Trait abd_clam::Dataset

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pub trait Dataset<I: Instance, U: Number>: Debug + Send + Sync + Index<usize, Output = I> + Clone {
Show 27 methods // Required methods fn type_name() -> String; fn name(&self) -> &str; fn cardinality(&self) -> usize; fn is_metric_expensive(&self) -> bool; fn metric(&self) -> fn(_: &I, _: &I) -> U; fn set_permuted_indices(&mut self, indices: Option<&[usize]>); fn swap(&mut self, left: usize, right: usize) -> Result<(), String>; fn permuted_indices(&self) -> Option<&[usize]>; fn make_shards(self, max_cardinality: usize) -> Vec<Self> where Self: Sized; fn save(&self, path: &Path) -> Result<(), String>; fn load( path: &Path, metric: fn(_: &I, _: &I) -> U, is_expensive: bool, ) -> Result<Self, String> where Self: Sized; // Provided methods fn permute_instances(&mut self, permutation: &[usize]) -> Result<(), String> { ... } fn original_index(&self, index: usize) -> usize { ... } fn one_to_one(&self, left: usize, right: usize) -> U { ... } fn are_instances_equal(&self, left: usize, right: usize) -> bool { ... } fn one_to_many(&self, left: usize, right: &[usize]) -> Vec<U> { ... } fn many_to_many(&self, left: &[usize], right: &[usize]) -> Vec<Vec<U>> { ... } fn pairs(&self, index_pairs: &[(usize, usize)]) -> Vec<U> { ... } fn pairwise(&self, indices: &[usize]) -> Vec<Vec<U>> { ... } fn query_to_one(&self, query: &I, index: usize) -> U { ... } fn query_to_many(&self, query: &I, indices: &[usize]) -> Vec<U> { ... } fn choose_unique( &self, n: usize, indices: &[usize], seed: Option<u64>, ) -> Vec<usize> { ... } fn median(&self, indices: &[usize]) -> Option<usize> { ... } fn linear_knn(&self, query: &I, k: usize) -> Vec<(usize, U)> { ... } fn par_linear_knn(&self, query: &I, k: usize) -> Vec<(usize, U)> { ... } fn linear_rnn(&self, query: &I, radius: U) -> Vec<(usize, U)> { ... } fn par_linear_rnn(&self, query: &I, radius: U) -> Vec<(usize, U)> { ... }
Expand description

A common interface for datasets used in CLAM.

Required Methods§


fn type_name() -> String

Returns the name of the type of the dataset.


fn name(&self) -> &str

Returns the name of the dataset. This is used to identify the dataset in various places.


fn cardinality(&self) -> usize

Returns the number of instances in the dataset.


fn is_metric_expensive(&self) -> bool

Whether or not the metric is expensive to calculate.

If the metric is expensive to calculate, CLAM will enable more parallelism when calculating distances.


fn metric(&self) -> fn(_: &I, _: &I) -> U

Returns the metric used to calculate distances between instances.

A metric should obey the following properties:

  • Identity: d(x, y) = 0 <=> x = y
  • Non-negativity: d(x, y) >= 0
  • Symmetry: d(x, y) = d(y, x)

If the metric also obeys the triangle inequality, d(x, z) <= d(x, y) + d(y, z), then CLAM can make certain guarantees about the exactness of search results.


fn set_permuted_indices(&mut self, indices: Option<&[usize]>)

Sets the permutation of indices that was used to reorder the dataset.

This is primarily used when permuting the dataset to reorder it after building a tree.

  • indices - The permutation of indices.

fn swap(&mut self, left: usize, right: usize) -> Result<(), String>

Swaps the location of two instances in the dataset.

This is primarily used when permuting the dataset to reorder it after building a tree.

  • left - An index in the dataset.
  • right - An index in the dataset.
  • If there is an error swapping the instances in the implementor.
  • If either left or right are invalid indices in the dataset.

fn permuted_indices(&self) -> Option<&[usize]>

Returns the permutation of indices that was used to reorder the dataset.

  • Some if the dataset was permuted.
  • None otherwise.

fn make_shards(self, max_cardinality: usize) -> Vec<Self>
where Self: Sized,

Makes a vector of sharded datasets from the given dataset.

Each shard will be a random subset of the dataset, and will have a cardinality of at most max_cardinality. The shards will be disjoint subsets of the dataset.

  • max_cardinality - The maximum cardinality of each shard.

fn save(&self, path: &Path) -> Result<(), String>

Saves the dataset to a file.

