Module aws_sdk_s3control::types

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Data structures used by operation inputs/outputs.


  • Builders
  • Error types that AWS S3 Control can respond with.


  • The container for abort incomplete multipart upload

  • A container for information about access control for replicas.

  • The configuration options of the S3 Access Grants location. It contains the S3SubPrefix field. The grant scope, the data to which you are granting access, is the result of appending the Subprefix field to the scope of the registered location.

  • An access point used to access a bucket.

  • A container element for the account-level Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration.

  • The container element for Amazon S3 Storage Lens activity metrics. Activity metrics show details about how your storage is requested, such as requests (for example, All requests, Get requests, Put requests), bytes uploaded or downloaded, and errors.

  • The container element for Amazon S3 Storage Lens advanced cost-optimization metrics. Advanced cost-optimization metrics provide insights that you can use to manage and optimize your storage costs, for example, lifecycle rule counts for transitions, expirations, and incomplete multipart uploads.

  • The container element for Amazon S3 Storage Lens advanced data-protection metrics. Advanced data-protection metrics provide insights that you can use to perform audits and protect your data, for example replication rule counts within and across Regions.

  • Error details for the failed asynchronous operation.

  • A container for the information about an asynchronous operation.

  • A container for the request parameters associated with an asynchronous request.

  • A container for the response details that are returned when querying about an asynchronous request.

  • Lambda function used to transform objects through an Object Lambda Access Point.

  • A container for the bucket-level configuration for Amazon S3 Storage Lens.

  • A container for enabling Amazon CloudWatch publishing for S3 Storage Lens metrics.

  • The container for the bucket configuration.

  • A container for the information associated with a CreateMultiRegionAccessPoint request.

  • The Amazon Web Services Security Token Service temporary credential that S3 Access Grants vends to grantees and client applications.

  • Specifies whether S3 on Outposts replicates delete markers. If you specify a Filter element in your replication configuration, you must also include a DeleteMarkerReplication element. If your Filter includes a Tag element, the DeleteMarkerReplication element's Status child element must be set to Disabled, because S3 on Outposts does not support replicating delete markers for tag-based rules.

  • A container for the information associated with a DeleteMultiRegionAccessPoint request.

  • Specifies information about the replication destination bucket and its settings for an S3 on Outposts replication configuration.

  • The container element for Amazon S3 Storage Lens detailed status code metrics. Detailed status code metrics generate metrics for HTTP status codes, such as 200 OK, 403 Forbidden, 503 Service Unavailable and others.

  • Specifies encryption-related information for an Amazon S3 bucket that is a destination for replicated objects.

  • The last established access control policy for a Multi-Region Access Point.

  • A container for what Amazon S3 Storage Lens will exclude.

  • An optional configuration to replicate existing source bucket objects.

  • The encryption configuration to use when storing the generated manifest.

  • The user, group, or role to which you are granting access. You can grant access to an IAM user or role. If you have added your corporate directory to Amazon Web Services IAM Identity Center and associated your Identity Center instance with your S3 Access Grants instance, the grantee can also be a corporate directory user or group.

  • A container for what Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration includes.

  • A container element for the job configuration and status information returned by a Describe Job request.

  • If this job failed, this element indicates why the job failed.

  • Contains the configuration and status information for a single job retrieved as part of a job list.

  • Contains the configuration information for a job's manifest.

  • The filter used to describe a set of objects for the job's manifest.

  • Contains the information required to locate a manifest object. Manifests can't be imported from directory buckets. For more information, see Directory buckets.

  • Describes the format of a manifest. If the manifest is in CSV format, also describes the columns contained within the manifest.

  • The operation that you want this job to perform on every object listed in the manifest. For more information about the available operations, see Operations in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

  • Describes the total number of tasks that the specified job has started, the number of tasks that succeeded, and the number of tasks that failed.

  • Contains the configuration parameters for a job-completion report.

  • Provides timing details for the job.

  • If provided, the generated manifest includes only source bucket objects whose object keys match the string constraints specified for MatchAnyPrefix, MatchAnySuffix, and MatchAnySubstring.

  • Contains the configuration parameters for a Lambda Invoke operation.

  • The container for the Outposts bucket lifecycle configuration.

  • The container of the Outposts bucket lifecycle expiration.

  • The container for the Outposts bucket lifecycle rule.

  • The container for the Outposts bucket lifecycle rule and operator.

  • The container for the filter of the lifecycle rule.

  • Information about the access grant.

  • Information about the S3 Access Grants instance.

  • A container for information about the registered location.

