Struct zbuf::BytesBuf [] [src]

pub struct BytesBuf(_);

A “zero copy” bytes buffer.

See crate documentation for an overview.


impl BytesBuf

Return a new, empty, inline buffer.

Return a new buffer with capacity for at least (typically more than) the given number of bytes.


Panics if the requested capacity is greater than std::u32::MAX (4 gigabytes).


assert!(BytesBuf::with_capacity(17).capacity() >= 17);

Return the length of this buffer, in bytes.


assert_eq!(BytesBuf::from("🎉".as_bytes()).len(), 4);

Return whether this buffer is empty.


assert_eq!(BytesBuf::new().is_empty(), true);
assert_eq!(BytesBuf::from(b"abc".as_ref()).is_empty(), false);

Return the capacity of this buffer: the length to which it can grow without re-allocating.


assert!(BytesBuf::with_capacity(17).capacity() >= 17);

Remove the given number of bytes from the front (the start) of the buffer.

This takes O(1) time and does not copy any heap-allocated data.


Panics if bytes is out of bounds.


let mut buf = BytesBuf::from(b"hello".as_ref());
assert_eq!(buf, b"llo");

Remove the given number of bytes from the back (the end) of the buffer.

This takes O(1) time and does not copy any heap-allocated data.


Panics if bytes is out of bounds.


let mut buf = BytesBuf::from(b"hello".as_ref());
assert_eq!(buf, b"hel");

Split the buffer into two at the given index.

Return a new buffer that contains bytes [at, len), while self contains bytes [0, at).


Panics if at is out of bounds.


let mut buf = BytesBuf::from(b"hello".as_ref());
let tail = buf.split_off(2);
assert_eq!(buf, b"he");
assert_eq!(tail, b"llo");

This makes the buffer empty but, unless it is shared, does not change its capacity.

If potentially freeing memory is preferable, consider buf = BytesBuf::empty() instead.


let mut buf = BytesBuf::from(b"hello".as_ref());
assert_eq!(buf, b"hello");
assert_eq!(buf, b"");
assert!(buf.capacity() > 0);

Shortens the buffer to the specified length.

If new_len is greater than the buffer’s current length, this has no effect.


let mut buf = BytesBuf::from(b"hello".as_ref());
assert_eq!(buf, b"he");

Ensures that the buffer has capacity for at least (typically more than) additional bytes beyond its current length.

This copies the data if this buffer is shared or if the existing capacity is insufficient.


let mut buf = BytesBuf::from("abc".repeat(10).as_bytes());
assert!(buf.capacity() < 100);
assert!(buf.capacity() >= 130);

Extend this buffer by writing to its existing capacity.

The closure is given a potentially-uninitialized mutable bytes slice, and returns the number of consecutive bytes written from the start of the slice. The buffer’s length is increased by that much.

If self.reserve(additional) is called immediately before this method, the slice is at least additional bytes long. Without a reserve call the slice can be any length, including zero.

This copies the existing data if there are other references to this buffer.


The closure must not read from the given slice, which may be uninitialized. It must initialize the 0..written range, where written is the return value.


Panics if the value returned by the closure is larger than the given closure’s length.


let mut buf = BytesBuf::from(b"hello".as_ref());
unsafe {
    buf.write_to_uninitialized_tail(|uninitialized| {
        for byte in &mut uninitialized[..3] {
            *byte = b'!'
assert_eq!(buf, b"hello!!!");

Extend this buffer by writing to its existing capacity.

The closure is given a mutable bytes slice that has been overwritten with zeros (which takes O(n) extra time). The buffer’s length is increased by the closure’s return value.

If self.reserve(additional) is called immediately before this method, the slice is at least additional bytes long. Without a reserve call the slice can be any length, including zero.

This copies the existing data if there are other references to this buffer.


Panics if the value returned by the closure is larger than the given closure’s length.


let mut buf = BytesBuf::from(b"hello".as_ref());
buf.write_to_zeroed_tail(|zeroed| {
    for byte in &mut zeroed[..3] {
        *byte = b'!'
assert_eq!(buf, b"hello!!!\0\0\0\0\0\0\0");

Extend this buffer by writing to its existing capacity, reading from an I/O stream.

