Crate zipkin

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Zipkin is a library for collecting timing information about computations in distributed systems. This information is collected into Zipkin spans.

This library corresponds to version 2 of the Zipkin specification.


If the serde Cargo feature is enabled, Annotation, Endpoint, Kind, Span, SpanId, and TraceId implement Serialize and Deserialize in the standard Zipkin format.


Span reporters.
Span samplers.
Sampling flags.
Span IDs.
Trace contexts.
Trace IDs.


Associates an event that explains latency with a timestamp.
A type indicating that an OpenSpan is “attached” to the tracer’s with respect to context management.
A type indicating that an OpenSpan is “detached” from the tracer’s with respect to context management.
The network context of a node in the service graph.
An open span.
Flags used to control sampling.
A Span represents a single operation over some range of time.
The ID of a span.
A TraceContext represents a distributed trace request.
The ID of a trace.
The root tracing object.


The “kind” of a span.


A marker trait for types which parameterize an OpenSpan’s attachment.
A reporter consumes Zipkin spans and reports them.
A sampler decides whether or not a span should be recorded based on its trace ID.