a11ywatch_cli 0.2.17

A11yWatch accessibility CLI.
a11ywatch_cli-0.2.17 is not a library.


The A11yWatch Command Line Interface. View the cli-docs for more complete info.


Get the CLI by running the command below.

cargo install a11ywatch_cli

Then run a11ywatch -h to get all options.

# start the instance. If you need the front-end client passing the -f option [min of 2.25 gb of memory required alloc to docker resource]
a11ywatch start
# scan a website and pipe the stdout to a file
a11ywatch scan --url https://a11ywatch.com > results.json

If you experience issues the cargo install a11ywatch_cli command, try running rustup update stable to make sure your cargo version is up to date.

Supported Architectures

Supported archs are amd64 and arm64.


The following commands are currently in BETA and require you to have the repo locally tf-provider and set to your directory.

  1. deploy (TERRAFORM)
  2. destroy (TERRAFORM)

The scan sub command with the runner option and the remote deployment commands are a work in progress. You may experience issues with the sub commands, feel free to leave an issue when found. In general the CLI is in BETA and may contain breaking changes until v1.