[][src]Struct aerospike::Client

pub struct Client { /* fields omitted */ }

Instantiate a Client instance to access an Aerospike database cluster and perform database operations.

The client is thread-safe. Only one client instance should be used per cluster. Multiple threads should share this cluster instance.

Your application uses this class' API to perform database operations such as writing and reading records, and selecting sets of records. Write operations include specialized functionality such as append/prepend and arithmetic addition.

Each record may have multiple bins, unless the Aerospike server nodes are configured as "single-bin". In "multi-bin" mode, partial records may be written or read by specifying the relevant subset of bins.


impl Client[src]

pub fn new(policy: &ClientPolicy, hosts: &dyn ToHosts) -> Result<Self>[src]

Initializes Aerospike client with suitable hosts to seed the cluster map. The client policy is used to set defaults and size internal data structures. For each host connection that succeeds, the client will:

  • Add host to the cluster map
  • Request host's list of other nodes in cluster
  • Add these nodes to the cluster map

In most cases, only one host is necessary to seed the cluster. The remaining hosts are added as future seeds in case of a complete network failure.

If one connection succeeds, the client is ready to process database requests. If all connections fail and the policy's `fail_

The seed hosts to connect to (one or more) can be specified as a comma-separated list of hostnames or IP addresses with optional port numbers, e.g.,,

Port 3000 is used by default if the port number is omitted for any of the hosts.


Using an environment variable to set the list of seed hosts.

use aerospike::{Client, ClientPolicy};

let hosts = std::env::var("AEROSPIKE_HOSTS").unwrap();
let client = Client::new(&ClientPolicy::default(), &hosts).unwrap();

pub fn close(&self) -> Result<()>[src]

Closes the connection to the Aerospike cluster.

pub fn is_connected(&self) -> bool[src]

Returns true if the client is connected to any cluster nodes.

pub fn node_names(&self) -> Vec<String>[src]

Returns a list of the names of the active server nodes in the cluster.

pub fn get_node(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Arc<Node>>[src]

Return node given its name.

pub fn nodes(&self) -> Vec<Arc<Node>>[src]

Returns a list of active server nodes in the cluster.

pub fn get<T>(&self, policy: &ReadPolicy, key: &Key, bins: T) -> Result<Record> where
    T: Into<Bins>, 

Read record for the specified key. Depending on the bins value provided, all record bins, only selected record bins or only the record headers will be returned. The policy can be used to specify timeouts.


Fetch specified bins for a record with the given key.

let key = as_key!("test", "test", "mykey");
match client.get(&ReadPolicy::default(), &key, ["a", "b"]) {
        => println!("a={:?}", record.bins.get("a")),
    Err(Error(ErrorKind::ServerError(ResultCode::KeyNotFoundError), _))
        => println!("No such record: {}", key),
        => println!("Error fetching record: {}", err),

Determine the remaining time-to-live of a record.

let key = as_key!("test", "test", "mykey");
match client.get(&ReadPolicy::default(), &key, Bins::None) {
    Ok(record) => {
        match record.time_to_live() {
            None => println!("record never expires"),
            Some(duration) => println!("ttl: {} secs", duration.as_secs()),
    Err(Error(ErrorKind::ServerError(ResultCode::KeyNotFoundError), _))
        => println!("No such record: {}", key),
        => println!("Error fetching record: {}", err),

pub fn batch_get<'a>(
    policy: &BatchPolicy,
    batch_reads: Vec<BatchRead<'a>>
) -> Result<Vec<BatchRead<'a>>>

Read multiple record for specified batch keys in one batch call. This method allows different namespaces/bins to be requested for each key in the batch. If the BatchRead key field is not found, the corresponding record field will be None. The policy can be used to specify timeouts and maximum concurrent threads. This method requires Aerospike Server version >= 3.6.0.


Fetch multiple records in a single client request

let bins = Bins::from(["name", "age"]);
let mut batch_reads = vec![];
for i in 0..10 {
  let key = as_key!("test", "test", i);
  batch_reads.push(BatchRead::new(key, &bins));
match client.batch_get(&BatchPolicy::default(), batch_reads) {
    Ok(results) => {
      for result in results {
        match result.record {
          Some(record) => println!("{:?} => {:?}", result.key, record.bins),
          None => println!("No such record: {:?}", result.key),
        => println!("Error executing batch request: {}", err),

pub fn put<'a, 'b, A: AsRef<Bin<'b>>>(
    policy: &'a WritePolicy,
    key: &'a Key,
    bins: &'a [A]
) -> Result<()>

Write record bin(s). The policy specifies the transaction timeout, record expiration and how the transaction is handled when the record already exists.


