
Acl expresses node permission for node accessors.

AuthId represents authenticated identity and expresses authentication requirement in Acl.

AuthUser represents display info for authenticated identity.

Client encapsulates ZooKeeper session to interact with ZooKeeper cluster.

Builder for Client with more options than Client::connect.

Options for node creation.

Thin wrapper to encapsulate sequential node’s sequence number.

Watcher for stat, data and child event.

Permission expresses rights accessors should have to operate on attached node.

Watcher for persistent and recursive watch.

Thin wrapper for zookeeper session id. It prints in hex format headed with 0x.

ZooKeeper node stat.

StateWatcher tracks session state updates.

WatchedEvent represents update to watched node or session.


Watch mode.

Errors for client connecting.

CreateMode specifies ZooKeeper znode type. It covers all znode types with help from CreateOptions::with_ttl.

EnsembleUpdate specifies an update to ZooKeeper ensemble membership.

Errors for ZooKeeper operations.

Event type for watch notifications.

ZooKeeper session states.