1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153
use blake2_rfc::blake2b::Blake2b;
use filebuffer::FileBuffer;
use std::path::Path;
// For Reading Files without use FileBuffer
use std::fs;
// For Developer:
// * All outputs are in upper hexadecimal
// * You can use `as_bytes()` to convert from hexadecimal string to bytes
// * Blake2b digest size is between 1 and 64 bytes and will always be returned in hexadecimal format as a `String`
// * One function `read_using_fs()` uses the standard library as opposed to filebuffer to read files.
/// ## Blake2b File Hash Constructor
/// This is the official constructor used to call the new() function with the parameter of the intended digest size.
/// ## Example
/// ```no_run
/// use b2sum_rust::Blake2bSum;
/// fn main() {
/// // Creates a new File Instance
/// let context = Blake2bSum::new(64);
/// // Outputs a Hexadecimal String
/// let hash = context.read("example_file.txt");
/// // Converts the hexadecimal string to a vector of bytes
/// let _bytes = Blake2bSum::as_bytes(&hash);
/// // Prints The Hexadecimal Representation
/// println!("Hash: {}",hash);
/// // Asserts That These Are Equal
/// assert_eq!(hash,"33B20D15383F97EB46D4FA69442596170CCA01008963A7D0E47210C33AEEF991C78323850C012550C227954A40B3D7AD612568ABC73DB9233FAB9EA4F002B0CB");
/// }
/// ```
/// All outputs are in **UPPER Hexadecimal** and between 1 and 64 bytes.
pub struct Blake2bSum {
digest_size: usize,
impl Blake2bSum {
pub fn new(digest: usize) -> Self {
if digest > 0 && digest <= 64 {
return Blake2bSum {
digest_size: digest,
else {
panic!("Digest Size is either too large or too small. It should be 1-64.")
/// ## Hash File
/// This is a function that hashes a file using **Blake2b** and returns the **Hexadecimal Representation** of it as a **String**. It takes as input any reference to Path.
/// It should be noted that changes to the file during hashing, such as truncating the file may cause problems.
/// ### About Filebuffer
/// > Filebuffer can map files into memory. This is often faster than using the primitives in std::io, and also more convenient. Furthermore this crate offers prefetching and checking whether file data is resident in physical memory (so access will not incur a page fault). This enables non-blocking file reading.
pub fn read<T: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: T) -> String {
// Opens File Using File Buffer
let fbuffer = FileBuffer::open(path).expect("failed to open file");
// Sets Blake2b Context at the given digest size
let mut context = Blake2b::new(self.digest_size);
let hash = context.finalize();
// Return as Upper Hexadecimal Encoded String
return hex::encode_upper(hash.as_bytes());
/// ## Hash File (Using Key)
/// This is a function that hashes a file (using a key) with **Blake2b** and then returns the **Hexadecimal Representation** of it as a **String**. It takes as input any reference to Path.
pub fn read_with_key<T: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: T, key: &[u8]) -> String {
// Opens File Using File Buffer
let fbuffer = FileBuffer::open(path).expect("failed to open file");
// Sets Blake2b Context at the given digest size and hashes with the provided key
let mut context = Blake2b::with_key(self.digest_size, key);
let hash = context.finalize();
// Return as Upper Hexadecimal Encoded String
return hex::encode_upper(hash.as_bytes());
/// ## Hash File (using standard library)
/// **Note: `read()` or `read_with_key()` should be used as opposed to this function.**
/// This is a function that hashes a file using **Blake2b** and returns the **Hexadecimal Representation** of it as a **String**. It takes as input any reference to Path.
/// This does not use `filebuffer` and instead uses the standard library. Filebuffer is much faster.
note = "Please use the `read()` function instead which uses Filebuffer. This function uses the standard library."
pub fn read_using_fs<T: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: T) -> String {
// Opens File Using Standard Library (fs) and read file to string
let fbuffer = fs::read_to_string(path).expect("failed to open file");
// Sets Blake2b Context at the given digest size
let mut context = Blake2b::new(self.digest_size);
// Convert str to bytes and updated context
let hash = context.finalize();
// Return as Upper Hexadecimal Encoded String
return hex::encode_upper(hash.as_bytes());
/// # Read String
/// This function will allow you to take a `String` or `str`, convert it to bytes, then hash it.
pub fn read_str<T: AsRef<str>>(&self, string: T) -> String {
// Sets Blake2b Context at the given digest size
let mut context = Blake2b::new(self.digest_size);
// Convert str to bytes
let hash = context.finalize();
return hex::encode_upper(hash.as_bytes())
/// # Read Bytes
/// This function will allow you to **read bytes** and then **hash the bytes** given the digest size.
pub fn read_bytes(&self, bytes: &[u8]) -> String {
// Sets Blake2b Context at the given digest size
let mut context = Blake2b::new(self.digest_size);
let hash = context.finalize();
// Return encoded in upper hexadecimal
return hex::encode_upper(hash.as_bytes())
/// ## as_bytes()
/// `as_bytes()` converts from a **Hexadecimal String** to a **Vector of Bytes**
pub fn as_bytes(s: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
return hex::decode(s).unwrap()
/// ## Return Digest Size
/// This method will return the provided digest size that the struct contains. It should be between 1 and 64 of type `usize`.
pub fn return_digest_size(&self) -> usize {
return self.digest_size