Read::read is called once with a potentially-uninitialized mutable bytes slice.

If self.reserve(additional) is called immediately before this method, the slice is at least additional bytes long. Without a reserve call the slice can be any length, including zero.

This copies the existing data if there are other references to this buffer.


The Read implementation must be “well-behaved”: never read from the slice it is given, and actually write the number of byte that the return value says were written.


let mut file = std::fs::File::open("")?;
let mut source = BytesBuf::with_capacity(file.metadata()?.len() as usize);
unsafe {
    while source.read_into_unititialized_tail_from(&mut file)? > 0 {}
// Self-referential test:
assert!(StrBuf::from_utf8(source)?.contains("This string is unique"));

Appends the given bytes slice onto the end of this buffer.

This copies the existing data if this buffer is shared or if the existing capacity is insufficient.


let mut buf = BytesBuf::from(b"hello".as_ref());
buf.push_slice(b" world!");
assert_eq!(buf, b"hello world!");

Appends the given bytes buffer onto the end of this buffer.

This is similar to push_slice, but sometimes more efficient.


This allocates only once:

let string = "abc".repeat(20);
let mut buf = BytesBuf::from(string.as_bytes());
let tail = buf.split_off(50);
assert_eq!(buf.len(), 50);
assert_eq!(tail.len(), 10);
assert_eq!(buf, string.as_bytes());

Methods from Deref<Target = [u8]>

Returns the number of elements in the slice.


let a = [1, 2, 3];
assert_eq!(a.len(), 3);

Returns true if the slice has a length of 0.


let a = [1, 2, 3];

Returns the first element of the slice, or None if it is empty.


let v = [10, 40, 30];
assert_eq!(Some(&10), v.first());

let w: &[i32] = &[];
assert_eq!(None, w.first());

Returns a mutable pointer to the first element of the slice, or None if it is empty.


let x = &mut [0, 1, 2];

if let Some(first) = x.first_mut() {
    *first = 5;
assert_eq!(x, &[5, 1, 2]);

Returns the first and all the rest of the elements of the slice, or None if it is empty.


let x = &[0, 1, 2];

if let Some((first, elements)) = x.split_first() {
    assert_eq!(first, &0);
    assert_eq!(elements, &[1, 2]);

Returns the first and all the rest of the elements of the slice, or None if it is empty.


let x = &mut [0, 1, 2];

if let Some((first, elements)) = x.split_first_mut() {
    *first = 3;
    elements[0] = 4;
    elements[1] = 5;
assert_eq!(x, &[3, 4, 5]);

Returns the last and all the rest of the elements of the slice, or None if it is empty.


let x = &[0, 1, 2];

if let Some((last, elements)) = x.split_last() {
    assert_eq!(last, &2);
    assert_eq!(elements, &[0, 1]);

Returns the last and all the rest of the elements of the slice, or None if it is empty.


let x = &mut [0, 1, 2];

if let Some((last, elements)) = x.split_last_mut() {
    *last = 3;
    elements[0] = 4;
    elements[1] = 5;
assert_eq!(x, &[4, 5, 3]);

Returns the last element of the slice, or None if it is empty.


let v = [10, 40, 30];
assert_eq!(Some(&30), v.last());

let w: &[i32] = &[];
assert_eq!(None, w.last());

Returns a mutable pointer to the last item in the slice.


let x = &mut [0, 1, 2];

if let Some(last) = x.last_mut() {
    *last = 10;
assert_eq!(x, &[0, 1, 10]);

Returns a reference to an element or subslice depending on the type of index.

