
pub use crate::wire_expr::WireExpr;
pub use locators::Locator;
pub use endpoints::EndPoint;


This module implements the Key Expression Language, as explained in details in keyexpr’s documentation.
Constants and helpers for zenoh whatami flags.
This module defines the wire representation of Key Expressions.


The kind of reliability.
A NTP 64-bits format as specified in RFC-5909
A timestamp made of a NTP64 and a crate::HLC’s unique identifier.
The global unique id of a zenoh peer.


The kind of congestion control.
The kind of consolidation.
The encoding of a zenoh zenoh::Value.
The zenoh::queryable::Queryables that should be target of a zenoh::Session::get().
The kind of a Sample.
The subscription mode.


Type Definitions

A numerical Id mapped to a key expression.
The unique Id of the HLC that generated the concerned Timestamp.
A zenoh integer.