Module zenoh::prelude

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A “prelude” for crates using the zenoh crate.

This prelude is similar to the standard library’s prelude in that you’ll almost always want to import its entire contents, but unlike the standard library’s prelude you’ll have to do so manually. An example of using this is:

use zenoh::prelude::r#async::*;


pub use crate::key_expr::KeyExpr;
pub use crate::config;
pub use crate::handlers::IntoCallbackReceiverPair;
pub use crate::selector::Parameter;
pub use crate::selector::Parameters;
pub use crate::selector::Selector;
pub use crate::query::QueryConsolidation;
pub use crate::value::Value;
pub use crate::sample::Sample;
pub use crate::publication::Priority;


Prelude to import when using Zenoh’s async API.
Prelude to import when using Zenoh’s sync API.


The main configuration structure for Zenoh.
A Locator contains a choice of protocol, an address and port, as well as optional additional properties to work with. A String that respects the Locator canon form: <proto>/<address>?<metadata>, such that <metadata> is of the form <key1>=<value1>;...;<keyN>=<valueN> where keys are alphabetically sorted.
A Arc<str> newtype that is statically known to be a valid key expression.
A zenoh session.
The global unique id of a zenoh peer. The global unique id of a zenoh peer.
A str newtype that is statically known to be a valid key expression.


The kind of congestion control.
The kind of consolidation.
The encoding of a zenoh Value. The encoding of a zenoh zenoh::Value.
The encoding of a zenoh Value.
The zenoh::queryable::Queryables that should be target of a zenoh::Session::get().
The kind of a Sample.


Zenoh’s trait for resolving builder patterns.
Functions to create zenoh entities with 'static lifetime.
A trait for buffers that can be composed of multiple non contiguous slices.

Type Definitions

A zenoh integer.