impl GetTypeRegistration for NonZeroU16


impl GetTypeRegistration for NonZeroUsize


impl<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L> GetTypeRegistration for (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L)where A: Reflect + TypePath, B: Reflect + TypePath, C: Reflect + TypePath, D: Reflect + TypePath, E: Reflect + TypePath, F: Reflect + TypePath, G: Reflect + TypePath, H: Reflect + TypePath, I: Reflect + TypePath, J: Reflect + TypePath, K: Reflect + TypePath, L: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for Option<T>where T: FromReflect + TypePath,


impl GetTypeRegistration for NonZeroI16


impl GetTypeRegistration for f32


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 8]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for Range<T>where T: Clone + Send + Sync + TypePath,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 5]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J> GetTypeRegistration for (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J)where A: Reflect + TypePath, B: Reflect + TypePath, C: Reflect + TypePath, D: Reflect + TypePath, E: Reflect + TypePath, F: Reflect + TypePath, G: Reflect + TypePath, H: Reflect + TypePath, I: Reflect + TypePath, J: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for Vec<T, Global>where T: FromReflect + TypePath,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 31]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 10]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for Cow<'static, [T]>where T: FromReflect + Clone + TypePath,


impl<A, B, C, D, E> GetTypeRegistration for (A, B, C, D, E)where A: Reflect + TypePath, B: Reflect + TypePath, C: Reflect + TypePath, D: Reflect + TypePath, E: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 23]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<A> GetTypeRegistration for (A,)where A: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<A, B> GetTypeRegistration for (A, B)where A: Reflect + TypePath, B: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 16]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl GetTypeRegistration for RangeFull


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 2]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<A, B, C, D> GetTypeRegistration for (A, B, C, D)where A: Reflect + TypePath, B: Reflect + TypePath, C: Reflect + TypePath, D: Reflect + TypePath,


impl GetTypeRegistration for NonZeroIsize


impl GetTypeRegistration for Instant


impl GetTypeRegistration for NonZeroI128


impl GetTypeRegistration for NonZeroI32


impl GetTypeRegistration for NonZeroU8


impl GetTypeRegistration for String


impl<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> GetTypeRegistration for (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H)where A: Reflect + TypePath, B: Reflect + TypePath, C: Reflect + TypePath, D: Reflect + TypePath, E: Reflect + TypePath, F: Reflect + TypePath, G: Reflect + TypePath, H: Reflect + TypePath,


impl GetTypeRegistration for NonZeroI64


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 30]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 9]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 32]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl GetTypeRegistration for char


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 7]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<T, E> GetTypeRegistration for Result<T, E>where T: Clone + Reflect + TypePath, E: Clone + Reflect + TypePath,


impl GetTypeRegistration for u128


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 3]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl GetTypeRegistration for NonZeroU32


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 24]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for [T; 25]where T: Reflect + TypePath,


impl<A, B, C, D, E, F, G> GetTypeRegistration for (A, B, C, D, E, F, G)where A: Reflect + TypePath, B: Reflect + TypePath, C: Reflect + TypePath, D: Reflect + TypePath, E: Reflect + TypePath, F: Reflect + TypePath, G: Reflect + TypePath,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Cow<'static, Path>


impl GetTypeRegistration for &'static Path


impl GetTypeRegistration for i128


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for RangeInclusive<T>where T: Clone + Send + Sync + TypePath,


impl<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K> GetTypeRegistration for (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K)where A: Reflect + TypePath, B: Reflect + TypePath, C: Reflect + TypePath, D: Reflect + TypePath, E: Reflect + TypePath, F: Reflect + TypePath, G: Reflect + TypePath, H: Reflect + TypePath, I: Reflect + TypePath, J: Reflect + TypePath, K: Reflect + TypePath,



impl GetTypeRegistration for Keyframeswhere Vec<Quat, Global>: FromReflect, Vec<Vec3, Global>: FromReflect, Vec<f32, Global>: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for HandleId


impl GetTypeRegistration for BloomCompositeMode


impl GetTypeRegistration for ClearColorConfigwhere Color: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Camera3dDepthLoadOpwhere f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Sensitivity