  • If given a position, returns a reference to the element at that position or None if out of bounds.
  • If given a range, returns the subslice corresponding to that range, or None if out of bounds.


let v = [10, 40, 30];
assert_eq!(Some(&40), v.get(1));
assert_eq!(Some(&[10, 40][..]), v.get(0..2));
assert_eq!(None, v.get(3));
assert_eq!(None, v.get(0..4));

Returns a mutable reference to an element or subslice depending on the type of index (see get) or None if the index is out of bounds.


let x = &mut [0, 1, 2];

if let Some(elem) = x.get_mut(1) {
    *elem = 42;
assert_eq!(x, &[0, 42, 2]);

Returns a reference to an element or subslice, without doing bounds checking. So use it very carefully!


let x = &[1, 2, 4];

unsafe {
    assert_eq!(x.get_unchecked(1), &2);

Returns a mutable reference to an element or subslice, without doing bounds checking. So use it very carefully!


let x = &mut [1, 2, 4];

unsafe {
    let elem = x.get_unchecked_mut(1);
    *elem = 13;
assert_eq!(x, &[1, 13, 4]);

Returns a raw pointer to the slice's buffer.

The caller must ensure that the slice outlives the pointer this function returns, or else it will end up pointing to garbage.

Modifying the container referenced by this slice may cause its buffer to be reallocated, which would also make any pointers to it invalid.


let x = &[1, 2, 4];
let x_ptr = x.as_ptr();

unsafe {
    for i in 0..x.len() {
        assert_eq!(x.get_unchecked(i), &*x_ptr.offset(i as isize));

Returns an unsafe mutable pointer to the slice's buffer.

The caller must ensure that the slice outlives the pointer this function returns, or else it will end up pointing to garbage.

Modifying the container referenced by this slice may cause its buffer to be reallocated, which would also make any pointers to it invalid.


let x = &mut [1, 2, 4];
let x_ptr = x.as_mut_ptr();

unsafe {
    for i in 0..x.len() {
        *x_ptr.offset(i as isize) += 2;
assert_eq!(x, &[3, 4, 6]);

Swaps two elements in the slice.


  • a - The index of the first element
  • b - The index of the second element


Panics if a or b are out of bounds.


let mut v = ["a", "b", "c", "d"];
v.swap(1, 3);
assert!(v == ["a", "d", "c", "b"]);

Reverses the order of elements in the slice, in place.


let mut v = [1, 2, 3];
assert!(v == [3, 2, 1]);

Returns an iterator over the slice.


let x = &[1, 2, 4];
let mut iterator = x.iter();

assert_eq!(, Some(&1));
assert_eq!(, Some(&2));
assert_eq!(, Some(&4));
assert_eq!(, None);

Returns an iterator that allows modifying each value.


let x = &mut [1, 2, 4];
for elem in x.iter_mut() {
    *elem += 2;
assert_eq!(x, &[3, 4, 6]);

Returns an iterator over all contiguous windows of length size. The windows overlap. If the slice is shorter than size, the iterator returns no values.


Panics if size is 0.


let slice = ['r', 'u', 's', 't'];
let mut iter =;
assert_eq!(, &['r', 'u']);
assert_eq!(, &['u', 's']);
assert_eq!(, &['s', 't']);

If the slice is shorter than size:

let slice = ['f', 'o', 'o'];
let mut iter =;

Returns an iterator over size elements of the slice at a time. The chunks are slices and do not overlap. If size does not divide the length of the slice, then the last chunk will not have length size.


Panics if size is 0.


let slice = ['l', 'o', 'r', 'e', 'm'];
let mut iter = slice.chunks(2);
assert_eq!(, &['l', 'o']);
assert_eq!(, &['r', 'e']);
assert_eq!(, &['m']);

Returns an iterator over chunk_size elements of the slice at a time. The chunks are mutable slices, and do not overlap. If chunk_size does not divide the length of the slice, then the last chunk will not have length chunk_size.


Panics if chunk_size is 0.


let v = &mut [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
let mut count = 1;

for chunk in v.chunks_mut(2) {
    for elem in chunk.iter_mut() {
        *elem += count;
    count += 1;
assert_eq!(v, &[1, 1, 2, 2, 3]);

Divides one slice into two at an index.

