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Asynchronously fetch files from HTTP servers

  • Concurrently fetch multiple files at the same time.
  • Define alternative mirrors for the source of a file.
  • Use multiple concurrent connections per file.
  • Use mirrors for concurrent connections.
  • Resume a download which has been interrupted.
  • Progress events for fetches
let results_stream = Fetcher::default()
    // Define a max number of ranged connections per file.
    // Max size of a connection's part, concatenated on completion.
    .max_part_size(4 * 1024 * 1024)
    // An `Arc<AtomicBool>` which can be used to interrupt the download.
    // The channel for sending progress notifications.
    // Maximum number of retry attempts.
    // How long to wait before aborting a download that hasn't progressed.
    // Finalize the struct into an `Arc` for use with fetching.
    // Take a stream of `Source` inputs and generate a stream of fetches.
    // Fetches up to 8 sources concurrently



An asynchronous file fetcher for clients fetching files.

Information about a source being fetched.


An error from the asynchronous file fetcher.

Events which are submitted by the fetcher.


Generates a stream of futures that validate checksums.

Accepts a stream of future file parts and concatenates them into the dest file.

Validates the checksum of a single file

Type Definitions