impl GetTypeRegistration for DebandDither


impl GetTypeRegistration for Tonemapping


impl GetTypeRegistration for ButtonState


impl GetTypeRegistration for GamepadAxisTypewhere u8: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for GamepadButtonTypewhere u8: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for GamepadConnectionwhere GamepadInfo: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for GamepadEventwhere GamepadConnectionEvent: FromReflect, GamepadButtonChangedEvent: FromReflect, GamepadAxisChangedEvent: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for KeyCode


impl GetTypeRegistration for MouseButtonwhere u16: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for MouseScrollUnit


impl GetTypeRegistration for ForceTouchwhere f64: FromReflect, Option<f64>: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for TouchPhase


impl GetTypeRegistration for EulerRot


impl GetTypeRegistration for AlphaModewhere f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for ClusterConfigwhere UVec3: FromReflect, ClusterZConfig: FromReflect, bool: FromReflect, u32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for ClusterFarZModewhere f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for FogFalloffwhere f32: FromReflect, Vec3: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for ParallaxMappingMethodwhere u32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionQualityLevelwhere u32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for NormalizedRenderTargetwhere NormalizedWindowRef: FromReflect, Handle<Image>: FromReflect, ManualTextureViewHandle: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Projectionwhere PerspectiveProjection: FromReflect, OrthographicProjection: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for RenderTargetwhere WindowRef: FromReflect, Handle<Image>: FromReflect, ManualTextureViewHandle: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for ScalingModewhere f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Colorwhere f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Msaa


impl GetTypeRegistration for Visibility


impl GetTypeRegistration for Anchorwhere Vec2: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for BreakLineOn


impl GetTypeRegistration for TextAlignment


impl GetTypeRegistration for TimerMode


impl GetTypeRegistration for AlignContent


impl GetTypeRegistration for AlignItems


impl GetTypeRegistration for AlignSelf


impl GetTypeRegistration for Direction


impl GetTypeRegistration for Display


impl GetTypeRegistration for FlexDirection


impl GetTypeRegistration for FlexWrap


impl GetTypeRegistration for FocusPolicy


impl GetTypeRegistration for GridAutoFlow


impl GetTypeRegistration for GridTrackRepetitionwhere u16: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Interaction


impl GetTypeRegistration for JustifyContent


impl GetTypeRegistration for JustifyItems


impl GetTypeRegistration for JustifySelf


impl GetTypeRegistration for MaxTrackSizingFunction


impl GetTypeRegistration for MinTrackSizingFunction


impl GetTypeRegistration for OverflowAxis


impl GetTypeRegistration for PositionType


impl GetTypeRegistration for Valwhere f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for ZIndexwhere i32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for CompositeAlphaMode


impl GetTypeRegistration for CursorGrabMode


impl GetTypeRegistration for CursorIcon


impl GetTypeRegistration for FileDragAndDropwhere Entity: FromReflect, PathBuf: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Imewhere Entity: FromReflect, String: FromReflect, Option<(usize, usize)>: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for MonitorSelectionwhere usize: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for PresentMode


impl GetTypeRegistration for WindowLevel


impl GetTypeRegistration for WindowMode


impl GetTypeRegistration for WindowPositionwhere MonitorSelection: FromReflect, IVec2: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for WindowRefwhere Entity: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for WindowTheme


impl GetTypeRegistration for AnimationClipwhere Vec<Vec<VariableCurve, Global>, Global>: FromReflect, HashMap<EntityPath, usize, BuildHasherDefault<AHasher>, Global>: FromReflect, f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for AnimationPlayerwhere bool: FromReflect, PlayingAnimation: FromReflect, Vec<AnimationTransition, Global>: Any + Send + Sync,


impl GetTypeRegistration for EntityPathwhere Vec<Name, Global>: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for VariableCurvewhere Vec<f32, Global>: FromReflect, Keyframes: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for AssetPathId


impl GetTypeRegistration for LabelId


impl GetTypeRegistration for SourcePathId


impl GetTypeRegistration for Namewhere u64: FromReflect, Cow<'static, str>: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for BloomPrefilterSettingswhere f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for BloomSettingswhere f32: FromReflect, BloomPrefilterSettings: FromReflect, BloomCompositeMode: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for ClearColorwhere Color: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettingswhere bool: FromReflect, f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for DenoiseCASwhere bool: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Camera2dwhere ClearColorConfig: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Camera3dwhere ClearColorConfig: FromReflect, Camera3dDepthLoadOp: FromReflect, Camera3dDepthTextureUsage: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Camera3dDepthTextureUsagewhere u32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for TemporalAntiAliasSettingswhere bool: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Fxaawhere bool: FromReflect, Sensitivity: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for DepthPrepass


