ark-ff 0.4.0-alpha.0

A library for finite fields failed to build ark-ff-0.4.0-alpha.0
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Visit the last successful build: ark-ff-0.5.0-alpha.0

This crate defines Finite Field traits and useful abstraction models that follow these traits. Implementations of concrete finite fields for some popular elliptic curves can be found in arkworks-rs/curves under arkworks-rs/curves/<your favourite curve>/src/fields/.

This crate contains two types of traits:

  • Field traits: These define interfaces for manipulating field elements, such as addition, multiplication, inverses, square roots, and more.
  • Field Configs: specifies the parameters defining the field in question. For extension fields, it also provides additional functionality required for the field, such as operations involving a (cubic or quadratic) non-residue used for constructing the field (NONRESIDUE).

The available field traits are:

  • Field - Interface for a generic finite field.
  • FftField - Exposes methods that allow for performing efficient FFTs on field elements.
  • PrimeField - Field with a prime p number of elements, also referred to as Fp.

The models implemented are:

  • Quadratic Extension
    • QuadExtField - Struct representing a quadratic extension field, in this case holding two base field elements
    • QuadExtConfig - Trait defining the necessary parameters needed to instantiate a Quadratic Extension Field
  • Cubic Extension
    • CubicExtField - Struct representing a cubic extension field, holds three base field elements
    • CubicExtConfig - Trait defining the necessary parameters needed to instantiate a Cubic Extension Field

The above two models serve as abstractions for constructing the extension fields Fp^m directly (i.e. m equal 2 or 3) or for creating extension towers to arrive at higher m. The latter is done by applying the extensions iteratively, e.g. cubic extension over a quadratic extension field.

  • Fp2 - Quadratic extension directly on the prime field, i.e. BaseField == BasePrimeField
  • Fp3 - Cubic extension directly on the prime field, i.e. BaseField == BasePrimeField
  • Fp6_2over3 - Extension tower: quadratic extension on a cubic extension field, i.e. BaseField = Fp3, but BasePrimeField = Fp.
  • Fp6_3over2 - Extension tower, similar to the above except that the towering order is reversed: it's a cubic extension on a quadratic extension field, i.e. BaseField = Fp2, but BasePrimeField = Fp. Only this latter one is exported by default as Fp6.
  • Fp12_2over3over2 - Extension tower: quadratic extension of Fp6_3over2, i.e. BaseField = Fp6.