zero-cli 2.3.0

A command line tool for Zero Secrets Manager
zero-cli-2.3.0 is not a library.


A command line tool for Zero Secrets Manager.


This CLI tool allows users to manage secrets and projects within the Zero Secrets Manager. It provides functionalities for authentication, project management, secret management, team handling, and more.


To install the zero-cli from, use the following command:

cargo install zero-cli

This command will download the crate, compile all the binary targets it contains (in "release" mode), and copy them into the ~/.cargo/bin/ directory. Ensure that your shell knows to look there for binaries!


The CLI offers various subcommands:

  • auth: Authentication and authorization functionalities.
  • projects: Manage projects, including creation, deletion, editing, listing, sharing, usage overview, and viewing details.
  • secrets: Handle secrets, allowing users to create, delete, edit, list, share, drop, and view details.
  • teams: Operations related to teams, such as creation, deletion, editing, leaving, listing, managing users, and viewing details.
  • tokens: Token management including creation, deletion, list view and regeneration.
  • help: Display help information about the CLI or a specific subcommand.

🛠 Development guide


cargo run

or if you want to test the command run from src folder

cargo run -- auth login


cargo install graphql_client_cli
graphql-client generate <query_path> --schema-path <schema_path>

as example

graphql-client generate src/auth/graphql/me.graphql --schema-path schema.graphql