  • Part of ListStorageLensConfigurationResult. Each entry includes the description of the S3 Storage Lens configuration, its home Region, whether it is enabled, its Amazon Resource Name (ARN), and config ID.

  • Each entry contains a Storage Lens group that exists in the specified home Region.

  • A filter condition that specifies the object age range of included objects in days. Only integers are supported.

  • A filter condition that specifies the object size range of included objects in bytes. Only integers are supported.

  • A container that specifies replication metrics-related settings.

  • The Multi-Region Access Point access control policy.

  • Status information for a single Multi-Region Access Point Region.

  • A collection of statuses for a Multi-Region Access Point in the various Regions it supports.

  • A structure for a Multi-Region Access Point that indicates where Amazon S3 traffic can be routed. Routes can be either active or passive. Active routes can process Amazon S3 requests through the Multi-Region Access Point, but passive routes are not eligible to process Amazon S3 requests.

  • The Multi-Region Access Point details that are returned when querying about an asynchronous request.

  • The container of the noncurrent version expiration.

  • The container for the noncurrent version transition.

  • An access point with an attached Lambda function used to access transformed data from an Amazon S3 bucket.

  • The alias of an Object Lambda Access Point. For more information, see How to use a bucket-style alias for your S3 bucket Object Lambda Access Point.

  • A configuration used when creating an Object Lambda Access Point.

  • A configuration used when creating an Object Lambda Access Point transformation.

  • Indicates whether this access point policy is public. For more information about how Amazon S3 evaluates policies to determine whether they are public, see The Meaning of "Public" in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

  • A container for the prefix-level configuration.

  • A container for the prefix-level storage metrics for S3 Storage Lens.

  • The proposed access control policy for the Multi-Region Access Point.

  • The PublicAccessBlock configuration that you want to apply to this Amazon S3 account. You can enable the configuration options in any combination. For more information about when Amazon S3 considers a bucket or object public, see The Meaning of "Public" in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

  • A container for the information associated with a PutMultiRegionAccessPoint request.

  • A Region that supports a Multi-Region Access Point as well as the associated bucket for the Region.

  • A combination of a bucket and Region that's part of a Multi-Region Access Point.

  • The container for the regional bucket.

  • A filter that you can use to specify whether replica modification sync is enabled. S3 on Outposts replica modification sync can help you keep object metadata synchronized between replicas and source objects. By default, S3 on Outposts replicates metadata from the source objects to the replicas only. When replica modification sync is enabled, S3 on Outposts replicates metadata changes made to the replica copies back to the source object, making the replication bidirectional.

  • A container for one or more replication rules. A replication configuration must have at least one rule and you can add up to 100 rules. The maximum size of a replication configuration is 128 KB.

  • Specifies which S3 on Outposts objects to replicate and where to store the replicas.

  • A container for specifying rule filters. The filters determine the subset of objects to which the rule applies. This element is required only if you specify more than one filter.

  • A filter that identifies the subset of objects to which the replication rule applies. A Filter element must specify exactly one Prefix, Tag, or And child element.

  • A container that specifies S3 Replication Time Control (S3 RTC) related information, including whether S3 RTC is enabled and the time when all objects and operations on objects must be replicated.

  • A container that specifies the time value for S3 Replication Time Control (S3 RTC). This value is also used for the replication metrics EventThreshold element.

  • A container for the bucket where the Amazon S3 Storage Lens metrics export files are located.

  • Contains the configuration parameters for a PUT Copy object operation. S3 Batch Operations passes every object to the underlying CopyObject API operation. For more information about the parameters for this operation, see CopyObject.

  • Contains no configuration parameters because the DELETE Object tagging (DeleteObjectTagging) API operation accepts only the bucket name and key name as parameters, which are defined in the job's manifest.

  • Describes the specified job's generated manifest. Batch Operations jobs created with a ManifestGenerator populate details of this descriptor after execution of the ManifestGenerator.

  • Contains the configuration parameters for a POST Object restore job. S3 Batch Operations passes every object to the underlying RestoreObject API operation. For more information about the parameters for this operation, see RestoreObject.

  • The container for the service that will create the S3 manifest.

  • Location details for where the generated manifest should be written.

  • Whether S3 Object Lock legal hold will be applied to objects in an S3 Batch Operations job.

  • Directs the specified job to invoke ReplicateObject on every object in the job's manifest.

  • Contains the S3 Object Lock retention mode to be applied to all objects in the S3 Batch Operations job. If you don't provide Mode and RetainUntilDate data types in your operation, you will remove the retention from your objects. For more information, see Using S3 Object Lock retention with S3 Batch Operations in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

  • Contains the configuration parameters for a PUT Object ACL operation. S3 Batch Operations passes every object to the underlying PutObjectAcl API operation. For more information about the parameters for this operation, see PutObjectAcl.

