Crate aqi

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The aqi crate provides functions for calculating the Air Quality Index based on concentrations of particuate matter.

The AQI is defined for ozone (O₃), 1.0-2.5 micron particulate matter (PM2.5), 2.5-10 micron particulate matter (PM10), carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO₂), and nitrogen dioxide (NO₂).

The AQI helps make air quality more understandable to laypersons, normalizing air quality on a scale from 0 to 500, with round-number ranges that indicate qualities such as “Good”, “Unhealthy”, and “Hazardous”.

For further information, see AQI basics and AQI techinical assistance.

Additionally, this library supports “adjusted” PM2.5 AQI values, using the LRAPA, EPA and AQandU conversion formulas.


Calucated AQI and human-readable level


Error type for air quality calculations

Represents the human-friendly interpretation of the AQI


Calculates the carbon monoxide Air Quality Index from the provided 8-hour concentration

Calculates the nitrogen dioxide Air Quality Index from the provided 1-hour concentration

Calculates the ozone Air Quality Index from the provided 1-hour concentration

Calculates the Ozone Air Quality Index from the provided 8-hour concentration

Calculates the PM2.5 Air Quality Index from the provided 24-hour concentration

Calcuates the AQandU-adjusted PM2.5 Air Quality Index for the provided 24-hour concentration

Calcuates the EPA-adjusted PM2.5 Air Quality Index for the provided 24-hour concentration

Calcuates the LRAPA-adjusted PM2.5 Air Quality Index for the provided 24-hour concentration

Calculates the PM10 Air Quality Index from the provided 24-hour concentration

Calculates the sulfur dioxide Air Quality Index from the provided 1-hour concentration

Calculates the sulfur dioxide Air Quality Index from the provided 24-hour concentration

Type Definitions

Result type for air quality calculations