impl GetTypeRegistration for MotionVectorPrepass


impl GetTypeRegistration for NormalPrepass


impl GetTypeRegistration for Entity


impl GetTypeRegistration for AabbGizmowhere Option<Color>: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for GltfExtraswhere String: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Childrenwhere SmallVec<[Entity; 8]>: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Parentwhere Entity: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for AxisSettingswhere f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for ButtonAxisSettingswhere f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for ButtonSettingswhere f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Gamepadwhere usize: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for GamepadAxiswhere Gamepad: FromReflect, GamepadAxisType: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for GamepadAxisChangedEventwhere Gamepad: FromReflect, GamepadAxisType: FromReflect, f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for GamepadButtonwhere Gamepad: FromReflect, GamepadButtonType: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for GamepadButtonChangedEventwhere Gamepad: FromReflect, GamepadButtonType: FromReflect, f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for GamepadConnectionEventwhere Gamepad: FromReflect, GamepadConnection: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for GamepadInfowhere String: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for GamepadSettingswhere ButtonSettings: FromReflect, AxisSettings: FromReflect, ButtonAxisSettings: FromReflect, HashMap<GamepadButton, ButtonSettings, BuildHasherDefault<AHasher>, Global>: FromReflect, HashMap<GamepadAxis, AxisSettings, BuildHasherDefault<AHasher>, Global>: FromReflect, HashMap<GamepadButton, ButtonAxisSettings, BuildHasherDefault<AHasher>, Global>: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for KeyboardInputwhere u32: FromReflect, Option<KeyCode>: FromReflect, ButtonState: FromReflect, Entity: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for ScanCodewhere u32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for MouseButtonInputwhere MouseButton: FromReflect, ButtonState: FromReflect, Entity: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for MouseMotionwhere Vec2: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for MouseWheelwhere MouseScrollUnit: FromReflect, f32: FromReflect, Entity: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for TouchInputwhere TouchPhase: FromReflect, Vec2: FromReflect, Option<ForceTouch>: FromReflect, u64: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for TouchpadMagnifywhere f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for TouchpadRotatewhere f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for BVec2where bool: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for BVec3where bool: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for BVec4where bool: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Mat2where Vec2: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Mat3where Vec3: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Mat4where Vec4: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Quat


impl GetTypeRegistration for Vec2where f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Vec3where f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Vec4where f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for IVec2where i32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for IVec3where i32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for IVec4where i32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Affine2where Mat2: FromReflect, Vec2: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Affine3Awhere Mat3A: FromReflect, Vec3A: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for BVec3A


impl GetTypeRegistration for BVec4A


impl GetTypeRegistration for DAffine2where DMat2: FromReflect, DVec2: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for DAffine3where DMat3: FromReflect, DVec3: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for DMat2where DVec2: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for DMat3where DVec3: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for DMat4where DVec4: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for DQuat


impl GetTypeRegistration for DVec2where f64: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for DVec3where f64: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for DVec4where f64: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Mat3Awhere Vec3A: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Rectwhere Vec2: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Vec3Awhere f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for UVec2where u32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for UVec3where u32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for UVec4where u32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for AmbientLightwhere Color: FromReflect, f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Cascadewhere Mat4: FromReflect, f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for CascadeShadowConfigwhere Vec<f32, Global>: FromReflect, f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Cascadeswhere HashMap<Entity, Vec<Cascade, Global>, BuildHasherDefault<AHasher>, Global>: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for CascadesVisibleEntitieswhere HashMap<Entity, Vec<VisibleEntities, Global>, BuildHasherDefault<AHasher>, Global>: Any + Send + Sync,


impl GetTypeRegistration for ClusterZConfigwhere f32: FromReflect, ClusterFarZMode: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for CubemapVisibleEntitieswhere [VisibleEntities; 6]: Any + Send + Sync,