The first will contain all indices from [0, mid) (excluding the index mid itself) and the second will contain all indices from [mid, len) (excluding the index len itself).


Panics if mid > len.


let v = [10, 40, 30, 20, 50];
let (v1, v2) = v.split_at(2);
assert_eq!([10, 40], v1);
assert_eq!([30, 20, 50], v2);

Divides one &mut into two at an index.

The first will contain all indices from [0, mid) (excluding the index mid itself) and the second will contain all indices from [mid, len) (excluding the index len itself).


Panics if mid > len.


let mut v = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];

// scoped to restrict the lifetime of the borrows
   let (left, right) = v.split_at_mut(0);
   assert!(left == []);
   assert!(right == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);

    let (left, right) = v.split_at_mut(2);
    assert!(left == [1, 2]);
    assert!(right == [3, 4, 5, 6]);

    let (left, right) = v.split_at_mut(6);
    assert!(left == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
    assert!(right == []);

Returns an iterator over subslices separated by elements that match pred. The matched element is not contained in the subslices.


let slice = [10, 40, 33, 20];
let mut iter = slice.split(|num| num % 3 == 0);

assert_eq!(, &[10, 40]);
assert_eq!(, &[20]);

If the first element is matched, an empty slice will be the first item returned by the iterator. Similarly, if the last element in the slice is matched, an empty slice will be the last item returned by the iterator:

let slice = [10, 40, 33];
let mut iter = slice.split(|num| num % 3 == 0);

assert_eq!(, &[10, 40]);
assert_eq!(, &[]);

If two matched elements are directly adjacent, an empty slice will be present between them:

let slice = [10, 6, 33, 20];
let mut iter = slice.split(|num| num % 3 == 0);

assert_eq!(, &[10]);
assert_eq!(, &[]);
assert_eq!(, &[20]);

Returns an iterator over mutable subslices separated by elements that match pred. The matched element is not contained in the subslices.


let mut v = [10, 40, 30, 20, 60, 50];

for group in v.split_mut(|num| *num % 3 == 0) {
    group[0] = 1;
assert_eq!(v, [1, 40, 30, 1, 60, 1]);

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (slice_rsplit)

Returns an iterator over subslices separated by elements that match pred, starting at the end of the slice and working backwards. The matched element is not contained in the subslices.



let slice = [11, 22, 33, 0, 44, 55];
let mut iter = slice.rsplit(|num| *num == 0);

assert_eq!(, &[44, 55]);
assert_eq!(, &[11, 22, 33]);
assert_eq!(, None);

As with split(), if the first or last element is matched, an empty slice will be the first (or last) item returned by the iterator.


let v = &[0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8];
let mut it = v.rsplit(|n| *n % 2 == 0);
assert_eq!(, &[]);
assert_eq!(, &[3, 5]);
assert_eq!(, &[1, 1]);
assert_eq!(, &[]);
assert_eq!(, None);

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (slice_rsplit)

Returns an iterator over mutable subslices separated by elements that match pred, starting at the end of the slice and working backwards. The matched element is not contained in the subslices.



let mut v = [100, 400, 300, 200, 600, 500];

let mut count = 0;
for group in v.rsplit_mut(|num| *num % 3 == 0) {
    count += 1;
    group[0] = count;
assert_eq!(v, [3, 400, 300, 2, 600, 1]);

Returns an iterator over subslices separated by elements that match pred, limited to returning at most n items. The matched element is not contained in the subslices.

The last element returned, if any, will contain the remainder of the slice.


Print the slice split once by numbers divisible by 3 (i.e. [10, 40], [20, 60, 50]):

let v = [10, 40, 30, 20, 60, 50];

for group in v.splitn(2, |num| *num % 3 == 0) {
    println!("{:?}", group);

Returns an iterator over subslices separated by elements that match pred, limited to returning at most n items. The matched element is not contained in the subslices.

