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Bid on blockspace via the mekatek block auctions.

This crate provides a simple wrapper around the Zenith block Builder API. It allows anyone to bid on block space auctions and poll for available auctions coming up.


Add zenith-rs to the dependencies section of your Cargo.toml file.

zenith-rs = "1"


AuctionError is the wrapper for all errors returned by the mekatek API.
AuctionRequst is used to query the mekatek API if an auction is available for the supplied chain_id height pair.
AuctionResponse contains the payment details of an auction for the supplied chain_id, height pair. This response will only be returned if an auction was found, otherwise an error will be returned.
The BidRequest signals intent to bid on the kind at height for the given chain_id. The bid is implicit in the payment transactions/messages included in the txs list.
A BidResponse is the indication that the request well formed and considered for the given chain_id and height, but it does not imply guaranteed inclusion.
The builder API exposed via HTTP.


Bidding is allowed to target either the top of the block or any position in the block.


The Builder trait encapsulates the capabilities of the Zenith builder API.