Crate zoog

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Functionality for rewriting Ogg Opus streams with new comments
Functionality for escaping and unescaping values for command-line tools
Functionality for manipulating headers
Functionality for rewriting Ogg Opus streams with new headers
Support for detecting an operation should be interrupted
Types for manipulating headers of Ogg Opus streams
Functionality for rewriting Ogg Opus streams with altered output gain and volume tags
Types for manipulating headers of Ogg Vorbis streams


Represents a Decibel-valued sound level


Known audio codecs
The Zoog error type


Separator between field-names and values in comments
The LUFS value specified by EBU R 128 (-23 LUFS)
The LUFS value to use for ReplayGain (-18 LUFS). This is approximate since ReplayGain does not use LUFS.