impl GetTypeRegistration for DirectionalLightwhere Color: FromReflect, f32: FromReflect, bool: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for DirectionalLightShadowMapwhere usize: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for EnvironmentMapLightwhere Handle<Image>: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for FogSettingswhere Color: FromReflect, f32: FromReflect, FogFalloff: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for NotShadowCaster


impl GetTypeRegistration for NotShadowReceiver


impl GetTypeRegistration for PointLightwhere Color: FromReflect, f32: FromReflect, bool: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for PointLightShadowMapwhere usize: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettingswhere ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionQualityLevel: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for SpotLightwhere Color: FromReflect, f32: FromReflect, bool: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for StandardMaterialwhere Color: FromReflect, Option<Handle<Image>>: FromReflect, f32: FromReflect, bool: FromReflect, AlphaMode: FromReflect, ParallaxMappingMethod: FromReflect, Option<Face>: Any + Send + Sync,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Wireframe


impl GetTypeRegistration for WireframeConfigwhere bool: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Camerawhere Option<Viewport>: FromReflect, isize: FromReflect, bool: FromReflect, ComputedCameraValues: Any + Send + Sync, RenderTarget: Any + Send + Sync, CameraOutputMode: Any + Send + Sync,


impl GetTypeRegistration for CameraRenderGraphwhere Cow<'static, str>: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for ManualTextureViewHandlewhere u32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for OrthographicProjectionwhere f32: FromReflect, Vec2: FromReflect, ScalingMode: FromReflect, Rect: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for PerspectiveProjectionwhere f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Viewportwhere UVec2: FromReflect, Range<f32>: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for GlobalsUniformwhere f32: FromReflect, u32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for MeshMorphWeightswhere Vec<f32, Global>: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for MorphWeightswhere Vec<f32, Global>: FromReflect, Option<Handle<Mesh>>: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for SkinnedMeshwhere Handle<SkinnedMeshInverseBindposes>: FromReflect, Vec<Entity, Global>: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Aabbwhere Vec3A: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for CascadesFrustawhere HashMap<Entity, Vec<Frustum, Global>, BuildHasherDefault<AHasher>, Global>: Any + Send + Sync,


impl GetTypeRegistration for CubemapFrustawhere [Frustum; 6]: Any + Send + Sync,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Frustumwhere [HalfSpace; 6]: Any + Send + Sync,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Image


impl GetTypeRegistration for ColorGradingwhere f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for ComputedVisibilitywhere ComputedVisibilityFlags: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for NoFrustumCulling


impl GetTypeRegistration for RenderLayerswhere u32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for VisibleEntitieswhere Vec<Entity, Global>: Any + Send + Sync,


impl GetTypeRegistration for ColorMaterialwhere Color: FromReflect, Option<Handle<Image>>: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Mesh2dHandlewhere Handle<Mesh>: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Spritewhere Color: FromReflect, bool: FromReflect, Option<Vec2>: FromReflect, Option<Rect>: FromReflect, Anchor: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for TextureAtlaswhere Handle<Image>: FromReflect, Vec2: FromReflect, Vec<Rect, Global>: FromReflect, Option<HashMap<Handle<Image>, usize, BuildHasherDefault<AHasher>, Global>>: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for TextureAtlasSpritewhere Color: FromReflect, usize: FromReflect, bool: FromReflect, Option<Vec2>: FromReflect, Anchor: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Text2dBoundswhere Vec2: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Textwhere Vec<TextSection, Global>: FromReflect, TextAlignment: FromReflect, BreakLineOn: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for TextSectionwhere String: FromReflect, TextStyle: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for TextStylewhere Handle<Font>: FromReflect, f32: FromReflect, Color: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Stopwatchwhere Duration: FromReflect, bool: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Timewhere Instant: FromReflect, Option<Instant>: FromReflect, bool: FromReflect, f64: FromReflect, Duration: FromReflect, f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Timerwhere Stopwatch: FromReflect, Duration: FromReflect, TimerMode: FromReflect, bool: FromReflect, u32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for GlobalTransformwhere Affine3A: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Transformwhere Vec3: FromReflect, Quat: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for UiCameraConfigwhere bool: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for BackgroundColorwhere Color: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for BorderColorwhere Color: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for CalculatedClipwhere Rect: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for ContentSizewhere Option<MeasureFunc>: Any + Send + Sync,


