Trait cw_iper_test::Middleware

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pub trait Middleware {
Show 13 methods // Required method fn get_inner(&self) -> &dyn IbcAndStargate; // Provided methods fn mid_handle_outgoing_packet( &self, api: &dyn Api, block: &BlockInfo, sender: Addr, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, storage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, msg: IbcMsg, channel: IbcChannelWrapper ) -> Result<MiddlewareResponse<AppResponse, IbcMsg>, Error> { ... } fn mid_handle_outgoing_packet_after( &self, api: &dyn Api, block: &BlockInfo, sender: Addr, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, storage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, original_msg: IbcMsg, forwarded_msg: IbcMsg, returning_reponse: AppResponse, channel: IbcChannelWrapper ) -> Result<AppResponse, Error> { ... } fn mid_packet_receive_before( &self, api: &dyn Api, block: &BlockInfo, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, storage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, packet: IbcPacketReceiveMsg ) -> InfallibleResult<MiddlewareResponse<PacketReceiveOk, IbcPacketReceiveMsg>, PacketReceiveFailing> { ... } fn mid_packet_receive_after( &self, api: &dyn Api, block: &BlockInfo, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, storage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, original_packet: IbcPacketReceiveMsg, forwarded_packet: IbcPacketReceiveMsg, returning_reponse: InfallibleResult<PacketReceiveOk, PacketReceiveFailing> ) -> InfallibleResult<MidRecOk, MidRecFailing> { ... } fn mid_packet_ack_before( &self, api: &dyn Api, block: &BlockInfo, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, storage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, packet: AckPacket ) -> Result<MiddlewareResponse<AppResponse, AckPacket>, Error> { ... } fn mid_packet_ack_after( &self, api: &dyn Api, block: &BlockInfo, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, storage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, original_packet: AckPacket, forwarded_packet: AckPacket, returning_reponse: AppResponse ) -> Result<AppResponse, Error> { ... } fn mid_packet_timeout_before( &self, api: &dyn Api, block: &BlockInfo, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, storage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, packet: TimeoutPacket ) -> Result<MiddlewareResponse<AppResponse, TimeoutPacket>, Error> { ... } fn mid_packet_timeout_after( &self, api: &dyn Api, block: &BlockInfo, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, torage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, original_packet: TimeoutPacket, forwarded_packet: TimeoutPacket, returning_reponse: AppResponse ) -> Result<AppResponse, Error> { ... } fn mid_open_channel_before( &self, api: &dyn Api, block: &BlockInfo, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, storage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, msg: IbcChannelOpenMsg ) -> Result<MiddlewareResponse<AppResponse, IbcChannelOpenMsg>, Error> { ... } fn mid_open_channel_after( &self, api: &dyn Api, block: &BlockInfo, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, storage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, original_msg: IbcChannelOpenMsg, forwarded_msg: IbcChannelOpenMsg, returning_reponse: AppResponse ) -> Result<AppResponse, Error> { ... } fn mid_channel_connect_before( &self, api: &dyn Api, block: &BlockInfo, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, storage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, msg: IbcChannelConnectMsg ) -> Result<MiddlewareResponse<AppResponse, IbcChannelConnectMsg>, Error> { ... } fn mid_channel_connect_after( &self, api: &dyn Api, block: &BlockInfo, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, storage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, original_msg: IbcChannelConnectMsg, forwarded_msg: IbcChannelConnectMsg, returning_reponse: AppResponse ) -> Result<AppResponse, Error> { ... }
Expand description

This trait allow to reproduce the functionality of Middleware ibc application (like IbcHook). Middleware allow to wrap another IbcApplication and and alter/implement functionality when one of the various functions that the IbcApplication implements is called.

The core logic about []

Middleware trait alredy implements IbcApplication and StargateApplication by default, so implementing Middleware implement also IbcApplication and StargateApplication.

§How it works

The core logic of the Middleware involves the implementation of functions that wrap the individual functions of the IbcApplication into two distinct functions, called before and after. For example, considering the IbcApplication::packet_receive function, Middleware managed through Middleware::mid_packet_receive_before and Middleware::mid_packet_receive_after to handle actions before and after the execution of IbcApplication::packet_receive. Specifically, the before functions are called before the linked function of the inner IbcApplication is invoked. These before functions return a type of MiddlewareResponse, which offers two alternatives:

  • Stop: The inner function will not be called, and the value is returned directly.
  • Continue: The inner function will be called. The result of the inner function is then passed to the corresponding after function of the Middleware, where further actions can be performed.

§Realistic Example: Implementing IbcHook

In the IbcHook, during Middleware::mid_packet_receive_before, if the memo of the [FungibleTokenPacketData] is set to trigger the IBC hook, the packet is modified, and the sender is set according to the IBC hook standard. This packet is then returned with Continue, and passed to the inner IbcApplication (e.g., Ics20 or another Middleware if there are multiple wraps).