The last element returned, if any, will contain the remainder of the slice.


let mut v = [10, 40, 30, 20, 60, 50];

for group in v.splitn_mut(2, |num| *num % 3 == 0) {
    group[0] = 1;
assert_eq!(v, [1, 40, 30, 1, 60, 50]);

Returns an iterator over subslices separated by elements that match pred limited to returning at most n items. This starts at the end of the slice and works backwards. The matched element is not contained in the subslices.

The last element returned, if any, will contain the remainder of the slice.


Print the slice split once, starting from the end, by numbers divisible by 3 (i.e. [50], [10, 40, 30, 20]):

let v = [10, 40, 30, 20, 60, 50];

for group in v.rsplitn(2, |num| *num % 3 == 0) {
    println!("{:?}", group);

Returns an iterator over subslices separated by elements that match pred limited to returning at most n items. This starts at the end of the slice and works backwards. The matched element is not contained in the subslices.

The last element returned, if any, will contain the remainder of the slice.


let mut s = [10, 40, 30, 20, 60, 50];

for group in s.rsplitn_mut(2, |num| *num % 3 == 0) {
    group[0] = 1;
assert_eq!(s, [1, 40, 30, 20, 60, 1]);

Returns true if the slice contains an element with the given value.


let v = [10, 40, 30];

Returns true if needle is a prefix of the slice.


let v = [10, 40, 30];
assert!(v.starts_with(&[10, 40]));
assert!(!v.starts_with(&[10, 50]));

Always returns true if needle is an empty slice:

let v = &[10, 40, 30];
let v: &[u8] = &[];

Returns true if needle is a suffix of the slice.


let v = [10, 40, 30];
assert!(v.ends_with(&[40, 30]));
assert!(!v.ends_with(&[50, 30]));

Always returns true if needle is an empty slice:

let v = &[10, 40, 30];
let v: &[u8] = &[];

Binary searches this sorted slice for a given element.

If the value is found then Ok is returned, containing the index of the matching element; if the value is not found then Err is returned, containing the index where a matching element could be inserted while maintaining sorted order.


Looks up a series of four elements. The first is found, with a uniquely determined position; the second and third are not found; the fourth could match any position in [1, 4].

let s = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55];

assert_eq!(s.binary_search(&13),  Ok(9));
assert_eq!(s.binary_search(&4),   Err(7));
assert_eq!(s.binary_search(&100), Err(13));
let r = s.binary_search(&1);
assert!(match r { Ok(1...4) => true, _ => false, });

Binary searches this sorted slice with a comparator function.

The comparator function should implement an order consistent with the sort order of the underlying slice, returning an order code that indicates whether its argument is Less, Equal or Greater the desired target.

If a matching value is found then returns Ok, containing the index for the matched element; if no match is found then Err is returned, containing the index where a matching element could be inserted while maintaining sorted order.


Looks up a series of four elements. The first is found, with a uniquely determined position; the second and third are not found; the fourth could match any position in [1, 4].

let s = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55];

let seek = 13;
assert_eq!(s.binary_search_by(|probe| probe.cmp(&seek)), Ok(9));
let seek = 4;
assert_eq!(s.binary_search_by(|probe| probe.cmp(&seek)), Err(7));
let seek = 100;
assert_eq!(s.binary_search_by(|probe| probe.cmp(&seek)), Err(13));
let seek = 1;
let r = s.binary_search_by(|probe| probe.cmp(&seek));
assert!(match r { Ok(1...4) => true, _ => false, });

Binary searches this sorted slice with a key extraction function.

Assumes that the slice is sorted by the key, for instance with sort_by_key using the same key extraction function.

If a matching value is found then returns Ok, containing the index for the matched element; if no match is found then Err is returned, containing the index where a matching element could be inserted while maintaining sorted order.


