Trait abstract_cw_multi_test::Wasm

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pub trait Wasm<ExecC, QueryC> {
Show 17 methods // Required methods fn execute( &self, api: &dyn Api, storage: &mut dyn Storage, router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, block: &BlockInfo, sender: Addr, msg: WasmMsg, ) -> AnyResult<AppResponse>; fn query( &self, api: &dyn Api, storage: &dyn Storage, querier: &dyn Querier, block: &BlockInfo, request: WasmQuery, ) -> AnyResult<Binary>; fn sudo( &self, api: &dyn Api, storage: &mut dyn Storage, router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, block: &BlockInfo, msg: WasmSudo, ) -> AnyResult<AppResponse>; fn store_code( &mut self, creator: Addr, code: Box<dyn Contract<ExecC, QueryC>>, ) -> u64; fn store_code_with_id( &mut self, creator: Addr, code_id: u64, code: Box<dyn Contract<ExecC, QueryC>>, ) -> AnyResult<u64>; fn duplicate_code(&mut self, code_id: u64) -> AnyResult<u64>; fn contract_data( &self, storage: &dyn Storage, address: &Addr, ) -> AnyResult<ContractData>; fn dump_wasm_raw( &self, storage: &dyn Storage, address: &Addr, ) -> Vec<Record>; // Provided methods fn contract_namespace(&self, contract: &Addr) -> Vec<u8> { ... } fn contract_storage<'a>( &self, storage: &'a dyn Storage, address: &Addr, ) -> Box<dyn Storage + 'a> { ... } fn contract_storage_mut<'a>( &self, storage: &'a mut dyn Storage, address: &Addr, ) -> Box<dyn Storage + 'a> { ... } fn ibc_channel_open( &self, _api: &dyn Api, _contract_addr: Addr, _storage: &mut dyn Storage, _router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, _block: &BlockInfo, _request: IbcChannelOpenMsg, ) -> AnyResult<IbcChannelOpenResponse> { ... } fn ibc_channel_connect( &self, _api: &dyn Api, _contract_addr: Addr, _storage: &mut dyn Storage, _router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, _block: &BlockInfo, _request: IbcChannelConnectMsg, ) -> AnyResult<AppIbcBasicResponse> { ... } fn ibc_channel_close( &self, _api: &dyn Api, _contract_addr: Addr, _storage: &mut dyn Storage, _router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, _block: &BlockInfo, _request: IbcChannelCloseMsg, ) -> AnyResult<AppIbcBasicResponse> { ... } fn ibc_packet_receive( &self, _api: &dyn Api, _contract_addr: Addr, _storage: &mut dyn Storage, _router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, _block: &BlockInfo, _request: IbcPacketReceiveMsg, ) -> AnyResult<AppIbcReceiveResponse> { ... } fn ibc_packet_acknowledge( &self, _api: &dyn Api, _contract_addr: Addr, _storage: &mut dyn Storage, _router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, _block: &BlockInfo, _request: IbcPacketAckMsg, ) -> AnyResult<AppIbcBasicResponse> { ... } fn ibc_packet_timeout( &self, _api: &dyn Api, _contract_addr: Addr, _storage: &mut dyn Storage, _router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, _block: &BlockInfo, _request: IbcPacketTimeoutMsg, ) -> AnyResult<AppIbcBasicResponse> { ... }
Expand description

This trait implements the interface of the Wasm module.

Required Methods§


fn execute( &self, api: &dyn Api, storage: &mut dyn Storage, router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, block: &BlockInfo, sender: Addr, msg: WasmMsg, ) -> AnyResult<AppResponse>

Handles all WasmMsg messages.


fn query( &self, api: &dyn Api, storage: &dyn Storage, querier: &dyn Querier, block: &BlockInfo, request: WasmQuery, ) -> AnyResult<Binary>

Handles all WasmQuery requests.


fn sudo( &self, api: &dyn Api, storage: &mut dyn Storage, router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, block: &BlockInfo, msg: WasmSudo, ) -> AnyResult<AppResponse>

Handles all sudo messages, this is an admin interface and can not be called via CosmosMsg.


fn store_code( &mut self, creator: Addr, code: Box<dyn Contract<ExecC, QueryC>>, ) -> u64

Stores the contract’s code and returns an identifier of the stored contract’s code.


fn store_code_with_id( &mut self, creator: Addr, code_id: u64, code: Box<dyn Contract<ExecC, QueryC>>, ) -> AnyResult<u64>

Stores the contract’s code under specified identifier, returns the same code identifier when successful.


fn duplicate_code(&mut self, code_id: u64) -> AnyResult<u64>

Duplicates the contract’s code with specified identifier and returns an identifier of the copy of the contract’s code.


fn contract_data( &self, storage: &dyn Storage, address: &Addr, ) -> AnyResult<ContractData>

Returns ContractData for the contract with specified address.


fn dump_wasm_raw(&self, storage: &dyn Storage, address: &Addr) -> Vec<Record>

Returns a raw state dump of all key-values held by a contract with specified address.

Provided Methods§


fn contract_namespace(&self, contract: &Addr) -> Vec<u8>

Returns the namespace of the contract storage.


fn contract_storage<'a>( &self, storage: &'a dyn Storage, address: &Addr, ) -> Box<dyn Storage + 'a>

Returns read-only (not mutable) contract storage.


fn contract_storage_mut<'a>( &self, storage: &'a mut dyn Storage, address: &Addr, ) -> Box<dyn Storage + 'a>

Returns read-write (mutable) contract storage.


fn ibc_channel_open( &self, _api: &dyn Api, _contract_addr: Addr, _storage: &mut dyn Storage, _router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, _block: &BlockInfo, _request: IbcChannelOpenMsg, ) -> AnyResult<IbcChannelOpenResponse>

Executes the contract ibc_channel_open endpoint


fn ibc_channel_connect( &self, _api: &dyn Api, _contract_addr: Addr, _storage: &mut dyn Storage, _router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, _block: &BlockInfo, _request: IbcChannelConnectMsg, ) -> AnyResult<AppIbcBasicResponse>

Executes the contract ibc_channel_connect endpoint


fn ibc_channel_close( &self, _api: &dyn Api, _contract_addr: Addr, _storage: &mut dyn Storage, _router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, _block: &BlockInfo, _request: IbcChannelCloseMsg, ) -> AnyResult<AppIbcBasicResponse>

Executes the contract ibc_channel_close endpoint


fn ibc_packet_receive( &self, _api: &dyn Api, _contract_addr: Addr, _storage: &mut dyn Storage, _router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, _block: &BlockInfo, _request: IbcPacketReceiveMsg, ) -> AnyResult<AppIbcReceiveResponse>

Executes the contract ibc_packet_receive endpoint


fn ibc_packet_acknowledge( &self, _api: &dyn Api, _contract_addr: Addr, _storage: &mut dyn Storage, _router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, _block: &BlockInfo, _request: IbcPacketAckMsg, ) -> AnyResult<AppIbcBasicResponse>

Executes the contract ibc_packet_acknowledge endpoint


fn ibc_packet_timeout( &self, _api: &dyn Api, _contract_addr: Addr, _storage: &mut dyn Storage, _router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, _block: &BlockInfo, _request: IbcPacketTimeoutMsg, ) -> AnyResult<AppIbcBasicResponse>

Executes the contract ibc_packet_timeout endpoint



impl<ExecC, QueryC> Wasm<ExecC, QueryC> for WasmKeeper<ExecC, QueryC>
where ExecC: CustomMsg + DeserializeOwned + 'static, QueryC: CustomQuery + DeserializeOwned + 'static,