pub trait CurveConfig: Send + Sync + Sized + 'static {
    type BaseField: Field;
    type ScalarField: PrimeField + Into<<Self::ScalarField as PrimeField>::BigInt>;

    const COFACTOR: &'static [u64];
    const COFACTOR_INV: Self::ScalarField;

    fn cofactor_is_one() -> bool { ... }
Expand description

Elliptic curves can be represented via different “models” with varying efficiency properties. CurveConfig bundles together the types that are common to all models of the given curve, namely the BaseField over which the curve is defined, and the ScalarField defined by the appropriate prime-order subgroup of the curve.

Required Associated Types

Base field that the curve is defined over.

Finite prime field corresponding to an appropriate prime-order subgroup of the curve group.

Required Associated Constants

The cofactor of this curve, represented as a sequence of little-endian limbs.

Provided Methods
