Crate zsplit

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Split text into multiple sinks by line.

This crate could be used to send input to multiple threads via channel_io or send it to the STDIN of multiple std::process::Commands.


As a line of std::io::BufReader has to be completely in memory, an unbounded long line could lead to a DoS vulnerability.


Basic usage:

use zsplit::prelude::*;

let data = "Hello\nWorld,\n42!";
let mut source = std::io::BufReader::new(data.as_bytes());

let mut destinations = [
    Destination::new(std::io::sink(), 3),
    Destination::new(std::io::sink(), 2),

split_round_robin(&mut source, &mut destinations).unwrap();

Split a string with an unsymmetric distribution:

use zsplit::prelude::*;

let data = "0\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9";
let mut source = std::io::BufReader::new(data.as_bytes());
let mut destinations = vec![
    Destination::buffer_with_lines(3), // first_destination
    Destination::buffer_with_lines(3), // second_destination
    Destination::buffer(), // third_destination

split_round_robin(&mut source, &mut destinations).unwrap();

let third_destination = destinations.pop().unwrap();
let second_destination = destinations.pop().unwrap();
let first_destination = destinations.pop().unwrap();

assert_eq!(first_destination.into_utf8_string().unwrap(), "0\n1\n2\n7\n8\n9\n");
assert_eq!(second_destination.into_utf8_string().unwrap(), "3\n4\n5\n");
assert_eq!(third_destination.into_utf8_string().unwrap(), "6\n");

To split the data for the STDIN of multiple processes, you can use the following scheme.

use zsplit::prelude::*;
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};

let data = "Hello\nWorld,\n42!";
let mut source = std::io::BufReader::new(data.as_bytes());

let mut child_1 = Command::new("cat").arg("-").stdin(Stdio::piped()).spawn().unwrap();
let mut child_2 = Command::new("cat").arg("-").stdin(Stdio::piped()).spawn().unwrap();

let mut destinations = [

split_round_robin(&mut source, &mut destinations).unwrap();




  • Destination for splitting.
  • All you need from this Crate.
  • Algorithms for splitting a source into destination sinks.