Write a record with a single integer bin.

let key = as_key!("test", "test", "mykey");
let bin = as_bin!("i", 42);
match client.put(&WritePolicy::default(), &key, &vec![&bin]) {
    Ok(()) => println!("Record written"),
    Err(err) => println!("Error writing record: {}", err),

Write a record with an expiration of 10 seconds.

let key = as_key!("test", "test", "mykey");
let bin = as_bin!("i", 42);
let mut policy = WritePolicy::default();
policy.expiration = policy::Expiration::Seconds(10);
match client.put(&policy, &key, &vec![&bin]) {
    Ok(()) => println!("Record written"),
    Err(err) => println!("Error writing record: {}", err),

pub fn add<'a, 'b, A: AsRef<Bin<'b>>>(
    policy: &'a WritePolicy,
    key: &'a Key,
    bins: &'a [A]
) -> Result<()>

Add integer bin values to existing record bin values. The policy specifies the transaction timeout, record expiration and how the transaction is handled when the record already exists. This call only works for integer values.


Add two integer values to two existing bin values.

let key = as_key!("test", "test", "mykey");
let bina = as_bin!("a", 1);
let binb = as_bin!("b", 2);
let bins = vec![&bina, &binb];
match client.add(&WritePolicy::default(), &key, &bins) {
    Ok(()) => println!("Record updated"),
    Err(err) => println!("Error writing record: {}", err),

pub fn append<'a, 'b, A: AsRef<Bin<'b>>>(
    policy: &'a WritePolicy,
    key: &'a Key,
    bins: &'a [A]
) -> Result<()>

Append bin string values to existing record bin values. The policy specifies the transaction timeout, record expiration and how the transaction is handled when the record already exists. This call only works for string values.

pub fn prepend<'a, 'b, A: AsRef<Bin<'b>>>(
    policy: &'a WritePolicy,
    key: &'a Key,
    bins: &'a [A]
) -> Result<()>

Prepend bin string values to existing record bin values. The policy specifies the transaction timeout, record expiration and how the transaction is handled when the record already exists. This call only works for string values.

pub fn delete(&self, policy: &WritePolicy, key: &Key) -> Result<bool>[src]

Delete record for specified key. The policy specifies the transaction timeout. The call returns true if the record existed on the server before deletion.


Delete a record.

let key = as_key!("test", "test", "mykey");
match client.delete(&WritePolicy::default(), &key) {
    Ok(true) => println!("Record deleted"),
    Ok(false) => println!("Record did not exist"),
    Err(err) => println!("Error deleting record: {}", err),

pub fn touch(&self, policy: &WritePolicy, key: &Key) -> Result<()>[src]

Reset record's time to expiration using the policy's expiration. Fail if the record does not exist.


Reset a record's time to expiration to the default ttl for the namespace.

let key = as_key!("test", "test", "mykey");
let mut policy = WritePolicy::default();
policy.expiration = policy::Expiration::NamespaceDefault;
match client.touch(&policy, &key) {
    Ok(()) => println!("Record expiration updated"),
    Err(err) => println!("Error writing record: {}", err),

pub fn exists(&self, policy: &WritePolicy, key: &Key) -> Result<bool>[src]

Determine if a record key exists. The policy can be used to specify timeouts.

pub fn operate(
    policy: &WritePolicy,
    key: &Key,
    ops: &[Operation<'_>]
) -> Result<Record>

Perform multiple read/write operations on a single key in one batch call.

Operations on scalar values, lists and maps can be performed in the same call.

Operations execute in the order specified by the client application.


Add an integer value to an existing record and then read the result, all in one database call.

let key = as_key!("test", "test", "mykey");
let bin = as_bin!("a", 42);
let ops = vec![
match client.operate(&WritePolicy::default(), &key, &ops) {
    Ok(record) => println!("The new value is {}", record.bins.get("a").unwrap()),
    Err(err) => println!("Error writing record: {}", err),

pub fn register_udf(
    policy: &WritePolicy,
    udf_body: &[u8],
    udf_name: &str,
    language: UDFLang
) -> Result<RegisterTask>

Register a package containing user-defined functions (UDF) with the cluster. This asynchronous server call will return before the command is complete. The client registers the UDF package with a single, random cluster node; from there a copy will get distributed to all other cluster nodes automatically.

Lua is the only supported scripting laungauge for UDFs at the moment.


let code = r#"
-- Validate value before writing.
function writeWithValidation(r,name,value)
  if (value >= 1 and value <= 10) then
    if not aerospike:exists(r) then
    r[name] = value
      error("1000:Invalid value")

-- Set a particular bin only if record does not already exist.
function writeUnique(r,name,value)
  if not aerospike:exists(r) then
    r[name] = value

client.register_udf(&WritePolicy::default(), code.as_bytes(),
                    "example.lua", UDFLang::Lua).unwrap();

pub fn register_udf_from_file(
    policy: &WritePolicy,
    client_path: &str,
    udf_name: &str,
    language: UDFLang
) -> Result<RegisterTask>

Register a package containing user-defined functions (UDF) with the cluster. This asynchronous server call will return before the command is complete. The client registers the UDF package with a single, random cluster node; from there a copy will get distributed to all other cluster nodes automatically.

