nyaa 0.5.0

A tui tool for browsing and downloading torrents from nyaa.si
nyaa-0.5.0 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: nyaa-0.9.0


With cargo

cargo install nyaa

On Arch Linux (AUR)

yay -S nyaa

Pre-Built Binaries

Binaries for Linux and Windows are available on the releases page.

From Source

git clone https://github.com/Beastwick18/nyaa
cd nyaa
cargo install --path .


The default configuration file looks like:

torrent_client_cmd = 'bash -c "curl {torrent} > ~/torrents/{title}.torrent"'
default_theme = 'Default'
default_category = 'AllCategories'
default_filter = 'NoFilter'
default_sort = 'Date'
default_search = ''

The option torrent_client_cmd is the command that will be run once Enter is pressed on a selected torrent. Typically, this is meant to open a torrent client along with the magnet/torrent link passed along as an argument. There are multiple placeholders you can use to fill in information for the command.

  • {torrent} - The link to the torrent file hosted on nyaa.si
  • {magnet} - The magnet link associated with the torrent
  • {title} - The title of the post on nyaa.si
  • {file} - The name of the torrent file hosted on nyaa.si

default_category refers to the theme selected by default when the app is opened. Possible values are Default, Dracula, Gruvbox, or Catppuccin Macchiato. Custom themes coming soon!

default_category refers to the category selected by default when the app is opened. Possible values are defined in CATEGORIES.md.

default_filter refers to the filter selected by default when the app is opened. Possible values are NoFilter, NoRemakes, TrustedOnly or Batches.

default_sort refers to the sort selected by default when the app is opened. Possible values are Date, Downloads, Seeders, Leechers, Name, Category, or Size.

default_search refers to the search entered once the app is opened.