Type Definition atsam4lc4a_pac::tc0::cmr_alt::W[][src]

type W = W<u32, CMR_ALT>;

Writer for register CMR%s_ALT


impl W[src]

pub fn tcclks(&mut self) -> TCCLKS_W<'_>[src]

Bits 0:2 - Clock Selection

pub fn clki(&mut self) -> CLKI_W<'_>[src]

Bit 3 - Clock Invert

pub fn burst(&mut self) -> BURST_W<'_>[src]

Bits 4:5 - Burst Signal Selection

pub fn cpcstop(&mut self) -> CPCSTOP_W<'_>[src]

Bit 6 - Counter Clock Stopped with RC Compare

pub fn cpcdis(&mut self) -> CPCDIS_W<'_>[src]

Bit 7 - Counter Clock Disable with RC Compare

pub fn eevtedg(&mut self) -> EEVTEDG_W<'_>[src]

Bits 8:9 - External Event Edge Selection

pub fn eevt(&mut self) -> EEVT_W<'_>[src]

Bits 10:11 - External Event Selection

pub fn enetrg(&mut self) -> ENETRG_W<'_>[src]

Bit 12 - External Event Trigger Enable

pub fn wavsel(&mut self) -> WAVSEL_W<'_>[src]

Bits 13:14 - Waveform Selection

pub fn wave(&mut self) -> WAVE_W<'_>[src]

Bit 15 - WAVE

pub fn acpa(&mut self) -> ACPA_W<'_>[src]

Bits 16:17 - RA Compare Effect on TIOA

pub fn acpc(&mut self) -> ACPC_W<'_>[src]

Bits 18:19 - RC Compare Effect on TIOA

pub fn aeevt(&mut self) -> AEEVT_W<'_>[src]

Bits 20:21 - External Event Effect on TIOA

pub fn aswtrg(&mut self) -> ASWTRG_W<'_>[src]

Bits 22:23 - Software Trigger Effect on TIOA

pub fn bcpb(&mut self) -> BCPB_W<'_>[src]

Bits 24:25 - RB Compare Effect on TIOB

pub fn bcpc(&mut self) -> BCPC_W<'_>[src]

Bits 26:27 - RC Compare Effect on TIOB

pub fn beevt(&mut self) -> BEEVT_W<'_>[src]

Bits 28:29 - External Event Effect on TIOB

pub fn bswtrg(&mut self) -> BSWTRG_W<'_>[src]

Bits 30:31 - Software Trigger Effect on TIOB