nyaa 0.6.3

A tui tool for browsing and downloading torrents from nyaa.si
nyaa-0.6.3 is not a library.

nyaa πŸˆβ€β¬›

A simple tui for browsing and downloading Anime torrents from nyaa.si.

⚑ Installation

With cargo

cargo install nyaa

On Arch Linux (AUR)

yay -S nyaa


Download the .deb file from the latest release and install with apt:

sudo apt install ./nyaa-VERSION-x86_64.deb

or dpkg

sudo dpkg -i ./nyaa-VERSION-x86_64.deb

Windows/Linux Binaries

Binaries for Linux and Windows are available on the releases page.

From Source

To build from source, you must have both git and cargo installed.

git clone https://github.com/Beastwick18/nyaa
cd nyaa
cargo install --path .

⌨️ Keybinds

Like modal text editors such as Vim, there are several modes. Each have their own keybinds, which can be found out by pressing F1 or ? while in that mode. Some of the important ones are:

  • hjkl or arrow keys for general navigation
  • / or i to search
  • c to open category popup
  • s to open sort popup
  • f to open filter popup
  • t to open theme popup
  • n, p or l, h for next and previous page
  • q to quit

For a list of all modes and their respective keybinds, check KEYS.md.

🌐 Proxies

If nyaa.si is not accessible in your region, try one of the proxies. Once you find one that works, replace the value for base_url in the default config with the working proxy url. I would recommend nyaa.land, as it is very compatible, and usually working. Here's what the config for nyaa.land would look like:

base_url = 'nyaa.land'

βš™οΈ Configuration

The location of the config file for linux is:


and on windows is


The default configuration file for linux looks like:

# Runs a command with `sh -c`
torrent_client_cmd = 'curl {torrent} > ~/torrents/{file}'
default_theme = 'Default'
default_category = 'AllCategories'
default_filter = 'NoFilter'
default_sort = 'Date'
default_search = ''
default_source = 'NyaaHtml'
base_url = 'https://nyaa.si'
timeout = 30

and for windows looks like:

# Runs a command with `powershell.exe -Command`
torrent_client_cmd = 'curl {torrent} > ~\Downloads\{file}'
default_theme = 'Default'
default_category = 'AllCategories'
default_filter = 'NoFilter'
default_sort = 'Date'
default_search = ''
default_source = 'NyaaHtml'
base_url = 'https://nyaa.si'
timeout = 30

torrent_client_cmd is the command that will be run once Enter is pressed on a selected torrent. Typically, this is meant to open a torrent client along with the magnet/torrent link passed along as an argument. There are multiple placeholders you can use to fill in information for the command.

  • {torrent} - The link to the torrent file hosted on nyaa.si
  • {magnet} - The magnet link associated with the torrent
  • {title} - The title of the post on nyaa.si
  • {file} - The name of the torrent file hosted on nyaa.si. It usually looks like 1783089.torrent

default_theme refers to the theme selected by default when the app is opened. Possible values are Default, Dracula, Gruvbox, or Catppuccin Macchiato. Custom themes coming soon!

default_category refers to the category selected by default when the app is opened. Possible values are defined in CATEGORIES.md.

default_filter refers to the filter selected by default when the app is opened. Possible values are NoFilter, NoRemakes, TrustedOnly or Batches.

default_sort refers to the sort selected by default when the app is opened. Possible values are Date, Downloads, Seeders, Leechers, or Size.

default_search refers to the search entered once the app is opened.

default_source refers to the source selected by default once the app is opened. Possible values are NyaaHtml and NyaaRss.

base_url refers to the url used to make requests. Change this to any nyaa mirror url in the format: http(s)://nyaa.si or nyaa.si

timeout refers to how long the program will wait for a search request before it times out. This value is measured in seconds. You may want to increase this if your request times are usually long.

πŸ—ΊοΈ Planned Features

  • RPM Release
  • User-defined themes
  • Sources other than nyaa/Custom user-defined sources
  • Nyaa proxies/mirrors support
  • Page navigation
  • Choice between HTML scraper or RSS feed