  • path - The path to the file to save the dataset to.
  • If the dataset cannot be saved to the given path.

fn load( path: &Path, metric: fn(_: &I, _: &I) -> U, is_expensive: bool, ) -> Result<Self, String>
where Self: Sized,

Loads a dataset from a file.

  • path - The path to the file to load the dataset from.
  • metric - The metric to use for the dataset.
  • is_expensive - Whether or not the metric is expensive to calculate.
  • If the dataset cannot be loaded from the given path.
  • If the dataset is not the same type as the one that was saved.
  • If the file was corrupted.

Provided Methods§


fn permute_instances(&mut self, permutation: &[usize]) -> Result<(), String>

Reorders the internal order of instances by a given permutation of indices.

  • permutation - A permutation of indices in the dataset.
  • See swap.
  • If any of the indices in permutation are invalid indices in the dataset.

fn original_index(&self, index: usize) -> usize

Get the index before the dataset was reordered. If the dataset was not reordered, this is the identity function.


fn one_to_one(&self, left: usize, right: usize) -> U

Calculates the distance between two indexed instances in the dataset.

  • left - An index in the dataset.
  • right - An index in the dataset.

The distance between the instances at left and right.


fn are_instances_equal(&self, left: usize, right: usize) -> bool

Returns whether or not two indexed instances in the dataset are equal.

As per the definition of a metric, this should return true if and only if the distance between the two instances is zero.

  • left - An index in the dataset
  • right - An index in the dataset

true if the instances are equal, false otherwise


fn one_to_many(&self, left: usize, right: &[usize]) -> Vec<U>

Returns a vector of distances.

  • left - An index in the dataset
  • right - A slice of indices in the dataset

A vector of distances between the instance at left and all instances at right


fn many_to_many(&self, left: &[usize], right: &[usize]) -> Vec<Vec<U>>

Returns a vector of vectors of distances.

  • left - A slice of indices in the dataset.
  • right - A slice of indices in the dataset.

A vector of vectors of distances between the instances at left and all instances at right


fn pairs(&self, index_pairs: &[(usize, usize)]) -> Vec<U>

Returns a vector of distances between the given pairs of indexed instances.

  • index_pairs - A slice of pairs of indices in the dataset.

A vector of distances between the given pairs of instances.


fn pairwise(&self, indices: &[usize]) -> Vec<Vec<U>>

Returns a vector of distances between all pairs of indexed instances.

  • indices - A slice of indices in the dataset.

A vector of vectors of distances between all pairs of instances at indices


fn query_to_one(&self, query: &I, index: usize) -> U

Calculates the distance between a query and an indexed instance in the dataset.

  • query - A query instance
  • index - An index in the dataset

The distance between the query and the instance at index


fn query_to_many(&self, query: &I, indices: &[usize]) -> Vec<U>

Returns a vector of distances between a query and all indexed instances.

  • query - A query instance.
  • indices - A slice of indices in the dataset.

A vector of distances between the query and all instances at indices


fn choose_unique( &self, n: usize, indices: &[usize], seed: Option<u64>, ) -> Vec<usize>

Chooses a subset of indices that are unique with respect to the metric.

  • n - The number of unique indices to choose.
  • indices - A slice of indices in the dataset from which to choose.
  • seed - An optional seed for the random number generator.

A vector of indices that are unique with respect to the metric. All indices in the vector are such that no two instances are equal.


fn median(&self, indices: &[usize]) -> Option<usize>

Calculates the geometric median of a set of indexed instances. Returns a value from the set of indices that is the index of the median in the dataset.

Note: This default implementation does not scale well to arbitrarily large inputs.


indices - A subset of indices from the dataset

  • If indices is empty.
  • The index of the median in the dataset, if indices is not empty.
  • None, if indices is empty.

fn linear_knn(&self, query: &I, k: usize) -> Vec<(usize, U)>

Runs linear KNN search on the dataset.


fn par_linear_knn(&self, query: &I, k: usize) -> Vec<(usize, U)>

Runs parallelized linear KNN search on the dataset.


fn linear_rnn(&self, query: &I, radius: U) -> Vec<(usize, U)>

Runs linear RNN search on the dataset.


fn par_linear_rnn(&self, query: &I, radius: U) -> Vec<(usize, U)>

Runs parallelized linear RNN search on the dataset.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl<I: Instance, U: Number, M: Instance> Dataset<I, U> for VecDataset<I, U, M>