Trait cw_iper_test::StargateApplication

source ·
pub trait StargateApplication: StargateUrls + StargateName {
    // Required methods
    fn stargate_msg(
        api: &dyn Api,
        storage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>,
        router: &RouterWrapper<'_>,
        block: &BlockInfo,
        sender: Addr,
        type_url: String,
        data: Binary
    ) -> Result<AppResponse, Error>;
    fn stargate_query(
        api: &dyn Api,
        storage: &dyn Storage,
        querier: &dyn Querier,
        block: &BlockInfo,
        request: GrpcQuery
    ) -> Result<Binary, Error>;
Expand description

This trait identifies a generic Stargate application(e.g., TokenFactory, IC20) that is managed by the IperStargateModule.

The IperStargateModule is a structure implementing both Stargate and Module traits and serves as the Stargate module for the App class of an IperApp.

IperStargateModule will invoke a function implemented by this trait under the following conditions:

§Implementation of the trait:

In order to be implemented, the struct has to implement both StargateUrls + StargateName

Use the derive macro Stargate and #[urls] proc_macro_attribute from cw-iper-test-macros


#[stargate(name = "ics20", query_urls = Ics20QueryUrls, msgs_urls = Ics20MsgUrls)]
pub struct Ics20;

pub enum Ics20MsgUrls {
    #[strum(serialize = "/ibc.applications.transfer.v1.MsgTransfer")]
pub enum Ics20QueryUrls {}

Required Methods§


fn stargate_msg( &self, api: &dyn Api, storage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, block: &BlockInfo, sender: Addr, type_url: String, data: Binary ) -> Result<AppResponse, Error>

A AnyMsg is targetting this StargateApplication for execution;


fn stargate_query( &self, api: &dyn Api, storage: &dyn Storage, querier: &dyn Querier, block: &BlockInfo, request: GrpcQuery ) -> Result<Binary, Error>

A GrpcQuery is targetting this StargateApplication for query.
