Type Definition atsame70n21b::afec0::mr::STARTUP_W

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pub type STARTUP_W<'a, const O: u8> = FieldWriterSafe<'a, u32, MR_SPEC, u8, STARTUPSELECT_A, 4, O>;
Expand description

Field STARTUP writer - Start-up Time


0 periods of AFE clock

8 periods of AFE clock

16 periods of AFE clock

24 periods of AFE clock

64 periods of AFE clock

80 periods of AFE clock

96 periods of AFE clock

112 periods of AFE clock

512 periods of AFE clock

576 periods of AFE clock

640 periods of AFE clock

704 periods of AFE clock

768 periods of AFE clock

832 periods of AFE clock

896 periods of AFE clock

960 periods of AFE clock