Looks up a series of four elements in a slice of pairs sorted by their second elements. The first is found, with a uniquely determined position; the second and third are not found; the fourth could match any position in [1, 4].

let s = [(0, 0), (2, 1), (4, 1), (5, 1), (3, 1),
         (1, 2), (2, 3), (4, 5), (5, 8), (3, 13),
         (1, 21), (2, 34), (4, 55)];

assert_eq!(s.binary_search_by_key(&13, |&(a,b)| b),  Ok(9));
assert_eq!(s.binary_search_by_key(&4, |&(a,b)| b),   Err(7));
assert_eq!(s.binary_search_by_key(&100, |&(a,b)| b), Err(13));
let r = s.binary_search_by_key(&1, |&(a,b)| b);
assert!(match r { Ok(1...4) => true, _ => false, });

Sorts the slice.

This sort is stable (i.e. does not reorder equal elements) and O(n log n) worst-case.

Current implementation

The current algorithm is an adaptive, iterative merge sort inspired by timsort. It is designed to be very fast in cases where the slice is nearly sorted, or consists of two or more sorted sequences concatenated one after another.

Also, it allocates temporary storage half the size of self, but for short slices a non-allocating insertion sort is used instead.


let mut v = [-5, 4, 1, -3, 2];

assert!(v == [-5, -3, 1, 2, 4]);

Sorts the slice with a comparator function.

This sort is stable (i.e. does not reorder equal elements) and O(n log n) worst-case.

Current implementation

The current algorithm is an adaptive, iterative merge sort inspired by timsort. It is designed to be very fast in cases where the slice is nearly sorted, or consists of two or more sorted sequences concatenated one after another.

Also, it allocates temporary storage half the size of self, but for short slices a non-allocating insertion sort is used instead.


let mut v = [5, 4, 1, 3, 2];
v.sort_by(|a, b| a.cmp(b));
assert!(v == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

// reverse sorting
v.sort_by(|a, b| b.cmp(a));
assert!(v == [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]);

Sorts the slice with a key extraction function.

This sort is stable (i.e. does not reorder equal elements) and O(n log n) worst-case.

Current implementation

The current algorithm is an adaptive, iterative merge sort inspired by timsort. It is designed to be very fast in cases where the slice is nearly sorted, or consists of two or more sorted sequences concatenated one after another.

Also, it allocates temporary storage half the size of self, but for short slices a non-allocating insertion sort is used instead.


let mut v = [-5i32, 4, 1, -3, 2];

v.sort_by_key(|k| k.abs());
assert!(v == [1, 2, -3, 4, -5]);

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (sort_unstable)

Sorts the slice, but may not preserve the order of equal elements.

This sort is unstable (i.e. may reorder equal elements), in-place (i.e. does not allocate), and O(n log n) worst-case.

Current implementation

The current algorithm is based on Orson Peters' pattern-defeating quicksort, which is a quicksort variant designed to be very fast on certain kinds of patterns, sometimes achieving linear time. It is randomized but deterministic, and falls back to heapsort on degenerate inputs.

It is generally faster than stable sorting, except in a few special cases, e.g. when the slice consists of several concatenated sorted sequences.



let mut v = [-5, 4, 1, -3, 2];

assert!(v == [-5, -3, 1, 2, 4]);

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (sort_unstable)

Sorts the slice with a comparator function, but may not preserve the order of equal elements.

This sort is unstable (i.e. may reorder equal elements), in-place (i.e. does not allocate), and O(n log n) worst-case.

Current implementation

The current algorithm is based on Orson Peters' pattern-defeating quicksort, which is a quicksort variant designed to be very fast on certain kinds of patterns, sometimes achieving linear time. It is randomized but deterministic, and falls back to heapsort on degenerate inputs.

It is generally faster than stable sorting, except in a few special cases, e.g. when the slice consists of several concatenated sorted sequences.



let mut v = [5, 4, 1, 3, 2];
v.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.cmp(b));
assert!(v == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

// reverse sorting
v.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| b.cmp(a));
assert!(v == [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]);

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (sort_unstable)

Sorts the slice with a key extraction function, but may not preserve the order of equal elements.

This sort is unstable (i.e. may reorder equal elements), in-place (i.e. does not allocate), and O(n log n) worst-case.