impl GetTypeRegistration for GridPlacementwhere Option<i16>: FromReflect, Option<u16>: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for GridTrackwhere MinTrackSizingFunction: FromReflect, MaxTrackSizingFunction: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Nodewhere Vec2: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Overflowwhere OverflowAxis: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for RelativeCursorPositionwhere Option<Vec2>: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for RepeatedGridTrackwhere GridTrackRepetition: FromReflect, SmallVec<[GridTrack; 1]>: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Stylewhere Display: FromReflect, PositionType: FromReflect, Overflow: FromReflect, Direction: FromReflect, Val: FromReflect, Option<f32>: FromReflect, AlignItems: FromReflect, JustifyItems: FromReflect, AlignSelf: FromReflect, JustifySelf: FromReflect, AlignContent: FromReflect, JustifyContent: FromReflect, UiRect: FromReflect, FlexDirection: FromReflect, FlexWrap: FromReflect, f32: FromReflect, GridAutoFlow: FromReflect, Vec<RepeatedGridTrack, Global>: FromReflect, Vec<GridTrack, Global>: FromReflect, GridPlacement: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for UiImagewhere Handle<Image>: FromReflect, bool: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for UiRectwhere Val: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for UiTextureAtlasImagewhere usize: FromReflect, bool: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Button


impl GetTypeRegistration for Label


impl GetTypeRegistration for TextFlagswhere bool: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for UiImageSizewhere Vec2: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for Duration


impl GetTypeRegistration for Uuid


impl GetTypeRegistration for Cursorwhere CursorIcon: FromReflect, bool: FromReflect, CursorGrabMode: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for CursorEnteredwhere Entity: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for CursorLeftwhere Entity: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for CursorMovedwhere Entity: FromReflect, Vec2: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for InternalWindowStatewhere Option<bool>: FromReflect, Option<DVec2>: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for NormalizedWindowRefwhere Entity: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for PrimaryWindow


impl GetTypeRegistration for ReceivedCharacterwhere Entity: FromReflect, char: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for RequestRedraw


impl GetTypeRegistration for Windowwhere Cursor: FromReflect, PresentMode: FromReflect, WindowMode: FromReflect, WindowPosition: FromReflect, WindowResolution: FromReflect, String: FromReflect, CompositeAlphaMode: FromReflect, WindowResizeConstraints: FromReflect, bool: FromReflect, WindowLevel: FromReflect, Option<String>: FromReflect, InternalWindowState: FromReflect, Vec2: FromReflect, Option<WindowTheme>: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for WindowBackendScaleFactorChangedwhere Entity: FromReflect, f64: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for WindowCloseRequestedwhere Entity: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for WindowClosedwhere Entity: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for WindowCreatedwhere Entity: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for WindowDestroyedwhere Entity: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for WindowFocusedwhere Entity: FromReflect, bool: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for WindowMovedwhere Entity: FromReflect, IVec2: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for WindowResizeConstraintswhere f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for WindowResizedwhere Entity: FromReflect, f32: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for WindowResolutionwhere u32: FromReflect, Option<f64>: FromReflect, f64: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for WindowScaleFactorChangedwhere Entity: FromReflect, f64: FromReflect,


impl GetTypeRegistration for WindowThemeChangedwhere Entity: FromReflect, WindowTheme: FromReflect,


impl<'a> GetTypeRegistration for AssetPath<'a>where Cow<'a, Path>: FromReflect, Option<Cow<'a, str>>: FromReflect,


impl<K, V, S> GetTypeRegistration for bevy::utils::hashbrown::HashMap<K, V, S, Global>where K: FromReflect + TypePath + Eq + Hash, V: FromReflect + TypePath, S: TypePath + BuildHasher + Send + Sync,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for Handle<T>where T: Asset + TypePath, HandleId: FromReflect, HandleType: Any + Send + Sync, PhantomData<fn() -> T>: Any + Send + Sync,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for Input<T>where T: Copy + Eq + Hash + Send + Sync + 'static + TypePath, HashSet<T, BuildHasherDefault<AHasher>, Global>: FromReflect,


impl<T> GetTypeRegistration for HashSet<T, BuildHasherDefault<AHasher>, Global>where T: Hash + Eq + Clone + Send + Sync + TypePath,