Module aws_sdk_eventbridge::types

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Data structures used by operation inputs/outputs.


  • Builders
  • Error types that Amazon EventBridge can respond with.


  • Contains details about an API destination.

  • Contains the GraphQL operation to be parsed and executed, if the event target is an AppSync API.

  • An Archive object that contains details about an archive.

  • This structure specifies the VPC subnets and security groups for the task, and whether a public IP address is to be used. This structure is relevant only for ECS tasks that use the awsvpc network mode.

  • The array properties for the submitted job, such as the size of the array. The array size can be between 2 and 10,000. If you specify array properties for a job, it becomes an array job. This parameter is used only if the target is an Batch job.

  • The custom parameters to be used when the target is an Batch job.

  • The retry strategy to use for failed jobs, if the target is an Batch job. If you specify a retry strategy here, it overrides the retry strategy defined in the job definition.

  • The details of a capacity provider strategy. To learn more, see CapacityProviderStrategyItem in the Amazon ECS API Reference.

  • A JSON string which you can use to limit the event bus permissions you are granting to only accounts that fulfill the condition. Currently, the only supported condition is membership in a certain Amazon Web Services organization. The string must contain Type, Key, and Value fields. The Value field specifies the ID of the Amazon Web Services organization. Following is an example value for Condition:

  • Contains information about a connection.

  • Contains the authorization parameters for the connection if API Key is specified as the authorization type.

  • Contains the authorization parameters to use for the connection.

  • Contains the authorization parameters for the connection if Basic is specified as the authorization type.

  • Additional parameter included in the body. You can include up to 100 additional body parameters per request. An event payload cannot exceed 64 KB.

  • Additional parameter included in the header. You can include up to 100 additional header parameters per request. An event payload cannot exceed 64 KB.

  • Contains additional parameters for the connection.

  • Contains the client response parameters for the connection when OAuth is specified as the authorization type.

  • Contains the response parameters when OAuth is specified as the authorization type.

  • Additional query string parameter for the connection. You can include up to 100 additional query string parameters per request. Each additional parameter counts towards the event payload size, which cannot exceed 64 KB.

  • Contains the API key authorization parameters for the connection.

  • Contains the authorization parameters for the connection.

  • Contains the Basic authorization parameters to use for the connection.

  • Contains the Basic authorization parameters to use for the connection.

  • Contains the OAuth authorization parameters to use for the connection.

  • Configuration details of the Amazon SQS queue for EventBridge to use as a dead-letter queue (DLQ).

  • The custom parameters to be used when the target is an Amazon ECS task.

  • A global endpoint used to improve your application's availability by making it regional-fault tolerant. For more information about global endpoints, see Making applications Regional-fault tolerant with global endpoints and event replication in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide .

  • The event buses the endpoint is associated with.

  • An event bus receives events from a source, uses rules to evaluate them, applies any configured input transformation, and routes them to the appropriate target(s). Your account's default event bus receives events from Amazon Web Services services. A custom event bus can receive events from your custom applications and services. A partner event bus receives events from an event source created by an SaaS partner. These events come from the partners services or applications.

  • A partner event source is created by an SaaS partner. If a customer creates a partner event bus that matches this event source, that Amazon Web Services account can receive events from the partner's applications or services.

  • The failover configuration for an endpoint. This includes what triggers failover and what happens when it's triggered.

  • These are custom parameter to be used when the target is an API Gateway APIs or EventBridge ApiDestinations. In the latter case, these are merged with any InvocationParameters specified on the Connection, with any values from the Connection taking precedence.

  • Contains the parameters needed for you to provide custom input to a target based on one or more pieces of data extracted from the event.

  • This object enables you to specify a JSON path to extract from the event and use as the partition key for the Amazon Kinesis data stream, so that you can control the shard to which the event goes. If you do not include this parameter, the default is to use the eventId as the partition key.

  • This structure specifies the network configuration for an ECS task.

  • A partner event source is created by an SaaS partner. If a customer creates a partner event bus that matches this event source, that Amazon Web Services account can receive events from the partner's applications or services.

  • The Amazon Web Services account that a partner event source has been offered to.

  • An object representing a constraint on task placement. To learn more, see Task Placement Constraints in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.

  • The task placement strategy for a task or service. To learn more, see Task Placement Strategies in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Service Developer Guide.

  • The primary Region of the endpoint.

  • Represents an event to be submitted.

  • Represents the results of an event submitted to an event bus.

  • The details about an event generated by an SaaS partner.

  • The result of an event entry the partner submitted in this request. If the event was successfully submitted, the entry has the event ID in it. Otherwise, you can use the error code and error message to identify the problem with the entry.

  • Represents a target that failed to be added to a rule.

  • These are custom parameters to be used when the target is a Amazon Redshift cluster to invoke the Amazon Redshift Data API ExecuteStatement based on EventBridge events.

  • Represents a target that failed to be removed from a rule.

  • A Replay object that contains details about a replay.

  • A ReplayDestination object that contains details about a replay.

  • Endpoints can replicate all events to the secondary Region.

  • A RetryPolicy object that includes information about the retry policy settings.

  • The routing configuration of the endpoint.

  • Contains information about a rule in Amazon EventBridge.

  • This parameter contains the criteria (either InstanceIds or a tag) used to specify which EC2 instances are to be sent the command.

  • Information about the EC2 instances that are to be sent the command, specified as key-value pairs. Each RunCommandTarget block can include only one key, but this key may specify multiple values.

  • Name/Value pair of a parameter to start execution of a SageMaker Model Building Pipeline.

  • These are custom parameters to use when the target is a SageMaker Model Building Pipeline that starts based on EventBridge events.

  • The secondary Region that processes events when failover is triggered or replication is enabled.

  • This structure includes the custom parameter to be used when the target is an SQS FIFO queue.

  • A key-value pair associated with an Amazon Web Services resource. In EventBridge, rules and event buses support tagging.

  • Targets are the resources to be invoked when a rule is triggered. For a complete list of services and resources that can be set as a target, see PutTargets.

  • Contains the API key authorization parameters to use to update the connection.

  • Contains the additional parameters to use for the connection.

  • Contains the Basic authorization parameters for the connection.

  • Contains the OAuth authorization parameters to use for the connection.

  • Contains the OAuth request parameters to use for the connection.


  • When writing a match expression against ApiDestinationHttpMethod, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against ApiDestinationState, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against ArchiveState, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against AssignPublicIp, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against ConnectionAuthorizationType, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against ConnectionOAuthHttpMethod, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against ConnectionState, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against EndpointState, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against EventSourceState, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against LaunchType, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against PlacementConstraintType, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against PlacementStrategyType, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against PropagateTags, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against ReplayState, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against ReplicationState, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against RuleState, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.