Current implementation

The current algorithm is based on Orson Peters' pattern-defeating quicksort, which is a quicksort variant designed to be very fast on certain kinds of patterns, sometimes achieving linear time. It is randomized but deterministic, and falls back to heapsort on degenerate inputs.

It is generally faster than stable sorting, except in a few special cases, e.g. when the slice consists of several concatenated sorted sequences.



let mut v = [-5i32, 4, 1, -3, 2];

v.sort_unstable_by_key(|k| k.abs());
assert!(v == [1, 2, -3, 4, -5]);

Copies the elements from src into self.

The length of src must be the same as self.

If src implements Copy, it can be more performant to use copy_from_slice.


This function will panic if the two slices have different lengths.


let mut dst = [0, 0, 0];
let src = [1, 2, 3];

assert!(dst == [1, 2, 3]);

Copies all elements from src into self, using a memcpy.

The length of src must be the same as self.

If src does not implement Copy, use clone_from_slice.


This function will panic if the two slices have different lengths.


let mut dst = [0, 0, 0];
let src = [1, 2, 3];

assert_eq!(src, dst);

Copies self into a new Vec.


let s = [10, 40, 30];
let x = s.to_vec();
// Here, `s` and `x` can be modified independently.

Converts self into a vector without clones or allocation.


let s: Box<[i32]> = Box::new([10, 40, 30]);
let x = s.into_vec();
// `s` cannot be used anymore because it has been converted into `x`.

assert_eq!(x, vec![10, 40, 30]);

Trait Implementations

impl Clone for BytesBuf

Returns a copy of the value. Read more

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Deref for BytesBuf

The resulting type after dereferencing

The method called to dereference a value

impl DerefMut for BytesBuf

This copies the existing data if there are other references to this buffer.

The method called to mutably dereference a value

impl AsRef<[u8]> for BytesBuf

Performs the conversion.

impl AsMut<[u8]> for BytesBuf

Performs the conversion.

impl<'a> From<&'a [u8]> for BytesBuf

Performs the conversion.

impl<'a, 'b> From<&'a &'b [u8]> for BytesBuf

Performs the conversion.

impl Debug for BytesBuf

Formats the value using the given formatter.

impl Hash for BytesBuf

Feeds this value into the given [Hasher]. Read more

Feeds a slice of this type into the given [Hasher]. Read more

impl Default for BytesBuf

Returns the "default value" for a type. Read more

impl Eq for BytesBuf

impl<T: AsRef<[u8]>> PartialEq<T> for BytesBuf

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==. Read more

This method tests for !=.

impl Ord for BytesBuf

This method returns an Ordering between self and other. Read more

impl<T: AsRef<[u8]>> PartialOrd<T> for BytesBuf

This method returns an ordering between self and other values if one exists. Read more

This method tests less than (for self and other) and is used by the < operator. Read more

This method tests less than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the <= operator. Read more

This method tests greater than (for self and other) and is used by the > operator. Read more

This method tests greater than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the >= operator. Read more

impl<'a> Extend<&'a [u8]> for BytesBuf

Extends a collection with the contents of an iterator. Read more

impl<'a> FromIterator<&'a [u8]> for BytesBuf

Creates a value from an iterator. Read more

impl<'a> Extend<&'a BytesBuf> for BytesBuf

Extends a collection with the contents of an iterator. Read more

impl<'a> FromIterator<&'a BytesBuf> for BytesBuf

Creates a value from an iterator. Read more

impl Extend<BytesBuf> for BytesBuf

Extends a collection with the contents of an iterator. Read more

impl FromIterator<BytesBuf> for BytesBuf

Creates a value from an iterator. Read more

impl Write for BytesBuf

Write a buffer into this object, returning how many bytes were written. Read more

Flush this output stream, ensuring that all intermediately buffered contents reach their destination. Read more

Attempts to write an entire buffer into this write. Read more

Writes a formatted string into this writer, returning any error encountered. Read more

Creates a "by reference" adaptor for this instance of Write. Read more

impl From<StrBuf> for BytesBuf

Performs the conversion.