Crate barkml

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  • Stores the metadata associated with a value or statement currently supports a !label and a # Comment
  • Scope is used to resolve a parent statement (should be a module) to replace all macros with their appropriate values
  • This is the standard barkml loader. It supports multiple methodologies of reading and combining barkml files.
  • Represents top-level statements and groupings
  • Represents an individual value


  • Stores the actual in-memory data for a value
  • Stores the integer with precision retained
  • Contains the actual set of data for a statement
  • Represents the type of a statement
  • Represents the allowed tokens in a barkml file
  • Defines the type of a given value
  • Implements a statement walker for easily fetching data out of barkml statements and values. It is recommended to use this after you have used a standard loader as it is far easier to get data and gives users flexibility in how to define the contents of a barkml file.


  • LoaderInterface defines the shared interface for structs that can read and load barkml files.


  • Load a simple inline string as the main module and return the statement