Type Definition atsam4s2c_pac::tc0::bmr::R[][src]

type R = R<u32, BMR>;

Reader of register BMR


impl R[src]

pub fn tc0xc0s(&self) -> TC0XC0S_R[src]

Bits 0:1 - External Clock Signal 0 Selection

pub fn tc1xc1s(&self) -> TC1XC1S_R[src]

Bits 2:3 - External Clock Signal 1 Selection

pub fn tc2xc2s(&self) -> TC2XC2S_R[src]

Bits 4:5 - External Clock Signal 2 Selection

pub fn qden(&self) -> QDEN_R[src]

Bit 8 - Quadrature Decoder ENabled

pub fn posen(&self) -> POSEN_R[src]

Bit 9 - POSition ENabled

pub fn speeden(&self) -> SPEEDEN_R[src]

Bit 10 - SPEED ENabled

pub fn qdtrans(&self) -> QDTRANS_R[src]

Bit 11 - Quadrature Decoding TRANSparent

pub fn edgpha(&self) -> EDGPHA_R[src]

Bit 12 - EDGe on PHA count mode

pub fn inva(&self) -> INVA_R[src]

Bit 13 - INVerted phA

pub fn invb(&self) -> INVB_R[src]

Bit 14 - INVerted phB

pub fn invidx(&self) -> INVIDX_R[src]

Bit 15 - INVerted InDeX

pub fn swap(&self) -> SWAP_R[src]

Bit 16 - SWAP PHA and PHB

pub fn idxphb(&self) -> IDXPHB_R[src]

Bit 17 - InDeX pin is PHB pin

pub fn filter(&self) -> FILTER_R[src]

Bit 19 - Glitch Filter

pub fn maxfilt(&self) -> MAXFILT_R[src]

Bits 20:25 - MAXimum FILTer