Once Ics20 completes the execution of IbcApplication::packet_receive, Middleware::mid_packet_receive_after in the IbcHook is triggered, where the smart contract is triggered to send the tokens. This functionality is managed in the after function as the Ics20 module must mint the tokens first.

Required Methods§


fn get_inner(&self) -> &dyn IbcAndStargate

Return the inner IbcApplication

Provided Methods§


fn mid_handle_outgoing_packet( &self, api: &dyn Api, block: &BlockInfo, sender: Addr, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, storage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, msg: IbcMsg, channel: IbcChannelWrapper ) -> Result<MiddlewareResponse<AppResponse, IbcMsg>, Error>

Function triggered before the calling of inner IbcApplication::handle_outgoing_packet.

If the return type is [MiddlewareResponse::Continue(IbcMsg)], the returned IbcMsg will forwarded to the inner IbcApplication::handle_outgoing_packet.


fn mid_handle_outgoing_packet_after( &self, api: &dyn Api, block: &BlockInfo, sender: Addr, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, storage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, original_msg: IbcMsg, forwarded_msg: IbcMsg, returning_reponse: AppResponse, channel: IbcChannelWrapper ) -> Result<AppResponse, Error>


fn mid_packet_receive_before( &self, api: &dyn Api, block: &BlockInfo, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, storage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, packet: IbcPacketReceiveMsg ) -> InfallibleResult<MiddlewareResponse<PacketReceiveOk, IbcPacketReceiveMsg>, PacketReceiveFailing>

Function triggered before the calling of inner IbcApplication::packet_receive.

If the return type is [MiddlewareResponse::Continue(IbcPacketReceiveMsg)], the returned IbcPacketReceiveMsg will forwarded to the inner IbcApplication::packet_receive.


fn mid_packet_receive_after( &self, api: &dyn Api, block: &BlockInfo, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, storage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, original_packet: IbcPacketReceiveMsg, forwarded_packet: IbcPacketReceiveMsg, returning_reponse: InfallibleResult<PacketReceiveOk, PacketReceiveFailing> ) -> InfallibleResult<MidRecOk, MidRecFailing>


fn mid_packet_ack_before( &self, api: &dyn Api, block: &BlockInfo, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, storage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, packet: AckPacket ) -> Result<MiddlewareResponse<AppResponse, AckPacket>, Error>

Function triggered before the calling of inner IbcApplication::packet_ack.

If the return type is [MiddlewareResponse::Continue(AckPacket)], the returned [AckPacket] will forwarded to the inner IbcApplication::packet_ack.


fn mid_packet_ack_after( &self, api: &dyn Api, block: &BlockInfo, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, storage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, original_packet: AckPacket, forwarded_packet: AckPacket, returning_reponse: AppResponse ) -> Result<AppResponse, Error>


fn mid_packet_timeout_before( &self, api: &dyn Api, block: &BlockInfo, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, storage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, packet: TimeoutPacket ) -> Result<MiddlewareResponse<AppResponse, TimeoutPacket>, Error>

Function triggered before the calling of inner IbcApplication::packet_timeout.

If the return type is [MiddlewareResponse::Continue(TimeoutPacket)], the returned [TimeoutPacket] will forwarded to the inner IbcApplication::packet_timeout.


fn mid_packet_timeout_after( &self, api: &dyn Api, block: &BlockInfo, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, torage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, original_packet: TimeoutPacket, forwarded_packet: TimeoutPacket, returning_reponse: AppResponse ) -> Result<AppResponse, Error>


fn mid_open_channel_before( &self, api: &dyn Api, block: &BlockInfo, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, storage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, msg: IbcChannelOpenMsg ) -> Result<MiddlewareResponse<AppResponse, IbcChannelOpenMsg>, Error>

Function triggered before the calling of inner IbcApplication::open_channel.

If the return type is [MiddlewareResponse::Continue(IbcChannelOpenMsg)], the returned IbcChannelOpenMsg will forwarded to the inner IbcApplication::open_channel.


fn mid_open_channel_after( &self, api: &dyn Api, block: &BlockInfo, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, storage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, original_msg: IbcChannelOpenMsg, forwarded_msg: IbcChannelOpenMsg, returning_reponse: AppResponse ) -> Result<AppResponse, Error>


fn mid_channel_connect_before( &self, api: &dyn Api, block: &BlockInfo, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, storage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, msg: IbcChannelConnectMsg ) -> Result<MiddlewareResponse<AppResponse, IbcChannelConnectMsg>, Error>

Function triggered before the calling of inner IbcApplication::channel_connect.

If the return type is [MiddlewareResponse::Continue(IbcChannelConnectMsg)], the returned IbcChannelConnectMsg will forwarded to the inner IbcApplication::channel_connect.


fn mid_channel_connect_after( &self, api: &dyn Api, block: &BlockInfo, router: &RouterWrapper<'_>, storage: Rc<RefCell<&mut dyn Storage>>, original_msg: IbcChannelConnectMsg, forwarded_msg: IbcChannelConnectMsg, returning_reponse: AppResponse ) -> Result<AppResponse, Error>
