[][src]Crate async_proxy


The crate async-proxy provides a fast and flexible, as well as asyncronous implementation of proxy clients and proxy-related utilities.


use async_proxy::clients::socks4::no_ident::Socks4NoIdent;
use async_proxy::general::ConnectionTimeouts;
use async_proxy::proxy::ProxyConstructor;
use tokio::net::TcpStream;
use std::net::{
    SocketAddr, SocketAddrV4,
    IpAddr, Ipv4Addr
use std::time::Duration;
use std::process::exit;
async fn main() {
    // The address of the proxy server that
    // will be used to connect through.
    // (We used a random proxy from `https://hidemy.name/en/proxy-list/`)
    let proxy_ipaddr: Ipv4Addr = Ipv4Addr::new(104, 248, 63, 15);
    // The port of the proxy server
    let proxy_port: u16 = 30_588;
    // The full `SocketAddr` proxy server address representation
    let proxy_addr: SocketAddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(proxy_ipaddr), proxy_port);
    // Setting up timeouts
    let timeouts = ConnectionTimeouts::new(
        // Connecting timeout
        // Write timeout
        // Read timeout
    // The address of the destination service
    // that we will be connecting to through proxy.
    // (We used a tcp echo server from `http://tcpbin.org/`)
    let dest_ipaddr: Ipv4Addr = Ipv4Addr::new(52, 20, 16, 20);
    // The port of the destination service
    let dest_port: u16 = 30_000;
    // The full `SocketAddrV4` destination service address representation
    let dest_addr: SocketAddrV4 = SocketAddrV4::new(dest_ipaddr, dest_port);
    // Creating the socks4 constructor,
    // using which we will establish a connection
    // through proxy
    let socks4_proxy = Socks4NoIdent::new(dest_addr, timeouts);
    // Connecting to the stream and getting the readable and
    // writable stream, or terminating the script if it is
    // unable to connect
    let stream = TcpStream::connect(proxy_addr)
                           .expect("Unable to connect to the proxy server");

    // Connecting to the service through proxy
    let mut stream = match socks4_proxy.connect(stream).await {
        Ok(stream) => stream,
        Err(e) => {
            // -- unable to connect to the service -- //
            // -- handling the error -- //
    // -- using `stream` -- //



Module responsible for client implementations of known and most-used proxifications protocols, such as Socks4/5, HTTP(s) proxies


Module contains types and definitions that are widely and generally used over the library


Module responsible for functionality related to proxy clients interfaces (eg. common definitions and traits)