Lua is the only supported scripting laungauge for UDFs at the moment.

pub fn remove_udf(
    policy: &WritePolicy,
    udf_name: &str,
    language: UDFLang
) -> Result<()>

Remove a user-defined function (UDF) module from the server.

pub fn execute_udf(
    policy: &WritePolicy,
    key: &Key,
    udf_name: &str,
    function_name: &str,
    args: Option<&[Value]>
) -> Result<Option<Value>>

Execute a user-defined function on the server and return the results. The function operates on a single record. The UDF package name is required to locate the UDF.

pub fn scan<T>(
    policy: &ScanPolicy,
    namespace: &str,
    set_name: &str,
    bins: T
) -> Result<Arc<Recordset>> where
    T: Into<Bins>, 

Read all records in the specified namespace and set and return a record iterator. The scan executor puts records on a queue in separate threads. The calling thread concurrently pops records off the queue through the record iterator. Up to policy.max_concurrent_nodes nodes are scanned in parallel. If concurrent nodes is set to zero, the server nodes are read in series.


match client.scan(&ScanPolicy::default(), "test", "demo", Bins::All) {
    Ok(records) => {
        let mut count = 0;
        for record in &*records {
            match record {
                Ok(record) => count += 1,
                Err(err) => panic!("Error executing scan: {}", err),
        println!("Records: {}", count);
    Err(err) => println!("Failed to execute scan: {}", err),

pub fn scan_node<T>(
    policy: &ScanPolicy,
    node: Arc<Node>,
    namespace: &str,
    set_name: &str,
    bins: T
) -> Result<Arc<Recordset>> where
    T: Into<Bins>, 

Read all records in the specified namespace and set for one node only and return a record iterator. The scan executor puts records on a queue in separate threads. The calling thread concurrently pops records off the queue through the record iterator. Up to policy.max_concurrent_nodes nodes are scanned in parallel. If concurrent nodes is set to zero, the server nodes are read in series.

pub fn query(
    policy: &QueryPolicy,
    statement: Statement
) -> Result<Arc<Recordset>>

Execute a query on all server nodes and return a record iterator. The query executor puts records on a queue in separate threads. The calling thread concurrently pops records off the queue through the record iterator.


let stmt = Statement::new("test", "test", Bins::All);
match client.query(&QueryPolicy::default(), stmt) {
    Ok(records) => {
        for record in &*records {
            // .. process record
    Err(err) => println!("Error fetching record: {}", err),

pub fn query_node(
    policy: &QueryPolicy,
    node: Arc<Node>,
    statement: Statement
) -> Result<Arc<Recordset>>

Execute a query on a single server node and return a record iterator. The query executor puts records on a queue in separate threads. The calling thread concurrently pops records off the queue through the record iterator.

pub fn truncate(
    policy: &WritePolicy,
    namespace: &str,
    set_name: &str,
    before_nanos: i64
) -> Result<()>

Removes all records in the specified namespace/set efficiently.

This method is many orders of magnitude faster than deleting records one at a time. It requires Aerospike Server version 3.12 or later. See https://www.aerospike.com/docs/reference/info#truncate for further info.

The set_name is optional; set to "" to delete all sets in namespace.

before_nanos optionally specifies a last update timestamp (lut); if it is greater than zero, only records with a lut less than before_nanos are deleted. Units are in nanoseconds since unix epoch (1970-01-01). Pass in zero to delete all records in the namespace/set recardless of last update time.

pub fn create_index(
    policy: &WritePolicy,
    namespace: &str,
    set_name: &str,
    bin_name: &str,
    index_name: &str,
    index_type: IndexType
) -> Result<IndexTask>

Create a secondary index on a bin containing scalar values. This asynchronous server call returns before the command is complete.


The following example creates an index idx_foo_bar_baz. The index is in namespace foo within set bar and bin baz:

match client.create_index(&WritePolicy::default(), "foo", "bar", "baz",
    "idx_foo_bar_baz", IndexType::Numeric) {
    Err(err) => println!("Failed to create index: {}", err),
    _ => {}

pub fn create_complex_index(
    policy: &WritePolicy,
    namespace: &str,
    set_name: &str,
    bin_name: &str,
    index_name: &str,
    index_type: IndexType,
    collection_index_type: CollectionIndexType
) -> Result<()>

Create a complex secondary index on a bin containing scalar, list or map values. This asynchronous server call returns before the command is complete.

pub fn drop_index(
    policy: &WritePolicy,
    namespace: &str,
    set_name: &str,
    index_name: &str
) -> Result<()>

Delete secondary index.

Trait Implementations

impl Send for Client[src]

impl Sync for Client[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

impl !RefUnwindSafe for Client

impl Unpin for Client

impl !UnwindSafe for Client

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> Same<T> for T

type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T where
    V: MultiLane<T>,