Crate b3_utils

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§B3Utils Library

b3_utils is a Rust library designed to simplify the development of applications and wallets on the Internet Computer. It provides utility functions and types for handling various operations such as transfers, tokens, timestamps, and more.


  • vetkd: Enables functionality related to vetkd. Includes dependencies ic_bls12_381, sha2, and subtle.
  • stable_memory: Enables stable memory features. Includes the b3-stable-structures dependency.
  • logging: Enables logging functionality.
  • ledger: Enables ledger-related functionalities.

To enable a feature, add it to your Cargo.toml like so:

b3_utils = { version = "0.9", features = ["exprimental_vetkd", "logging"] }


Here’s a simple example of how to create a new icrc1 account :

use b3_utils::ledger::ICRCAccount;
use b3_utils::Subaccount;
use b3_utils::Environment;
use candid::Principal;

let owner = Principal::from_text("b7pqa-qqaaa-aaaap-abdva-cai").unwrap();
let subaccount = Subaccount::new(Environment::Production, 1);

let account = ICRCAccount::new(owner, Some(subaccount));

assert_eq!(account.to_text(), "b7pqa-qqaaa-aaaap-abdva-cai-vpwy45i.1");

For more detailed examples, see the documentation for each module.

§More Information

For more information, see the API documentation.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.




  • Macro to enforce a condition and return an error if it fails.


