Temporary storage for outputting drawing commands out of order
A single draw command within a parent ImDrawList (generally maps to 1 GPU draw call)
Flags for indictating which corner of a rectangle should be rounded
All draw command lists required to render the frame
A single draw command list (generally one per window)
A single vertex
Runtime data for a single font within a parent ImFontAtlas
Runtime data for multiple fonts, bake multiple fonts into a single texture, TTF/OTF font loader
Configuration data when adding a font or merging fonts
Color edit flags
Flags for igBeginCombo
Condition flags
Flags for igBeginDragDropSource(), igAcceptDragDropPayload()
Flags for window focus check
Flags for hover checks
Main configuration and I/O between your application and ImGui
Flags for text inputs
Helper to manually clip large list of items
Data payload for Drag and Drop operations
Flags for selectables
Runtime data for styling/colors
Flags for trees and collapsing headers
Window flags
A tuple of 2 floating-point values
A tuple of 4 floating-point values
Lightweight vector struct