[][src]Type Definition agnes::source::csv::CsvSrcSpecCons

type CsvSrcSpecCons<Label, DType, Tail> = FieldPayloadCons<Label, DType, usize, Tail>;

Type alias for Cons-list specifying label, data type, and source index information of a CSV data source.

Trait Implementations

impl<Label, DType, Tail> BuildDStore for CsvSrcSpecCons<Label, DType, Tail> where
    Tail: BuildDStore,
    DataStore<<Tail as BuildDStore>::OutputFields>: PushFrontFromValueIter<Label, DType>,
    Tail::OutputFields: PushBack<FieldSpec<Label, DType>>,
    <Tail::OutputFields as PushBack<FieldSpec<Label, DType>>>::Output: AssocStorage,
    Label: Debug,
    DType: FromStr + Debug + Default + Clone,
    ParseError: From<<DType as FromStr>::Err>, 

type OutputFields = <DataStore<<Tail as BuildDStore>::OutputFields> as PushFrontFromValueIter<Label, DType>>::OutputFields

Fields type parameter of the resultant DataStore.