  • Contains the configuration for an S3 Object Lock legal hold operation that an S3 Batch Operations job passes to every object to the underlying PutObjectLegalHold API operation. For more information, see Using S3 Object Lock legal hold with S3 Batch Operations in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

  • Contains the configuration parameters for the Object Lock retention action for an S3 Batch Operations job. Batch Operations passes every object to the underlying PutObjectRetention API operation. For more information, see Using S3 Object Lock retention with S3 Batch Operations in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

  • Contains the configuration parameters for a PUT Object Tagging operation. S3 Batch Operations passes every object to the underlying PutObjectTagging API operation. For more information about the parameters for this operation, see PutObjectTagging.

  • A container for a key-value name pair.

  • A container that describes additional filters for identifying the source objects that you want to replicate. You can choose to enable or disable the replication of these objects.

  • A container for filter information that you can use to select S3 objects that are encrypted with Key Management Service (KMS).

  • Configuration for the use of SSE-KMS to encrypt generated manifest objects.

  • Configuration for the use of SSE-S3 to encrypt generated manifest objects.

  • The Amazon Web Services organization for your S3 Storage Lens.

  • A container for the Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration.

  • A container to specify the properties of your S3 Storage Lens metrics export, including the destination, schema, and format.

  • A container for the encryption of the S3 Storage Lens metrics exports.

  • A custom grouping of objects that include filters for prefixes, suffixes, object tags, object size, or object age. You can create an S3 Storage Lens group that includes a single filter or multiple filter conditions. To specify multiple filter conditions, you use AND or OR logical operators.

  • A logical operator that allows multiple filter conditions to be joined for more complex comparisons of Storage Lens group data.

  • The filter element sets the criteria for the Storage Lens group data that is displayed. For multiple filter conditions, the AND or OR logical operator is used.

  • Specifies the Storage Lens groups to include in the Storage Lens group aggregation.

  • Indicates which Storage Lens group ARNs to include or exclude in the Storage Lens group aggregation. You can only attach Storage Lens groups to your Storage Lens dashboard if they're included in your Storage Lens group aggregation. If this value is left null, then all Storage Lens groups are selected.

  • A container element for specifying Or rule conditions. The rule conditions determine the subset of objects to which the Or rule applies. Objects can match any of the listed filter conditions, which are joined by the Or logical operator. Only one of each filter condition is allowed.

  • An Amazon Web Services resource tag that's associated with your S3 resource. You can add tags to new objects when you upload them, or you can add object tags to existing objects.

  • Specifies when an object transitions to a specified storage class. For more information about Amazon S3 Lifecycle configuration rules, see Transitioning objects using Amazon S3 Lifecycle in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

  • Describes the versioning state of an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket. For more information, see PutBucketVersioning.

  • The virtual private cloud (VPC) configuration for an access point.


  • When writing a match expression against AsyncOperationName, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against BucketCannedAcl, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against BucketLocationConstraint, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against BucketVersioningStatus, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against DeleteMarkerReplicationStatus, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against ExistingObjectReplicationStatus, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against ExpirationStatus, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against Format, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against GeneratedManifestFormat, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against GranteeType, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against JobManifestFieldName, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against JobManifestFormat, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • Configures the type of the job's ManifestGenerator.

  • When writing a match expression against JobReportFormat, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against JobReportScope, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against JobStatus, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against MetricsStatus, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against MfaDelete, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against MfaDeleteStatus, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against MultiRegionAccessPointStatus, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against NetworkOrigin, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against ObjectLambdaAccessPointAliasStatus, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against ObjectLambdaAllowedFeature, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • A container for AwsLambdaTransformation.

  • When writing a match expression against ObjectLambdaTransformationConfigurationAction, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against OperationName, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against OutputSchemaVersion, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against OwnerOverride, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against Permission, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against Privilege, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against ReplicaModificationsStatus, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against ReplicationRuleStatus, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against ReplicationStatus, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against ReplicationStorageClass, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against ReplicationTimeStatus, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against RequestedJobStatus, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against S3CannedAccessControlList, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against S3ChecksumAlgorithm, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against S3GlacierJobTier, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against S3GranteeTypeIdentifier, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against S3MetadataDirective, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against S3ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against S3ObjectLockMode, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against S3ObjectLockRetentionMode, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against S3Permission, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against S3PrefixType, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against S3SseAlgorithm, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against S3StorageClass, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against SseKmsEncryptedObjectsStatus, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against TransitionStorageClass, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.