Crate zduny_wasm_timer

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  • Extension traits for the standard Stream and Future traits.


  • A future representing the notification that an elapsed duration has occurred.
  • A measurement of a monotonically nondecreasing clock. Opaque and useful only with Duration.
  • A stream representing notifications at fixed interval
  • Error returned from TimerHandle::set_fallback.
  • A measurement of the system clock, useful for talking to external entities like the file system or other processes.
  • A “timer heap” used to power separately owned instances of Delay and Interval.
  • A handle to a Timer which is used to create instances of a Delay.


  • An anchor in time which can be used to create new SystemTime instances or learn about where in time a SystemTime lies.


  • An extension trait for futures which provides convenient accessors for timing out execution and such.
  • An extension trait for streams which provides convenient accessors for timing out execution and such.